Get your name in the Dark Souls Credit Roll

Huge fan of Demon's Souls and looking forward to Dark Souls? If so, you're in luck -  Namco Bandai is giving fans the chance to get their name in the game's credits by designing a shield that will be included in the game.

The competition is running right now on the official Dark Souls Facebook page and is winners will be announced this time next month - though designs for shields must be submitted by the end of July 13th.

From then onwards the community will be able to vote on which designs they think are best, and then the top ten will be fired off to From Software, the developers of the game. They'll then make the decision on the final three that they'll make real in the game.

For your trouble if you win you'll get to see your shield appear in the game when it launches later this year and also all of the top ten finalists will get a copy of Dark Souls signed by the Director of the game. Those whose shields appear in the game also get their name in the credits - not to shabby.

Head on over to the Facebook Page of Dark Souls to put an entry in. It's out this October on Xbox 360 and PS3.