Rune Factory 5 Task Board: Every request and reward
Rune Factory 5 brings back the village request system and lets the people of Rigbarth bombard Alice or Ares for favors. These Task Board asks often serve as a way for RF5 to teach you about its systems, unlocking valuable resources in return for your time.
You can find the bulletin board for accepting jobs just outside of the Silo, and it should indicate new assignments added to the board with a blinking purple indicator. Below, we’ll cover everything from the basics of how the task board functions to what goodies you get for completing individual assignments.

For now, we’re still adding to the list, but a bulk of Rune Factory 5’s task requests and what they unlock are listed below.
RF5 Task Board: Uses, Benefits, and Unlockables
As soon as Rune Factory 5 lets go of the leash, you should start chipping away at requests from the task board. Even early on, shops will only make some of their stock available after you’ve completed the appropriate requests. Tons of crop seeds, recipes, furniture, and other resources are given out by villagers with helpful assignments.
Don’t buy tons of tools early on; progressing just a little into the list of chores here will begin rewarding you with a complete kit of beginner equipment. Remember, you can only have seven requests at a time, including quests not assigned by the task board like Wanted Monster targets and random villager asks.
This list follows the general flow of how requests were made, and some later tasks have prerequisites - make sure you’re wrapping up as many as possible.
Some tasks won’t show up until the assigning villager likes you enough. Work on your Friendship Levels with everyone in the village because there are even tasks demanding as much. An NPC’s affinity for Ares or Alice will also grow a little more as you complete their assignments, and you’ll even begin to see special requests pop up from some villagers that bestow random rewards.
Rune Factory 5 Task Board Request List
This list relies upon the order these tasks were unlocked in. If you’re hunting for a specific reward and don’t see the villager's request, you probably need to complete more tasks to unlock it or improve your relationship with the issuing NPC.
- Please Open the Door…
- Client: Priscilla
- Details: Priscilla seems to have a problem. Go talk to her outside the restaurant!
- Reward: (4) Recovery Potion
- Priscilla will be waiting for you outside of the restaurant in town and ask for your help getting inside. Watch the cutscene play out.
- First Directive
- Client: Livia
- Details: Talk to Eliza inside the Silo!
- Reward: (4) Turnip Seeds
- Head back to the Silo and speak to Eliza on the desk. They’ll instruct you to begin using the Directive System - which allows you to make rules for the whole town. The only thing you’ll have available at first is the “Expand Bag” option under upgrades.
Once that’s done, Eliza will give you SEED points to spend on Festivals, go ahead and pick one and interact one last time to complete the task.
- Use Furniture
- Client: Ryker
- Details: Customize your furniture as you please! Report back to the task board when you’re finished!
- Reward: (1) Storage Box
- Pick up the storage box next to the task noard and take it to your Silo bedroom. Once you’ve placed it in the room, the task is complete, and you can claim your reward.
- Gather Lumber
- Client: Palmo
- Details: Chop up stumps and branches with an axe to collect lumber. Report back to the task board when you’re finished!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Lumber/Stone Material Box
- Accepting the quest causes Palmo to appear and gift you an axe. Equip the tool and head back to your farm, where you can chop up stumps and quickly score several pieces of lumber to finish the quest.
- Try Shipping!
- Client: Lucy
- Details: Place a turnip in the shipping bin! It will ship the next day at 8:00 AM.
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Spinach Seeds, Potato Seeds
- Lucy will give you a turnip to ship - so no rush if yours haven’t finished growing yet. Take the vegetable over to the shipping bin, toss it in, and wait until the next day. That should finish the task.
- Gift an Item
- Client: Hina
- Details: Gift someone a Toyherb!
- Reward: (1) Cheap Sickle
- Hina will give you a Toyherb to gift someone in the village. It doesn’t matter who you pick, but once you’ve given it away, return to the board to finish.
- Buy Food
- Client: Yuki
- Details: Buy some food at the general store! Switch between shelves to select different items!
