FFXIV 6.08 patch resumes digital sales, opens new Oceania data center
Final Fantasy XIV is on sale again via the Square Enix Store. The critically acclaimed MMO (that wound up a little too critically acclaimed for its own good) is opening its doors once again to new players as Square Enix also launches a new Oceania data center with patch 6.08. Potency adjustments are here, too, as some jobs get damage buffs.
At 5 pm JST, Final Fantasy XIV digital editions for new players went live on the Square Enix store in their various collection options. Director and producer Naoki Yoshida explained in a Lodestone post that digital sales would resume given a more normal server load and to accommodate new players on the Oceania data center. That new infrastructure is also going live with patch 6.08, launching two weeks ahead of schedule for players in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand.
Hopefully, the Oceania data center means players in those areas will have a more central location to call home and experience improved pings. To incentive players to create characters on or move to new worlds Bismarck, Ravana, Sephirot, Sophia, and Zurvan, Square Enix is providing extra in-game perks. Everyone making the jump will see EXP doubled until level 80, and new characters get an additional 15 days of free play time and one million Gil.
For those of you still looking to experience the free trial for Final Fantasy XIV, you're unfortunately out of luck for now. Yoshida explained in his blog post that current server infrastructure will need to be monitored for a while longer to see if the MMO can accommodate, but he does hope to resume the trial experience.
Version 6.08 also has a few changes, most notably those made to job potencies. After Endwalker's launch, players speculated around possible nerfs to Reaper damage, but nothing of the sort happened when Square Enix launched the new raid patches. Instead, Yoshida noted in a new Mog Radio interview (with translations provided by the Final Fantasy XIV Reddit Discord), that he wanted to increase potencies to other classes like Samurai and Dragoon.
Those adjustments are in the notes today (available via the Lodestone), along with changes to Ninja, Machinist, Dancer, Black Mage, Summoner, and Warrior. Paladins also saw hefty increases, a change I'm crossing my fingers for when it comes to bringing them more in line with other tanks. Those flashy animations feel kinda bad when you hit like a wet noodle.

Paladin's patch presents aside, new items are also going up in the online store. Final Fantasy XIV's Omega Alphaphascape duo, Omega-M and Omega-F, can now share their style with Warriors of Light. Well, sort of, you'll have to pay for it, but the Omega ensemble puts your character in the same skintight bodysuit you'll remember from Stormblood. I can't decide if I love it or hate it, maybe both. I'll let you decide for yourself.