Nier Replicant Weapons guide: How to unlock every weapon, and which are the best
Nier Replicant features a range of different weapons to find for the protagonist to use, but finding them all can be a little bit tricky. Each weapon has to be unlocked, and many of them are scattered across trhe game world and through specific parts of the story. Some are even missable, which means you'll have to pull up another play-through to grab them.
This Nier Replicant weapons guide is designed to help you get every weapon in the game with a complete weapons list that details their stats and weapon type. We've also got some advice on which weapons we think are best.
- Types, Acquisition, and how Weapons change Endings
- Best Weapons in Nier Replicant
- Story-obtained Weapon List
Optional Weapons, Locations & Unlocks:
- One-Handed Weapon unlocks
- Two-Handed Weapon unlocks
- Spears Weapon unlocks
- Optional DLC Weapons & Unlocks

Nier Replicant Weapons guide: Types, Acqusition, and How Weapons Change Endings
Learning all about the various weapons available in Nier Replicant is important, because the weapons have a large impact on several elements of the game. For a start, the three weapon types have a significant effect on how you tackle combat encounters. Beyond that, you'll also need to get every weapon in order to unlock the game's true ending.
The three weapon types are as follows:
- One-Handed: This is the type of weapon you'll be using exclusively for 'Part One' of Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139. These are fast weapons with a limited range and relatively low damage. Basically, they're standard-issue swords.
- Two-Handed: These weapons are unlocked in the second half of the story. They hit like a truck, but move much more slowly, meaning you have to plan your attacks more carefully, lest you be caught by an enemy in the post-attack wind-down.
- Lance: The final category that also unlocks in the second half of the game, Lances form a middle ground, with greater range and more damage than one-handed, but with less speed while faster but less powerful than two-handed. The best thing about Lances is undoubtedly their range.
As previously mentioned, collecting all 33 weapons is required to unlock every Nier Replicant Ending, including the canon end of the game and all-new content for the remastered version of the game.
Many of the weapons in the game are direct call-backs to weapons from the Drakengard series - though they often carry slightly different names. This is totally in-canon - as the protagonist’s weapons were scattered across the world at the end of Drakengard. Hundreds of years later, they’re rediscovered in Nier Replicant. We’ve noted the history of weapons where relevant... though we haven't noted where some of these later show up as Nier Automata weapons.
With that noted, let's get to the weapon locations...
Best Weapons in Nier Replicant

The main thing to remember here is that Nier Replicant isn’t a game you strictly need to min/max. All of the weapons are viable to some degree, and the upgrade system helps to level the playing field. So we’d generally recommend focusing on the weapons you like the most, upgrading them to maximize their usefulness.
When picking weapons, consider their two key stats: damage stats detail how much physical attack damage you’ll dish out, while magic power stats show how much your magical powers are raised by your choice of weapon. If you like spamming magic, for instance, you might want to prioritize that.
Don’t forget that the three types of weapon - that’s one-handed, two-handed, and spears - handle slightly differently. Weapon weight, meanwhile, has an effect on swing speed - lighter weapons swing more quickly. We wouldn’t sweat this much, though - the difference is minimal.
So - make some strong choices on your own. All the weapon stats & information in this guide will help you to do that. With that said, we can talk a little about our personal favorites and the biggest statistical powerhouses...
- In the early game, the Nameless Blade is better than its description suggests. You’ll have to upgrade it at least once as part of the main story, which means if you’re not upgrade-focused, it’ll outclass many of those early weapons. However, a little progress and you’ll want to move on - probably to the Faith oir Beastbain, which are easily the best weapon in the first half of the game.
- If you assume every weapon is maxed out and at level 4, the absolute best weapons from each of the three weapon types statistically are the Fool’s Embrace, Phoenix Spear, and Fool’s Lament.
- Two of those are DLC, however: if you discount the ‘Fool’ DLC weapons, the best-in-class of each weapon type at maximum upgrade level is instead the Phoenix Dagger, Phoenix Spear, and Labyrinth’s Song.
- Of those listed, the Phoenix Spear and Labyrinth’s Song are our personal favorites - they’re easily upgraded, powerful weapons.
- With a 999 Damage Stat, the Fool’s Lament at level 4 is the absolute most powerful ‘regular’ weapon in the game.
- We say ‘regular’ weapon above because there is one final weapon… but it’s not unlocked until you’ve finished every ending of the game; then it spawns at a specific location out in the world and you have to go get it.
Weapons Automatically Unlocked During the Story
First of all, there’s the weapons that are obtained naturally throughout the story. You therefore really don’t need to worry about these - you’ll get them naturally as you play the game. They’re in all three weapon type categories, too. Here they are:
Nameless Blade

