Bravely Default News - Page 3

Bravely Default comes to PC.
news by Erren Van Duine on 24 October, 2012

Get an eyeful of the Council of Six and four new character classes.
news by Ron Taylor on 06 October, 2012

The latest trailer from Square's job system-based JRPG.
news by Erren Van Duine on 26 September, 2012

End of the five part demo series.
news by David Kreinberg on 11 September, 2012

It's like Animal Crossing but not really.
news by Simon Chun on 07 September, 2012

CG, combat and more.
news by Erren Van Duine on 29 August, 2012

Some more character and battle screens.
news by David Kreinberg on 25 August, 2012

An assortment of visual goodies.
news by Simon Chun on 03 August, 2012

New taster to arrive this week.
news by Johnny Cullen on 30 July, 2012

Fourth new character also unveiled.
news by Johnny Cullen on 27 July, 2012