Tales of Xillia 2 Release Dates and Collector's Edition
Bandai Namco has announced release dates and Collector's Editions for Tales of Xillia 2, both in the United States and in European territories. The title will be released in the US on August 19th, 2014 and in Europe on August 22, 2014. Check out the Collector's Edition details below, as well as the batch of screenshots to accompany this announcement.
-United States-

Retailing at $129.99 USD the Collector’s Edition will include:
- Tales of Xillia 2 Game Disc Ludger Kresnik Figure
- Elle’s Pocket Watch Replica Compact
- Rolo Plush Charm
- Tales of Xillia 2 Music Selection CD
- Tales of Xillia 2 Art Book
- Classic Tales Of Costume DLC (Yuri Lowell, Emil Castagnier, Asbel Lhant)

-Collector's Edition-
The Tales of Xillia 2 Collector’s Edition comes up packed with plenty of collectable items that will make any TALES OF fan happier than ever! The collector’s edition will include:
- Tales of Xillia 2 full-game Ludger Kresnik figure
- Elle’s Pocket Watch Replica Compact
- Tales of Xillia 2 Original tracks selected by the dev. team
- Tales of Xillia 2 Art Book
- Ludger’s emblematic cat, Rollo, gets his fair share of awesomeness with a Metalcase picturing him
Available Exclusively on Amazon.co.uk in UK. UPDATE: Availibility in other European countries will vary on retailers.

-Day One Edition-
Boasting amazing set of items, the Tales of Xillia 2 Day 1 Edition will fulfill all TALES OF fans expectations:
- Tales of Xillia 2 full-game
- Tales of Xillia 2 Original tracks selected by the dev. team
- Tales of Xillia 2 Metalcase