A simple sword forged by a village smith. More suited to fending off small animals than actual combat.
- Location: The Default starting weapon.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 100 / 112 / 152 / 204
- Magic Power: 0% / 10% / 20% / 30%
- Weight: Light

A weapon owned by a blind swordsman. The blade shines in darkness, making the owner easy to spot.
- Location: A reward from a guard you save as part of the main story. Unmissable.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 109 / 128 / 165 / 217
- Magic Power: 10% / 10% / 20% / 40%
- Weight: Moderate
- Note: This weapon appeared in Drakengard as the Moonfire.

A unique sword with a round blade. Legend holds that it robs the wielder of his life force.
- Location: Obtained automatically during the story, as a gift from the King of Facade after your adventures in the Barren Temple.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 115 / 132 / 169 / 221
- Magic Power: 10% / 10% / 30% / 40%
- Weight: Very Light
- History: Over in the Drakengard games, this sword was known as the Ravenfeeder.

A man whose fiancé was spirited away by an eight-headed beast used this sword to smite his foe.
- Location: Automatically obtained at the halfway point of the story.
- Type: Two-Handed Sword
- Damage Stats: 295 / 339 / 571 / 659
- Magic Power: 20% / 30% / 40% / 40%
- Weight: Light

A knight was so moved by the suffering of a beggar that he removed all ornamentation from this spear.
- Location: Automatically obtained at the story’s halfway point.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 221 / 254 / 312 / 368
- Magic Power: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Light
Ancient Overlord

An ancient warlord used this sword to slay his loyal subjects in hopes of gaining eternal life.
- Location: Automatically obtained from the King of Facade naturally during the second half of the story.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 194 / 245 / 271 / 283
- Magic Power: 30% / 50% / 50% / 50%
- Weight: Very Light
- History: The Ancient Overlord appeared in the Drakengard series as the Kingsblood.
Iron Will

An enormous sword that grows heavier with every kill as blood and flesh cling to the blade.
- Location: Automatically given to you by Gideon from the Junk heap during the second half of the story.
- Type: Two-Handed Sword
- Damage Stats: 200 / 389 / 633 / 730
- Magic Power: 0% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Very Light / Extra Heavy / Extra Heavy / Extra Heavy
- History: The Iron Will appeared in Drakengard as the Broken Iron.
Nier Replicant: One-Handed Weapons List & Unlocks
The first category, accessed by pressing the D-Pad down, is one-handed weapons - which is mostly swords, but also includes some blunt weapons too. These are the ones that can be found or purchased throughout Nier Replicant’s story:
Lily-Leaf Sword

A narrow sword once owned by a woman of such impossible beauty that men begged her to take their lives.
- Location: Buy from the Blacksmith in the home Village for 2400 Gold. (First half)
- Type: One-handed
- Damage: 123 / 146 / 187 / 250
- Magic Power: 20% / 30% / 40% / 60%
- Weight: Light / Moderate / Moderate / Heavy
- History: This sword is in Drakengard, where it is known as the Writheheart.
Nirvana Dagger

A group of girls used this sword to consecrate a newly-built temple with their own blood.
- Location: Loot from the second floor of the Lost Shrine. Climb up there and find a box - smash the box open to get the weapon.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 106 / 125 / 160 / 213
- Magic Power: 0% / 10% / 20% / 40%
- Weight: Moderate
- History: This dagger is the Maiden’s Kris weapon from Drakengard.
Earth Wyrm’s Claw

