FFXII videos truncated

We've got 80 minutes of pure bliss ahead for Final Fantasy fans with our exclusive gameplay videos. We've separated the videos into those containing spoilers and those not. We're starting with non-spoilers - proceed beyond there at your peril!

This is the short length verison of the article. The full length version includes full descriptions and translations of what is on screen, plus a more in-depth look at how the game plays. Click here to go to the full-length article.

Alternatively, you can continue on here. Click the underlined name of the video to download the movie. Some browsers may require you to Right Click > Save File As...


Salikawood (26.8mb)
I fight a few Pumpkinheads and show off the menus. See the battle system in action.

The moogles of Salikawood

Stillshrine of Miriam (121mb)
I wander through the Stillshrine of Miriam and battle the esper Mattheus.

Fran using her Mist Knack against Mattheus

Battling a Eibisu Emperor (8.4mb)
Exactly what it says. A clip of a nice epic battle.


Garamsythe Waterway (38mb)
A FMV in which you briefly see Balthier and Fran's entrance, and Vaan shows off his calling abilities.


The opening sequence of the game (23.3mb)
View the opening sequence, when you first turn on the game, and a bit of the Bhujerba Airship Terminal and main map.


Look! I'm battling Tiamat!



Secret Passage (76.6mb)
Vaan steals some magicite and gets rescued by Balthier and Fran.

The Heartless Goddess' Magicite

On the terminal to Bhujerba and the Lhusu Mines (35.6mb)
Everyone flies off to save Penelo, and you get to see the airship Strahl.

Balthier's Sky Pirate ship, the Strahl

Marquis Ondore's Estate- first (39.1mb)
Ondore and Basch discuss plans to defeat the Empire, you see Vayne in his Consul's Chambers, and get a glimpse of the Dreadnought Leviathan.

Vayne discusses his plans with Judge Gabranth

The Dreadnought Leviathan cell (11mb)
Ashe is rescued, they meet up with Larsa and Penelo, and then escape, only to find themselves in a Judge battle.

Marquis Ondore's Estate - second (25mb)
The heroes pretend to kidnap Ashe, and Judge Gabranth rats out Vayne to Emperor Gramis. Then our heroes begin their journey to the Tomb of Raithwall.

Everyone meets in Ondore's estate

Tomb of Raithwall (6.23mb)
A battle with the Demon Wall's.


Garif (137mb)
Our heroes meet with Garif's village elder to find out more about nethicite.

Ashe talks to Spinel

Bur-Omisace (141mb)
Our heroes meet Anastasis and Alshid Malgaras. Then, members of the Senate are arrested for assassinating Emperor Gramis. Finally, Anastasis tells the party to go to the Stillshrine of Miriam to get the nethicite-destroying Tyrant's sword.


Bur-Omisace (147mb)
Judge Bergan has killed Anastasis, so I kill him in a boss battle. Then Alshid comes in and they decide to go to Draklor's Research Facility.

Judge Bergan has been possessed by a Mist Knack, Venus

That's all, folks. Remember, for a more detailed translation and description of these videos, Click here to go to the full-length article.

Alternatively, check out our Full length, Detailed Review.

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