The entire Trails of Cold Steel series will come to PlayStation 4
Nihon Falcom recently held a presentation for their financial report of their last fiscal year which ended in September 2017. While they noted that they have about 40% higher sales and 60% higher profits compared to the previous fiscal year, mostly thanks to the successful releases of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - as well as foreign localizations of Ys Origin and Tokyo Xanadu, their plans for the current fiscal year, which will end on September 2018, has gathered much attention.
We have translated Falcom's new fiscal year plans as follows:
- The newest title of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel series, which has received numerous awards including Japan Game Awards, PlayStation Awards, and Famitsu Awards, is planned to be released on the home game console PlayStation 4.
- Regarding The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II, which had a combined total of over 1 million sales, they are also being planned to be released on the home game console PlayStation 4.
- We will continue working on expanding sales on Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, which has been valued highly by users.
- In North America, Europe, and Asia including Japan, we will proactively make good use of Falcom-owned contents with things like expansions to various platforms and smartphone apps, and collaboration projects with other companies’ games and apps.

Yes, you're reading the first two points correctly. Falcom has signified that the entire Trails of Cold Steel series will be coming to the PlayStation 4, after the successful exclusive release of Trails of Cold Steel III there. Cold Steel I and II, as well as the upcoming newest title which would hypothetically be a Cold Steel IV, will all follow Cold Steel III to gather in the PS4. We can't wait for the moment when we will be able to play the complete tetralogy on the same console.