Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unique Monsters guide: Locations, Levels, and Soul Hack Abilities for every Unique Monster
This is a guide listing all of the Unique Monsters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. The concept of an array of unique monster breeds to battle isn't new to the series; each past Xenoblade entry has had these specially-named optional bosses that can be found practically anywhere out on the game map, and they're back for the the third numbered entry.
The fact it's a returning feature doesn't mean that it's completely unchaged, however. There's a few changes to this for Xenoblade 3, the most notable of which is the addition of Soul Hacking, an all-new system that's also a significant incentive for players to track down and take on every unique monster. Lucky for you, this guide will help you do just that, and has a complete list of all unique monsters and where to find them in every region of XC3.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Full Unique Monsters List & Guide: Locations, Soul Hack skills, and Levels

Unique Monsters are very powerful beasts that are scattered across Xenoblade Chronicles 3, at a range of locations and levels that essentially means you'll be encountering these creatures right from the start. You can easily tell which are the unique monsters as they have an orange icon with wings on it over their head and around their life bar - plus they'll likely be quite high level for the area they're in.
Battling Unique Monsters has a number of benefits beyond the mere satisfaction of beating a powerful foe, and is well worth your time. A full Xenoblade 3 unique monsters list is below, complete with location maps to find them.
Note: We have found all Unique Monsters, and the guide is complete!
- Aetia Unique Monsters
- Fornis Unique Monsters
- Pentelas Unique Monsters
- Keves Castle Unique Monsters
- Cadensia Unique Monsters
- Upper Aetia and Cavity Unique Monsters
- Final Area Unique Monsters

Are any Unique Monsters Missable?
One key change for the Unique Monsters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is that unlike Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, there do not seem to be any missable Unique Monsters, in large part because every region will remain explorable up until the very end of the game.
So feel free to explore at your leisure as you play through this massive RPG, and check this list for reference when & if you need it. Focus on the main story if you want - you can always then go on an adventure to specifically mop up the unique monsters.
You could even pair a Unique Monsters crawl with finishing off any of the XC3 side quests that you've missed. What might draw you to Unique Monsters sooner, however, is Soul Hacking.
What about the Unique Monster Item Drops?
As you'd expect, yes, Unique Monsters also have a higher chance of dropping various high-end valuable items. This can include powerful gear for your characters, Fragments, Nopon Coins, cash, and more. Many of the rarest items they drop are vital for crafting the best gems in Xenoblde 3.
You can even farm Unique Monsters if you want - once defeated, a named tombstone appears where they were. You can interact with it to resurrect the unique monster and battle it again, thus giving you another shot at its drops.
What is Soul Hacking, and why does it matter for Unique Monsters?
The Soul hacking gameplay mechanic is new to Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and it is related to Unique Monsters. However the mechanic doesn't appear until Chapter 5, when you recruit the optional hero Triton.
Triton's class is Soulhacker, a class which specializes in learning and using enemy abilities - somewhat similar to a Blue Mage in the Final Fantasy series. The Soulhacker class starts out with a few, but you earn the rest by defeating Unique Monsters with a Soulhacker in the party.
We include when each monster's Soul Hack ability is in the list below, so you can get every Soul Hack ability. Triton not appearing until Chapter 5 does mean that once you unlock the Soulhacker class in Chapter 5, yes you do need to re-fight every Unique Monster you've already beaten to learn its Soul Hack ability. It's kind of tedious.
Aetia Region Unique Monsters List & Locations

