GAME: "Only two thirds of PS3s preordered"
GAME, Europe's biggest specialist game retailer is gearing up for one very profitable day for sales - the launch of Sony's new Playstation 3.
Charing £50 for a preorder in the UK in order to ensure you get a console on launch day, GAME is one of the few places that guarantees preordered customers a console on launch amid fears from many stores that there will be a huge shortage of the console.
Despite this, information has leaked from the GAME head offices that only two thirds of their PS3 allocation have been preordered, despite best attempts of staff in stores across Europe. One third of PS3 consoles remains free for people to pick up on the day under two weeks before launch.
"We've had a lot of interest in the console, mostly from PS2 owners looking to upgrade, but the price is putting many off," one store manager said. "It looks like you may be able to just walk in and pick one up without a preorder on launch day."