Hajime Tabata's JP Games is working on a new RPG project titled Shallah

Hajime Tabata has revealed that his company JP Games has started developing a new RPG project titled Shallah. The company will work on the game with Quantum Solutions, a company focused on hardware sales and AI development that will also own the project's IP.

Not much is known about the new title at this point. However, the teaser artwork and the general story gist inspired by One Thousand and One Nights seem to suggest that the game's world will have a Middle-Eastern flair. JP Games will use their own Pegasus World Kit middleware, which also uses Unreal Engine, for developing this game.

Hajime Tabata is best known as the director of Final Fantasy XV, but he had left Square Enix in late 2018. Since then, he established JP Games and released The Pegasus Dream Tour as an official video game for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics. Tabata recently rose to prominence again when he was interviewed about FFXV's cancelled DLCs during his visit to Taiwan five years after he departed Square Enix.

You can find the notes from JP Games' press release right below. As of this writing, the company has yet to announce Shallah's release date or platforms.

“SHALLAH” is a new RPG project that depicts a fierce battle of magic and sorcery and a love story between a human and a goddess in an epic world that incorporates the tale of One Thousand and One Nights. JP GAMES will be responsible for the overall planning and development, and will develop the game using its own middleware, “PEGASUS WORLD KIT.” Quantum Solutions will own the “SHALLAH” IP and will provide all the support necessary to maximize JP Games' strengths in content development based on their superior worldview design, technology, and game design.

■Hajime Tabata, CEO of JP Games, Inc. commented as follows:
“Quantum Solutions has recently offered to work with us on a joint game project, and we have started development of the RPG “SHALLAH,” which we have been planning for some time. I will be involved in both the development and business aspects of the project as a producer. The game will be officially announced when it is more fully developed, and it will be JP Games' first fullfledged major title, so please stay tuned.”

■Mark Pink, President of Quantum Solutions, Co., Ltd. commented as follows:
“AI/Quantum computing is highly compatible with games and will be able to change character behavior in real time, providing a more challenging gameplay experience for players. As well, AI will be able to recognize player emotions and provide appropriate reactions to the game play for a more immersive experience. AI x Quantum Computing will be a huge leap forward in game development, and I am thrilled to be working with JP GAMES to co-develop SHALLAH.