Guild Wars 2 sold over 1 million copies

NCsoft announced Guild Wars 2 has already accrued over one million in sales. Even more surprising is that this is the sales accounted for prior to launch. This means that one million gamers had already pre-purchased the game prior to the launch. Of course, this is most likely due to the incentives offered for pre-purchasing the game which led to this impressive sale number. By pre-purchasing players gain a three-day headstart and an in-game item called the Hero's Band. 

Guild Wars 2 is the highly anticipated MMORPG from ArenaNet. Boasting a new way to quest called Dynamic Events and an expansive story driven mode called Personal Story, Guild Wars 2 wants to reshape the MMO formula entirely. The game is filled to the brim with content allowing players to choose from eight different classses and five different races.

Look for RPG Site's Guild Wars 2 review in the near future! 