- Reward: (4) Toyherb Seeds
- This one is simple enough, buy anything from the town’s general store - you’ll be able to run back to the board and collect the seeds after.
- Gather Material Stone
- Client: Darroch
- Details: Smash rocks and boulders with a hammer to collect material stones, then store them in the appropriate box!
- Reward: (4) Rocks
- Darroch will give you a hammer to finish this, so don’t run to buy one in preparation. Destroy any rocks around the farm to quickly finish, and Darroch will deliver the extra rocks for the reward.
- Try Fishing
- Client: Lucy
- Details: Go fishing!
- Reward: 300G
- Lucy will give you a fishing pole, so no need to worry about buying one. Head to any nearby body of water and look for the fish-shaped shadows in the water; any fish will work so you can head to the task board after catching one.
- Use Fertilizer Bin
- Client: Priscilla
- Details: Place some grass in the fertilizer bin!
- Reward: (3) Withered Grass
- Priscilla will teach you how to restore your soil back to normal through fertilizer. She’ll give you a bin, so pick it up from the platform beside the board and toss in the weeds she provides.
- Mine Iron
- Client: Fuuka
- Details: Smash ore with a hammer to mine iron!
- Reward: (1) Amethyst
- Boulders containing iron ore look jagged, more misshapen than regular stone. They can be found on your farm or on a Farm Dragon. Destroy one to complete Fuuka’s request.
- Those Bullies!
- Client: Margaret
- Details: Take care of the orcs!
- Reward: Frey’s Outfit
- Frey needs your help slaying two Orcs - they’re the monsters just to the east of Rigbarth in Phoros Woodlands. They look like a mix of a pig and werewolf-like creature.
- Do Somethin’ About Those Monsters
- Client: Doug
- Details: Take care of the orcs!
- Reward: Lest’s Outfit
- Doug also asks for your help in taking out two Orcs. This can be done at the same time as Margaret’s request, so accept them both to get both Rune Factory 4 outfits.
- Build a Monster Barn
- Client: Ryker
- Details: Build a monster barn!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Fodder Seeds, (1) Brush
- You’ll need to complete at least the Whispering Woods main story quest before tackling this one, but Ryker provides all of the raw materials. Head to Studio Palmo and ask Ryker or Palmo to build a monster barn on a Farm Dragon. It’ll cost 100P, plus the lumber and stone Ryker provided. Once you’ve put in the order, the request is complete.
- Give a Crystal to a Farm Dragon
- Client: Heinz
- Details: Give a giant crystal to a farm dragon!
- Reward: (2) Formula B
- Once you’ve got your Earth Dragon from completing the first story chapter, Whispering Woods, you can accept this request from Heinz. He’ll give you the crystals to complete the task, so visit him at the Crystalabra to turn the shards into one piece.
Return to the dragon through your farm teleport and speak with them from the interaction point on the ground near its head. You can give them the giant crystals to complete this task.
- Make Friends
- Client: Julian
- Details: Raise everyone’s Friendship level to 1 or higher!
- Reward: Greeting Spell
- It sounds like a tall order, but it’s not so bad. Even just speaking to villagers once a day improves your relationship with them, so try to do at least that, and you’ll have everyone bumped up by one level in no time. Once you’re done, return to the task Bboard to collect the Greeting Spell from Julian. This spell improves your Friendship Level with every NPC by using it on them once a day.
- Buy a Cooking Table
- Client: Elsje
- Details: Purchase a cooking table from Studio Palmo!
- Reward: (1) Cooking Bread
- Elsje wants you to get to cooking, so head to Studio Palmo and buy a cooking table. The request is simple, and you’ll need one anyway. Head back to the board for your reward when you’ve got it.
- Try Cooking
- Client: Fuuka
- Details: Cook something with your cooking table!
- Reward: (1) Flour, (1) Rice Flour
- Head to wherever you left the table you picked up from Studio Palmo and try out a beginner recipe. You can complete the request as soon as you cook something.
