Half an hour of Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy Gameplay Footage

We've just updated the Media Vault with over half an hour of new gameplay videos from the Japanese version of Dissidia 012 [duodecim] Final Fantasy, ripped straight from the official Japanese site of the game.

The videos were embedded on the Japanese site, but we've ripped them out and placed them all here and in the Media Vault - and the videos show off new characters like Gilgamesh, Yuna, Tifa, Kain, Laguna, Vaan, Prishe and Lightning as well as alternate costumes and changes to old characters including Zidane, Garland, Bartz and others.

Check out all ten of the battles Square Enix released below and remember you can see all the other trailers and gameplay videos, artwork and screenshots from Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy over in the Media Vault.