Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Play Time Estimated at 60 Hours

The official Twitter account for Bravely Default has let loose a bunch of new info, the most prominent being an approximate play time.  The Twitter informs us most players will be clocking at some point between the 60 and 70 hour mark.  This apparently only refers to the time it takes to get to the credits, meaning sidequests and post-game content could very well make the game longer.

Other news coming from the Twitter account includes information on the game's promotion.  It will mostly be aimed at current 3DS owners, implying that there will likely be no special system as has been the trend among Square Enix games for the handheld.  

The Twitter also revealed that summons with detailed and elaborate visuals will be included in the game.

Bravely Default: Flying Fairy will be launching some time this year in Japan.  There is currently no news on a western release, but we'll keep you updated with any localization announcements.