- Buy a Forge
- Client: Darroch
- Details: Earn a license from Eliza and purchase a forge!
- Reward: (1) Weapon Bread
- Speak to Eliza to grab your Forge License - the box will ask you a quick series of questions. Afterward, you can head to Studio Palmo to buy a forge for 3,000G, 25 stone, and 30 lumber.
- Forge a Weapon
- Client: Martin
- Details: Use your forge to make a weapon!
- Reward: (1) Bronze, (3) Iron
- Head to the forge you purchased from Palmo and make any weapon, it doesn’t matter which one. Once you’ve forged a weapon, you can pick up your materials from Martin at the task board.
- Forge a Farm Tool
- Client: Priscilla
- Details: Use your forge to make a farm tool!
- Reward: (1) Farming Bread
- Once again, use your forge to make any farm tool of your choosing. Return to the task board to finish the request.
- Buy a Crafting Table
- Client: Palmo
- Details: Earn a license from Eliza and purchase a crafting table!
- Reward: (1) Crafting Bread
- Head inside to the SEED headquarters and speak to Eliza. Ask to pick up the crafting license and take the quiz. Once that’s done, Palmo will sell the table in his shop for 3,000G, 10 stone, and 50 lumber.
- Craft Some Armor
- Client: Murakumo
- Details: Use your crafting table to make some armor!
- Reward: (1) Aquamarine
- Another request to make something, and it doesn’t matter what armor you choose here again. Craft something for Murakumo at your new table to finish the task.
- Buy Chemistry Set
- Client: Simone
- Details: Earn a license from Eliza and purchase a chemistry set!
- Reward: (1) Chemistry Bread
- Pick up the license from Eliza for your chemistry set inside the SEED headquarters, then head to Studio Palmo to buy your new furniture. The chemistry table will cost you 1,000G, 30 stone, and 30 lumber.
- Make Some Medicine
- Client: Yuki
- Details: Use your chemistry set to mix medicine!
- Reward: (1) Toyherb
- Pick any recipe you’ve collected for medicine from chemistry bread and create it at your new chemistry table. It doesn’t matter which one, but once you’ve done that, the request is complete.
- Harvest a Potato
- Client: Lucy
- Details: Harvest a potato!
- Reward: Radish Seeds
- Potatoes are available early on, so plant your seeds and wait a week for them to grow. Once they come in, you can collect your prize from the board.
- Use a Spell Seal
- Client: Livia
- Details: Use your Spell Seal!
- Reward: 7,500G
- Livia wants you to try out the Spell Seal she gave you after chatting in her office.
- Catch a Wanted Monster
- Client: Livia
- Details: Hunt down the wanted monster. Report to Captain Livia when you’re finished.
- Reward: Wind Slash
- Speak to Livia in the Silo to accept one of the Wanted Monster bounties. Hunt the one you’ve selected with your spell seal ability and return for the Rune Livia offers as payment.
- Ship a Lv 2 Turnip
- Client: Murakumo
- Details: Ship a turnip that’s level 2 or higher!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Leek Seeds, New Shop Inventory: Corn Seeds
- After you’ve harvested a turnip it may drop high-level seeds, or you can cut one down with a sickle to yield better plants. Grow the new batch seeds to get a higher level harvest, then ship the level 2 turnip.
- Harvest 20 Turnips
- Client: Cecil
- Details: Harvest 20 turnips!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Pink Turnip Seeds
- No special requirements here outside of just growing and gathering in bulk. Once you’ve shipped 20 turnips, go back to collect your new shop inventory.
- Harvest 5 Radishes
- Client: Martin
- Details: Harvest 5 or more radishes!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Yam Seeds, New Shop Inventory: Carrot Seeds
- Martin asks for your help shipping 5 radishes. It’s easy enough and you should have access to the seeds from the potato request completed earlier. Grow the radishes to unlock more seeds in the shop.