Sycophantic Lilith
- Level 5
- Just South-West of Colony 9
- Soul Hack: Hard Dig (Circle Art)
Repulsive Deepus
- Level 24
- Pond East of Colony 9
- Soul Hack: Emergency Turbo (Skill)
Gushing Masquin
- Level 24
- River just east of Colony 9
- Soul Hack: Dodge Acceleration (Skill)
Househunter Carly
- Level 21
- In Alfeto Valley Cave near Forward Post Camp
- Soul Hack: Bubble Cloud (Diamond Art)
Lapdog Veece
- Level 9
- Near Volff Lair in the Melnath area of Aetia
- Soul Hack: Beast Howl (Circle Art)
Indiscreet Gombaba
- Level 14
- West of Hillside Ferronis Hulk in South Aetia
- Soul Hack: Sumo Press (Diamond Art)
Migratory Circe
- Level 14
- South-West of Hillside Ferronis Hulk in South Aetia
- Soul Hack: Just a Moment (Skill)
Perturbed Bilkin
- Level 13
- West of Luca's Eyot landmark
- Soul Hack: Butterfly Dust (Diamond Art)
Jingonitsic Gigantus
- Level 80
- Roaming around Millick Meadows area (near Luca's Eyot landmark)
- Soul Hack: Blasting Stomp
Petrivore Judomar
- Level 31
- North-Eastern side of upper Melnath near Colony Gamma
- Soul Hack: Accelerating Attacks (Skill)
- Note: This area becomes available to explore in Chapter 3
Sensitive Catullus
- Level 26
- Head West from the Sepulchral Cliffpath landmark
- Soul Hack: Systematic Defense (Skill)
- Thanks to Alex Seedhouse at Nintendo Insider for helping me find this!
Altruistic Maribel
- Level 29
- In the area past the Vine Climb in South-East Aetia
- Soul Hack: Air Body (Skill)
Phantom Streya
- Level 51
- In the big Pond in the area past the Vine Climb in South-East Aetia
- Soul Hack: Mimic Technique (Skill)
Well-Plated Zelinka
- Level 53
- In Svinne Cavity East of Shark's Jaw Cape landmark
- Soul Hack: Ultranull Shield (Skill)
Witchwind Kujjat
- Level 59
- East of Battlescar Hulk in Everblight Plains
- Note: This area becomes available to explore in Chapter 3
- Soul Hack: Trick Dart (Diamond Art)
Fang-King Clavein
- Level 80
- At the end of Elgares Depths
- Soul Hack: Counter Puncher (Skill)
- Note: This is a high-level area you probably won't be able to explore until late in the game.
Fornis Region Unique Monsters List & Locations

