Join the RPG Discussion on our new sibling community

Chances are if you're reading RPG Site or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, RSS or some other channel of web communication, you love RPGs. Or at least like them. We'd hope so, at least! We certainly do, and when two of our Final Fantasy-specific sister sites began to toss about the idea of a message board, we couldn't help but stick our general-RPG oar in.

The result of their work is a new community, Mognet Central, that centers around Final Fantasy and Square Enix titles but also has a nice RPG Site-inspired RPG specific section

It's currently in a sort of indefinite open beta, with the staff - including RPG Site regulars - chipping in to help craft a smart ruleset and technical changes to the board as it grows. It's expanding every day, and we're extremely happy to call it a part of the RPG Site family.

What are we saying? Well, you should consider joining. It's a cool chance to be one of the founding members of a growing community, and we'll be doing some giveaways and the like to celebrate growth milestones. We've alraedy sent ten members of the board to an exclusive Lightning Returns hands-on event, and there'll be more giveaways to come. 

Think it through - hit the link through to the boards and see some of the awesome discussions going on - from Final Fantasy to Mass Effect, Ace Attorney to this week's anime shows, it's all there. We'll see you on the boards!