- Raise Some Skill Levels
- Client: Ryker
- Details: Increase one of your skill levels to 20!
- Reward: 3,000G
- You’re constantly increasing skills as the smallest in-game task can affect several, so you may already have this finished by the time Ryker makes his request. Regardless, it’s simple enough, check your skills page from the pause menu to see which is closest if you aren’t quite there yet and focus on bringing that one up to level 20.
- Harvest 6 Kinds of Vegetables
- Client: Fuuka
- Details: Harvest 6 kinds of vegetables!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Sword Flower Seeds, New Shop Inventory: Shield Flower Seeds
- Between earlier quests and seeds at the shop, you should be able to grow six kinds of vegetables early on. The quest triggers as complete when you pluck them early on, so there is no need to ship the produce if you want to store them later.
- Harvest a Sword Flower
- Client: Martin
- Details: Harvest a sword flower!
- Reward: (1) Tropical Rune
- These seeds are available from Serendipity. They take almost a month to grow, so get started asap.
- Harvest a Shield Flower
- Client: Cecil
- Details: Harvest a shield flower!
- Reward: (4) Recovery Potion
- Just like the Sword Flower, this plant will almost take a month to grow and it's available at the general store.
- Til Corn with a Hoe
- Client: Priscilla
- Details: Til corn with a hoe to improve soil health!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Bell Pepper Seeds, New Shop Inventory: Strawberry Seeds
- Corn can make your field healthy again, so Priscilla asks that you strike the plant with your hoe. Do this by planting corn, waiting until it’s fully grown, then tilling it. Doing this once should complete her request.
- Ship a Lv 5 Vegetable
- Client: Murakumo
- Details: Ship a turnip that’s level 5 or higher!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Cucumber Seeds, New Shop Inventory: Pumpkin Seeds
- Unlike the turnip request, this one doesn’t matter which vegetable you pick. Murakumo explains it’s easy to get a level 3 plant, but you’ll need to use a good sickle and improve your soil to get higher quality seeds that yield a level 5 vegetable. Once you’ve grown it, toss the vegetable into the shipping bin, you’ll complete the request when shipments are picked up.
- Unlock Tandem Smithing
- Client: Darroch
- Details: Raise the level of the smithy by expanding it at Studio Palmo!
- Reward: (1) Double Kick
- This task pops up after upgrading True Strike once. You’ll need to upgrade the blacksmith shop one more time in order to complete the task.
- Try Tandem Smithing
- Client: Martin
- Details: Head to the smithy with a friend to try Tandem Smithing!
- Reward: (1) Round Kick
- Head to True Strike and interact with the forge against the wall for Tadem Smithing. An NPC will join you in a short reflex test, timing your select button just right as the small bar lines up in the highlighted area. Finish creating one item to unlock the reward.
- Raise Weapon Skill
- Client: Scarlett
- Details: Increase one of your weapon skills to level 15!
- Reward: Rush Attack X
- This should come naturally through battle, and you may have it already unlocked by the time Scarlett visits. Just focus on one weapon type, use it fighting monsters, and return when your skill level with the weapon hits 15.
- Upgrade Weapons
- Client: Randolph
- Details: Upgrade a weapon!
- Reward: (1) Bronze
- You should already have a forge at this point for other quests, so visit your workstation to upgrade any weapon.
- Raise Magic Skills
- Client: Cecil
- Details: Increase one of your magic skills to level 15!
- Reward: (1) Water Laser
- Another one that comes through fighting through the enemies and progressing the story. Like the weapon skill quest, focus on a magic skill to level so you can quickly finish this request from Cecil.
- Upgrade Armor
- Client: Murakumo
- Details: Use your crafting table to upgrade your armor!
- Reward: (1) Silver
- Any piece of armor will do, so pick one and head to a crafting table to upgrade the equipment and return to the task board for your prize.
- Use Nutrients
- Client: Priscilla
- Details: Use nutrients to make your crops grow faster!
