RPG Site Reader Survey: help shape our direction in 2021 and beyond
Hey, you! You there. Thanks for visiting and reading this website. Are you willing to give us a hand figuring out where to go next?
As we wind down our work for 2020, we wanted to turn to you, our readers and visitors, to see what you like about what we do, and what you'd like to see us do more of in the future. To that end, we've created the RPG Site 2020 Reader Survey. By filling it in, you'll massively help us to determine where to focus our efforts in 2021 and beyond. It's a unique opportunity to help shape the future of this website, and it's important to us as many of you give feedback as possible.
Simply click to take the RPG Site reader survey for 2020. It should only take a minute.

To be clear, the survey looks at everything from the on-site content to the social media feeds and the Tetracast Podcast - plus talks about new things we might want to do more of in the future such as video content, retro RPG coverage, other new types of written content, or more podcast formats. We have lots of ideas but limited time, and we won't be sure on which to pursue without your help.
The survey also talks a little about the potential for an RPG Site patreon page, and what benefits you might like to see for people who donate to the site's upkeep in this way. If you think you might be inclined to support us, this is your chance to have a say on how is best to set that up.
2020 has been a pretty awful year in general, but in the world of RPGs and for RPG Site, it hasn't been half bad. We're excited to move into 2021 with you all - so help us to decide what that's going to look like. Take the survey; it'll be a huge help to us.