Persona 3 Portable: Mitsuru (Empress) social link choices guide
As one of the most iconic characters of Persona 3 Portable Mitsuru Kirijo is naturally also one of the most vital social link relationships in the game - and her storyline also reveals interesting new layers to this initially stoic and serious SEES leader.
Raising your S-Link rank with Mitsuru will make Persona fusion for the Empress Arcana more powerful, reveal Mitsuru’s backstory, and just enhance your Persona 3 experience. This Mitsuru S-Link guide will help you to breeze through social situations with Mitsuru.
Mitsuru Kirijo S-Link Guide - Empress

This guide lists all 10 rank-up hang-outs of the Mitsuru S-Link in Persona 3 Portable - and we’ve tried to keep it as spoiler-free as we can. For each rank, we list any dialogue that can offer you a bonus to rank up your social link relationship with Mitsuru at a quicker rate.
In Persona 3, social link ranks are controlled by a hidden S-Link EXP stat for each character that slowly raises as you hang out with each character - and at certain points, triggers a rank-up. By giving the right gifts or saying the right things in dialogue choices, you’ll impress Mitsuru and rank up more quickly.
In Persona 3 Portable, you can choose between a Male or Female protagonist character. The two have slightly different dialogue options - but we list both for every rank of this S-Link guide.
However, we only list choices that actually have an effect. If a choice isn’t listed, you can answer however you like. And if our point gains don’t match up to what you’re getting, remember to achieve the maximum points you must have a Persona of Mitsuru’s Arcana - that’s Empress - in your current stock to maximize your S-Link gains.
- Once you’re able to start the S-Link, Mitsuru Kirijo can be hung out with on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, in the daytime.
- Mitsuru hangs out at Gekkoukan High School, Near the Faculty Office.
- For gifts, try giving Mitsuru dolls - specifically the Goggle-Eyed Doll or Japanese Doll. These have the best effect. She also likes the Brand-name Bag, Purse, and Watch gift items, though not as much as the two dolls.
Once Mitsuru has taken you under her wing, be sure to use the other pages of our Persona 3 Portable Social Link guide to make friends and influence people all around Gekkoukan.
Unlock & Rank 1:
You’ll be able to start the Mitsuru Social Link from 11/21. You’ll require Rank 6 (Genius) in your Academics Social Stat to get started with the relationship.
Once the relationship has started, this is an automatic rank. While you have a couple of dialogue choices, but no specific response offers any bonus points.
Rank 1 > 2:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male & Female Protagonist:
- Mitsuru seems nervous.
- “Is this your first time?” +3 (Female) / +2 (Male)
Rank 2 > 3:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Mitsuru seems dejected.
- “Ask her to treat you.” +2
- Perhaps he’s just maturing…
- “Does that make you happy?” +3
- I can’t explain why, though…
- “Maybe you’re in love.” +2
- “Maybe you’re anxious.” +2
- Sorry for subjecting you to my incoherent ramblings… Please forget what I just said.”
- “Agree to forget about it.” +2
Female Protagonist:
- Mitsuru seems dejected.
- “Anyways, let’s eat.” +3
- Perhaps he’s just maturing…
- “Does that make you happy?” +3
- I can’t explain why, though…
- “...Love?” +2
- “That’s anxiety.” +2
- Sorry for subjecting you to my incoherent ramblings… Please forget what I just said.”
- “Okay, I will.” +2
Rank 3 > 4:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Soon, we’ll be looking back nostalgically on these times…
- “Did something happen?” +2
- What are your thoughts on marriage?
- “It’s the result of love.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Soon, we’ll be looking back nostalgically on these times…
- “You seem troubled…” +3
- What are your thoughts on marriage?
- “To be with your true love.” +3
Rank 4 > 5:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- I find it interesting that so much thought is put into the design and construction of a movie theater.
- “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” +3
- She’s also more suited to ride a motorcycle.
- “A motorcycle?” +3
- Mitsuru seems happy.
- “Let’s go for a ride.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- You can have boredom written all over your face without having to consider the feelings of others.
- “Was it boring?” +3
- “What’s it usually like?” +3
- You may be more suited to ride a motorcycle than me.
- “Motorcycle?” +3
- Mitsuru seems happy.
- “Can I ride with you someday?” +3
Rank 5 > 6:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Mitsuru is looking at the bookshelf.
- “Can I get a book for you?” +2
- It’s the best solution for everyone involved.
- “That’s news to me!” +2
- I won’t run from my destiny.
- “You have to reconsider.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Mitsuru is looking at the bookshelf.
- “Not feeling well?” +3
- It’s the best solution for everyone involved.
- “It’s the first I’ve heard…” +3
- I won’t run from my destiny.
- “You should reconsider!” +3
Rank 6 > 7:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Is that being selfish?
- “Let’s do it!” +3
Female Protagonist:
- When you’re with me… what do you think?”
- “I enjoy myself.” +3
Rank 7 > 8:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Mitsuru is trembling with anger.
- “Say something to the guy.” +3
- Mitsuru is leaving…
- “Stop her.” +3
- “Grab her fiance” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Mitsuru is trembling with anger.
- “How dare you?!” +3
- Please excuse me.”
- “Wait!” +3
- “Senpai, let’s run!” +3
Rank 8 > 9:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- I am so sorry about what happened the other day.
- “That makes me happy.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- I’m so sorry about what happened the other day. It must have upset you.
- “You were cool.” +3
Rank 9 > 10:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- I can’t wait until then.
- “I can ride a motorcycle.” +3
- “I’ll sit on the back.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- I can’t wait until then.
- “I’ll do my best.” +3
- “Let me ride on the back!” +3