Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Where to find Ziplines for Saga of the Seaside Inn

The Saga of the Seaside Inn is one of the longest side quests to be found in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, mainly due to the many steps the quest requires for completion, and the fact that you can't get all of them done as soon as they're available. One portion of the quest, though, requires you find all of Costa del Sol's zipline towers to retrieve some supplies for Johnny.

There are eight zipline towers in total to be found in Corel, but they're not marked on the map until you find them. The supplies Johnny needs are stored on the top platform of each tower. It's not hard to find them all, but it will take a bit of walking to get to them, and they're not always easy to see from the ground. Refer to our text hints below, as well as the marked map screenshot to locate them.

Corel Zipline Tower Locations

Zipline Tower NC-1

This one is southeast of the Costa Falls waypoint. Chances are you rode down it to get to the waypoint itself, since it's uphill and on the way from Costa del Sol proper.

Zipline Tower NC-2

Directly South of the Costa Falls waypoint. It's connected by a footbridge to Tower NC-1, so you can just walk between them.

Zipline Tower NC-3

This one is located in the Twilight Hill cache in the southwest portion of the Costa coast, southwest of the Seashell Coast Remnawave Tower. Teleport to the cache and head up the hill a ways to find it.

Zipline Tower NC-4

This tower is due southeast of the Excavation Intel 1: Valve Factory Ruins watpoint, and east of a nearby Chocobo Stop. Face the chocobo stop and move behind it, and you should see a ladder leading up the tower. Climb it to reach the platform.

Zipline Tower NC-5

If you've arrived at the NC-6 platform, turn around and follow the short path to the plateau below to find the NC-5 platform.

Zipline Tower NC-6

South of Expedition Intel 2: Glencross Lifespring. From the lifespring, turn around and climb up the hill to see the platform.

Zipline Tower NC-7

Tower NC-7 is south of the Training Gym building, on the same level as the gym itself.

Zipline Tower NC-8

Tower NC-8 can be found north of the Training Gym building, slightly uphill.

Corel Ziplines Video Guide

If you need some extra help finding them, check out this video below, in which we take the party on a stroll to each of them in turn.