Made from the fossil of an ancient beast. It’s more unwieldy than most swords - but further forging can help.
- Location: Buy from the Blacksmith in Facade - it costs 8400 Gold.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 142 / 163 / 209 / 271
- Magic Power: 30% / 40% / 50% / 60%
- Weight: Very Heavy / Very Heavy / Heavy / Moderate
Blade of Treachery

When a man who has lost his way wields this sword, the blade becomes blunt as wood.
- Location: Available in Emil’s Mansion, in the room just before the boss battle when you visit there during the game’s first half. If you miss it, you can revisit this room in the second half of the game during the ‘Research Project’ side quest.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 139 / 179 / 231 / 255
- Magic Power: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Heavy
- Past: The Blade of Treachery was previously in Drakengard, where it was known as Skald’s Song.

A sword that bears a beastly motif. Its short, thin blade seems eager to vanish from sight.
- Location: Sold by Blacksmiths for 16,800 Gold.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 172 / 221 / 282 / 313
- Magic Power: 40% / 40% / 60% / 70%
- Weight: Heavy

A sword carried by the world’s most loyal servant. Like that loyalty, the sword’s blade is straight and true.
- Location: A reward from the Mayor of the Forest of Myth after you free him and the other residents from the Deathdream. You have to free the Mayor, but if you save the other two, which is optional, you get this weapon.
- Alternatively, if missed it can be purchased from the Blacksmith in The Aerie for 18,500 Gold during the second half.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 147 / 189 / 240 / 266
- Magic Power: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Very Light / Light / Light / Moderate
- History: This weapon was in Drakengard, as the Nobuyoshi.
Phoenix Dagger

A ceremonial blade crafted from feathers of the legendary firebird. It is untested as a weapon.
- Location: Available from purchase from the Seafront Town Blacksmith for 31,200 Gold, but it only appears towards the end of the game.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 240 / 300 / 332 / 346
- Magic Power: 50% / 70% / 70% / 80%
- Weight: Moderate
Labyrinth’s Whisper

Forged from steel and liquefied beast fangs, the blade is red with the blood of countless sacrificial offerings.
- Location: A reward for a side quest, A Bridge in Peril, which is available during the second half of the game. Get the quest from a guard patrolling near the northern gate of the home Village. The quest has you fight a large Shade; when defeated, it drops the sword.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 112 / 128 / 147 / 313
- Magic Power: 10% / 10% / 20% / 60%
- Weight: Very Heav
Iron Pipe

A relic of a civilized age. Its rusty scent comes from the blood of all who dare oppose the wielder.
- Location: Available fleetingly during the side quest “The Magical Stone”, where it can be picked up as loot inside the supermarket during the vision. Failing that, you’ll automatically get this weapon when you first get ending B.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 179 / 179 / 217 / 266
- Magic Power: 30% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Light
Secret Weapon
One of the weapons of a great warrior.
- Location: You’ll be able to pick this up at the very end of every main part of the game - after completing Ending E. You can pick it up near The Aerie.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 999
- Magic Power: 0%
- Weight: Extra Heavy
Nier Replicant: Two-Handed Weapons List & Unlocks
Two-handed weapons are next up, and are found by pressing left on the D-Pad to weapon switch. We list the below in the order they appear in-game - and as you’d expect, these can be looted from certain places or purchased from shops across Nier Replicant’s world.
Axe of Beheading

A man’s dementia drove him to attack his daughter’s fiancé with this axe. Sadly, he hit his daughter instead.
- Location: Available from the home Village Blacksmith for 19,200 Gold, but only during the second part of the game, post time-skip.
- Type: Two-Handed
- Damage Stats: 364 / 418 / 700 / 807
- Magic Power: 40%
- Weight: Heavy
- History: This weapon is the Lovekeeper from the Drakengard series.
Fang of the Twins

