Star Wars: The Old Republic free for all next week

The reckoning is here as Star Wars: The Old Republic finally launches its free-to-play version on November 15th, next week. The free-to-play model will allow players to play through any class stories until level 50 and while many of the game's features will resemble the previous pay-to-play model there will be slight changes. The Cartel coins are a form of in-game currency that can be bought with real money. Using these coins subscribers can access Flashpoints and unlock some locked skills. Those who have a paid subscription will receive Cartel coins when the transition occurs next week and those who resubscribe will receive many of the bonuses for being a subscriber until December 20th.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is an MMORPG that launched last year and recently underwent change for a free-to-play model. Players will be able to choose one of eight available classes which are divided among the Republic and the Empire side.