- Reward: (1) Greenifier
- Priscilla will give you the nutrients to aide your crops, so run it over to your field and select a plant to help grow. The task is done as soon as the bottle is used up.
- Make More Shipments
- Client: Cecil
- Details: Ship a whole lot of stuff and increase your total shipping rate to 10%!
- Reward: New Directive: Bag Expansion
- Cecil advises you to check in on your shipping rate to see everything you’ve shipped. That information is available via the actual bin, so just select the box and look for the information on the right side of the menu. Ship a larger variety of items, and over time, you should have this one done early on.
- Prepare for a Typhoon
- Client: Livia
- Details: Sprinkle Wettable Powder on your crops to prepare for the typhoon!
- Reward: Wettable Powder
- Livia speaks a major storm into existence when you accept this quest, so heed her warning and use the Wettable Powder she gives you on your crops to protect them.
- Upgrade Staff
- Client: Cecil
- Details: Use your forge to upgrade your staff!
- Reward: (1) Fairy Dust
- Another operation for the forge. Take any rod and any upgrade material to claim the reward from Cecil.
- Tame a Monster
- Client: Martin
- Details: Befriend a monster!
- Reward: (6) Fodder
- Using the spell seal ability Livia gave you, pick any monster to tame and add to your Monster Barn.
- Ask Monsters to Do Farm Chores
- Client: Murakumo
- Details: Ask a monster to do some farm chores!
- Reward: (1) Striking March
- Monsters aren’t immediately willing to do chores, so you’ll need to feed them fodder, brush them, and interact until their friendship level improves. Around level 3, a monster should be willing to perform farm chores.
- Tame an Item-Producing Monster
- Client: Priscilla
- Details: Befriend a monster that drops or produces items!
- Reward: (1) Hurricane
- Plenty of nearby monsters in the early Whispering Woods area provide items to harvest. Head east to tame creatures like Buffamoo or Cluckadoodle with the spell seal ability. It doesn’t matter which you choose; as long as they have something to harvest, Priscilla should count it.
- Ride a Monster Friend
- Client: Lucy
- Details: Ride on a friendly monster!
- Reward: (1) Iron Waltz
- Plenty of nearby monsters in the early Whispering Woods area provide items to harvest. Head east to tame creatures like Buffamoo or Cluckadoodle with the spell seal ability. It doesn’t matter which you choose; as long as they have something to harvest, Priscilla should count it.
- Tame 50 Monsters
- Client: Terry
- Details: Tame 50 monsters!
- Reward: Recipe: Fried Udon
- This task considers how many you’ve tamed already, so don’t worry if you’ve already begun working on collecting. Make sure you pay close attention to the capacity of your monster barn and let monsters go as you wind up with more so you aren’t caught trying to tame one without space.
- Unlock Co-op Cooking
- Client: Elsje
- Details: Raise the level of the restaurant by expanding it at Studio Palmo!
- Reward: (1) Giga Swing
- Expanding Lackadaisy once will prompt this task to open up. Upgrade the restaurant again to unlock co-op cooking. |
- Try Co-op Cooking
- Client: Fuuka
- Details: Head to the restaurant with a friend to try Co-op Cooking!
- Reward: (1) Twin Attack
- This is just like the smithy crafting mode where the protagonist partners up with a friend. Visit Lackadaisy and interact with the counter on the left, a random villager will join you for the cooking mini-game.
- Raise Everyone’s Friendship Lv to 5
- Client: Hina
- Details: Raise everyone’s friendship level to 5 or higher!
- Reward: (50) Lumber, (50) Stone
- Another task that should easily come with time. Keep talking to every villager, greeting them, and delivering gifts. It doesn't take too long to get most of them here.
- Raise Everyone’s Friendship Lv to 5
- Client: Hina
- Details: Raise everyone’s friendship level to 5 or higher!
- Reward: (50) Lumber, (50) Stone
- Another task that should easily come with time. Keep talking to every villager, greeting them, and delivering gifts. It doesn't take too long to get most of them here.