A giant, accursed axe that was bathed in the blood of young twins before being presented to the gods themselves.
- Location: Grabbed during the second half of the game in the first Basement Floor of Emil’s Mansion, close to the door which requires an SA Keycard to open. There’s a crate here; smash it open to get this weapon to drop.
- Type: Two-Handed Sword
- Damage Stats: 312 / 358 / 595 / 686
- Magic Power: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Light / Moderate / Heavy / Heavy
- History: This appeared in Drakengard as the slightly differently named Twins’ Fang weapon.
Vile Axe

A mage with a putrid soul imbued the essence of a fire lizard into this axe.
- Location: In the second half of the game, buy it from the Seafront Town Blacksmith for 21,600 Gold.
- Type: Two-Handed
- Damage Stats: 384 / 442 / 729 / 841
- Magic Power: 40% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Moderate / Heavy / Very Heavy / Very Heavy
- History: This same weapon design appears in Drakengard, with the similar name of Foul Blade.

A beastly sword whose keen edge stands ready to mow down all who question the divine right of the wielder.
- Location: During the second half of the game, head to the roof of the Lost Shrine. The story takes you back here. Where the save point is on the roof, right before the boss room, there’s a crate - smash it to get the sword.
- Type: Two-Handed Sword
- Damage Stats: 329 / 278 / 620 / 715
- Magic Power: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Heavy
Phoenix Sword

A large sword used by the temple guardsmen, and supposedly made from feathers of the legendary firebird.
- Location: Inside the Shadowlord’s castle, found in a chest just to the left of the door before you encounter Devola and Popola.
- Type: Two-Handed Sword
- Damage Stats: 400 / 646 / 715 / 760
- Magic Power: 30% / 40% / 50% / 60%
- Weight: Moderate
Labyrinth’s Song

A sword forged from metal and liquefied beast horns. Its dull glow lures people deep into the labyrinth.
- Location: A reward for the side quest ‘Disturbing the Sleep of Kings’. This quest, which is only available in the second half of the game after completing certain story milestones, is grabbed from the King of Facade on the roof of his mansion. For more information, see our Nier Replicant Side Quests guide.
- Type: Two-Handed Sword
- Damage Stats: 223 / 257 / 295 / 860
- Magic Power: 10% / 10% / 20% / 60%
- Weight: Very Heavy
Nier Replicant: Spear List & Unlocks
Finally, there’s the spears class of weapons. This is one of the most unique weapons in terms of how it handles, and some of them actually have some of the best damage output in the game. Below, here’s all the Spears you can loot or buy that are optional, missable, and must be collected to unlock later endings of Nier Replicant.
Spear of the Usurper

A spear used by a prince’s body double to slay his employer. The traitor was later killed with the same spear.
- Location: Buy it from the Seafront Weapon Shop during the second half of the game - it costs 19,200 Gold.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 364 / 418 / 510 / 600
- Magic Power: 40% / 50% / 60% / 70%
- Weight: Very Light / Light / Moderate / Moderate
- History: In the Drakengard games, the Spear of the Usurper was known as the Robber King
The Devil Queen

The favorite spear of a mad queen whose lust for power led her to kill all of her sons’ wives.
- Location: On the Lost Shrine’s rear path, break a crate near the second one of the ladders; it drops this weapon.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 234 / 268 / 325 / 383
- Magic Power: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Moderate / Heavy / Heavy / Very Heavy
- History: This weapon previously appeared in the Drakengard games as the Widow’s Death

The spear’s point is so finely honed that all who are grazed by it experience an instance, painless death.
- Location: Buy from the Blacksmith shop at either your home Village or the The Aerie for 21,600 Gold at any time in the second half of the game.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 384 / 442 / 531 / 625
- Magic Power: 40% / 50% / 60% / 70%
- Weight: Moderate / Heavy / Heavy / Very Heavy
- History: In Drakengard, the Sunrise appears as Fheng’s Glaive

