Necromunda: Underhive Wars - Gangs of the Underhive Trailer

Focus Home Interactive and Rogue Factor have released a 'Gangs of the Underhive Trailer' for Necromunda: Underhive Wars, detailing the three main factions found in the tactical RPG.

Check out the footage below, which highlights the ranged-specialist Orlocks, the female-only Escher, and massive Goliaths.

Gangs of the Underhive Trailer

Each gang of the Underhive is dedicated to one of the three houses. Their talents and specialities are many and varied.

  • The Orlocks are ranged specialists capable of incredible accuracy. They’re also tough to kill and the richest of the gangs thanks to their ownership of key industrial areas in the Underhive.
  • The Escher are a women-only gang that control a ludicrous amount of chem and stim production within the Underhive. They’re also brutal, psychotic killers with a penchant for melee combat.
  • Goliaths are gene-forged monsters of humans - the muscle of the Underhive. They don’t care for subtlety and will happily engage the enemy with any sort of massive weapon.

Which gang you choose is just the beginning of your journey. From there there’s endless customization - which guns? Which careers? How about their colour scheme, perks, stats, and much more?

Necromunda: Underhive Wars is set to release on September 8 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam. In case you missed it, you can check out the gameplay overview trailerstory trailer & screenshot set or release date announcement trailer.