- Harvest a Toyherb
- Client: Priscilla
- Details: Harvest a toyherb!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Pink Cat Seeds, New Shop Inventory: Moondrop Seeds
- This task won't be available until Ludmila moves into Rigbarth, but a few days after she opens her shop Priscilla should make her request. You'll need to buy the seeds from Flowerstruck, Priscilla will not provide them.
- Harvest 3 Kinds of Flowers
- Client: Lucy
- Details: Harvest 3 kinds of flowers!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Charm Blue Seeds
- There are just enough seed variants available from Ludmila's shop to complete this task. You can buy Toyherbs, Moondrops, and Pink Cats to finish the quest.
- Harvest 9 Charm Blues
- Client: Cecil
- Details: Harvest 9 charm blues!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Cherry Grass Seeds
- These are available from Ludmila's shop, so purchase a batch and grow them to increase her stock.
- Harvest Some Cherry Grass
- Client: Priscilla
- Details: Harvest some cherry grass!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Lamp Grass Seed
- This was the plant just unlocked at Ludmila's place. "Some" works as just one crop here, so plant at least a single patch of seeds and harvest them for the reward.
- Harvest 5 Kinds of Flowers
- Client: Lucy
- Details: Harvest 5 kinds of flowers!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Clover Seeds
- You've already sorted four by this point at least, so growing Lamp Grass should finish this task.
- Til a 4-Leaf Clover
- Client: Priscilla
- Details: Till a 4-leaf clover with a hoe!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Ironleaf Seeds
- This is just like the corn task, so grow the clover seeds unlocked by the prior task and hit one with the hoe as soon as its fully grown.
- Defeat an Enemy with Ironleaf
- Client: Murakumo
- Details: Defeat an enemy with some ironleaf!
- Reward: New Shop Inventory: Autumn Grass Seeds
- Prepare for Marriage
- Client: Livia
- Details: Prepare to get married!
- Reward: Unlocks Recipe for Engagement Ring, New Shop Upgrade: Double Bed
- To trigger this request, you'll need to follow our marriage guide to see more dating events with a bachelor or bachelorette in Rigbarth. Livia will give you the ring recipe, and Studio Palmo will sell the double bed upgrade. You don't have to propose just yet, but acquiring these two things completes the guide.
Special Villager Task Board Requests & Rewards
NPCs will prompt you to fullfill these randomly, but you'll need to make sure you've raised your Friendship Level with the villager to get them asking. Their rewards are also luck-of-the-draw, but typically worth the time as this is an easy way to improve your relationships in Rigbarth. To help gauge rewards, we'll include anything gifted from the assigning character separated by commas per time completed.
- Deliver an Item
- Client: Ryker
- Details: Deliver cold medicine to Ryker!
- Reward: Random Item (Cold Medicine, Roundoff)
- Cold Medicine isn’t available from the Clinic without expanding it, so ask Palmo to expand the Rigbarth Clinic.
- Deliver an Item
- Client: Martin
- Details: Deliver cold medicine to Martin!
- Reward: Random Item (Cold Medicine)
- Deliver an Item
- Client: Cecil
- Details: Deliver a squid to Cecil!
- Reward: Random Item (Round Off)
- You can either catch a Squid yourself or buy one from Serendipity after its been expanded.
- Deliver an Item
- Client: Reinhard
- Details: Deliver a squid to Reinhard!
- Reward: Random Item (Round Off, Recovery Potion)
- Ship Requested Fish
- Client: Hina
- Details: Ship a pike!
- Reward: Random Item (???)
- These fish are available at the general store, but are easy to catch around Rigbarth.
- Deliver an Item
- Client: Murakumo
- Details: Deliver orange juice to Murakumo!
- Reward: Random Item (???)
- Deliver an Item
- Client: Scarlett
- Details: Deliver orange juice to Scarlett!
- Reward: Random Item (Roundoff)