A noble lord commissioned this beastly weapon that the world might stand in awe of his power.
- Location: Found in the Junk Heap during the second half. This is inside a box that’s near the save point, right before the P-33/Beepy boss fight.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 247 / 284 / 339 / 399
- Magic Power: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
- Weight: Heavy
Captain’s Holy Spear

A spear brandished by a warrior monk chief who sacrificed his own life to protect his comrades.
- Location: Buy from the Blacksmith in Facade for 32,400 Gold.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 467 / 553 / 652 / 693
- Magic Power: 50% / 60% / 70% / 80%
- Weight: Heavy / Heavy / Very Heavy / Very Heavy
- History: The Captain’s Holy Spear was in Drakengard as the Battlelust.
Dragoon Lance

A spear that symbolizes a pact between a great warlord and an ancient dragon.
- Location: Found in the Shadowlord’s Castle - it’s inside a crate that’s right before the spiral staircase that Goose the Shade-Boar chases you up, right after you exit the ballroom in a hurry.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 300 / 353 / 416 / 442
- Magic Power: 30% / 40% / 50% / 60%
- Weight: Moderate / Heavy / Heavy / Very Heavy
- History: This weapon appeared in the Drakengard series as the Knight’s Vow.
Phoenix Spear

Forged by monks from feathers of the legendary firebird, this spear was designed as a tool of self-defense.
- Location: Available to buy from the Facade Blacksmith for 32400 Gold.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 490 / 576 / 679 / 721
- Magic Power: 50% / 60% / 70% / 80%
- Weight: Moderate
Labyrinth’s Shout

Forged from metal and liquefied beast claws, this destructive spear is filled with a deep hatred for the world.
- Location: A reward for the side quest ‘The Damaged Map’, which is obtained from the Blacksmith in your home Village during the second half of the game. This is a lengthy multi-step quest, so we recommend checking its entry in our Nier Replicant Side Quest guide for more information.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 168 / 192 / 221 / 460
- Magic Power: 10% / 10% / 20% / 60%
- Weight: Very Heavy
Nier Replicant: DLC Weapon Unlocks
In the original versions of Nier Gestalt and Nier Replicant, there were three bonus weapons that were available through Downloadable Content. These weapons remain available in NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139, but they’re now basically bundled into the main game.
Unlike the others, these three weapons aren’t required to see Nier Replicant’s later endings, but they’re worth grabbing anyway, as they’re easy to get and powerful. They’re all unlocked in the same way, and at the same point:
Fool’s Embrace

A sword created after a man, driven mad by revenge, sealed away a cursed dragon.
- Location: In your second play-through or later, head into ‘The World of Recycled Vessel’ DLC chapter by reading the diary of the Protagonist’s Mother, found on the first floor of your house. Completing each ‘door’, which holds a combat challenge, gets you one of the three weapons. This weapon is behind the first door.
- Type: One-handed
- Damage Stats: 200 / 277 / 289 / 400
- Magic Power: 30% / 50% / 60% / 80%
- Weight: Very Heavy
Fool’s Lament

A weapon with a heroic dragon motif, used by a man who tried to save the world.
- Location: In your second play-through or later, head into ‘The World of Recycled Vessel’ DLC chapter by reading the diary of the Protagonist’s Mother, found on the first floor of your house. Completing each ‘door’, which holds a combat challenge, gets you one of the three weapons. This larger sword is obtained via the second door.
- Type: Two-handed
- Damage Stats: 400 / 730 / 760 / 999
- Magic Power: 30% / 50% / 50% / 80%
- Weight: Very Heavy
Fool’s Accord

A lance birthed as part of a pact with an ancient red dragon.
- Location: In your second play-through or later, head into ‘The World of Recycled Vessel’ DLC chapter by reading the diary of the Protagonist’s Mother, found on the first floor of your house. Completing each ‘door’, which holds a combat challenge, gets you one of the three weapons. This spear is obtained from the third and final door.
- Type: Spear
- Damage Stats: 490 / 576 / 679 / 721
- Magic Power: 50% / 60% / 70% / 80%
- Weight: Very Heavy