Sharpwitted Tracy
- Level 15
- Far north end of Fornis Region near Ordell Ravine Way landmark
- Soul Hack: Surprise Attack (Skill)
Hazardous Jerrodhead
- Level 16
- South of Galhours's Menhir Landmark in north Fornis
- Soul Hack: Snake Eyes (Circle Art)
Rambler Curalie
- Level 17
- In Bennel Cave
- Soul Hack: Poison Spray (Diamond Art)
Crystalline DuGarre
- Level 27
- In a circular sand dune on the North-West side of Dannagh Desert
- Soul Hack: Cursed Cuisin (Diamond Art)
Stoneclipper Gorse
- Level 25
- Far North-East side of Dannagh Desert
- Soul Hack: Drain Guard (Skill)
Dunesea Marcellus
- Level 87
- In the North-center part of Dannagh Desert above a big sand pit
- Soul Hack: Strike Shirker (Skill)
Scornful Daria
- Level 22
- Far South side of Dannagh Desert, near Great Idalla Ravine landmark
- Soul Hack: Tail Slap (Circle Art)
Terrorbird Zieger
- Level 37
- Near Glam Rock in Dannagh Desert, requires Vine Climb field skill
- Soul Hack: Hawk Shot (Diamond Art)
Farseer Pirtett
- Level 40
- North-West side of Ribbi Flats near Dies Arch landmark
- Soul Hack: Sacrificial Heal (Skill)
Perspicacious Oldar
- Level 20
- In Ribbi Flats area West of Llyn Nyddwr Camp
- Soul Hack: Horn Dance (Circle Art)
Ruthless Grokken
- Level 81
- West of Magglia Lake in Ribbi Flats
- Soul Hack: Predation (Circle Art)
Unruffled Nara
- Level 19
- Near Shikashaka Mesa landmark in Ribbit Flats
- Soul Hack: Defense Time (Skill)
Hedonist Tirkin
- Level 23
- Rear of Tirkin Headquarters near Ribbi Flats
- Soul Hack: Tactical Eye (Skill)
Tenderling Rumi
- Level 23
- East of Conquerer's Peak landmark south of Ribbi Flats, just before Rae-Bel Tableland
- Soul Hack: Amazing Growth (Skill)
Dapper Seppiar
- Level 22
- Near The Lace Subterranean landmark in Rae-Bel Tableland
- Soul Hack: Natural Guard (Skill)
Wraithfin Segna
- Level 24
- In the big Riez Tarn Lake in Rae-Bel Tableland
- Soul Hack: Water Jet (Diamond Art)
Doomfang Caum
- Level 50
- In a Vine Climb area in the South-Western part of Rae-Bel Tableland
- Soul Hack: Megashout (Skill)
Heretical Saurow
- Level 25
- At the back of Old Kana Battlefield near Rae-Bel Tableland
- Soul Hack: Hypno-Light (Diamond Art)
Joyful Nimroog
- Level 68
- In the SE part of Fornis East of Rae-Bel Tableland
- Soul Hack: Instant Charge (Skill)
Puzzled Raquinu
- Level 45
- In the SE part of Fornis East of Rae-Bel Tableland
- Soul Hack: Raid Strike (Circle Art)
Profound Hoszuki
- Level 44
- In the Elaice Highway area on the West side of Fornis Region, SW of Visura Parkland Camp
- Soul Hack: Hypnotism (Diamond Art)
Impish Langobard
- Level 74
- In the Elaice Highway area on the West side of Fornis Region, near Purus Palecolumn landmark
- Soul Hack: Non-Stop Barrage (Skill)
Villainous Igna
- Level 46
- In the Elaice Highway area on the West side of Fornis Region, in Igna Conglomerate cave area
- Soul Hack: Dragon Gas (Circle Art)
Crafty Anskey
- Level 54
- Past a Vine Climb in the North-West part of the Elaice Highway area on the west side of Fornis Region
- Soul Hack: Revenge Impetus (Skill)
Unobtrusive Liggy
- Level 43
- The area south of Colony Iota; must have completed "Her Reasons" quest
- Soul Hack: Underworld Rage (Skill)
Kilocorn Grandeps
- Level 95
- NW of Saffronia Tree Landmark
- Soul Hack: Monarch's Heart (Skill)
- Thanks to Alex Seedhouse at Nintendo Insider for helping me find this!
Night-Stalker Volodya
- Level 43
- At the far dead end of Torus Hollow Cave; the entrace is at the North side of the Elaice Highway area on the west side of Fornis Region
- Soul Hack: Accelerator Organ (Skill)
Pentelas Region Unique Monsters List & Locations

Raucous Ron
- Level 27
- Past Ruins of Seebu Camp in early Pentelas Region
- Soul Hack: Last Fencer (Diamond Art)
Massive Georges
- Level 37
- Near Hidden Freshwater Inlet South-West of Colony Lambda
- Soul Hack: Fin of Fear (Circle Art)
Budding Francis
- Level 32
- Near a climb point in the upper Great Cotte Falls area
- Soul Hack: Spiritual Absorber (Skill)
Soaring Virion
- Level 36
- In the Southern section of the upper Great Cotte Falls area, past a bunch of Amoney enemies
- Soul Hack: Dangerous Claws (Skill)
Gallivanter Buckley
- Level 30
- In the upper Great Cotte Falls area past Titan Rock Camp
- Soul Hack: Sandsmoke (Skill)
Phantasmagorical Rist
- Level 35
- At the far North side of the upper Great Cotte Falls area, in the Cascde Tick Caverns
- Soul Hack: Physical Absorber (Skill)
Frolicking Parker
- Level 31
- Swimming around the northmost-uppermost Great Cotte Falls area
- Soul Hack: Aquatic Missile (Diamond Art)
Shimmering Marcko
- Level 28
- In the rope slide area in Urayan Tunnels; requires the Rope Sliding field skill
- Soul Hack: Radiant Arts (Circle Art)
Gracious Titania
- Level 50
- In the rope slide area in Urayan Tunnels; requires the Rope Sliding field skill and good jump timing
- Soul Hack: Battle Pheromon (Diamond Art)
Aquatic Beasts (Saberly Dorampe & Stately Doramma)
- Level 65
- Cotte Fountainhead region, which is accessed to the NW of Colony Tau.
- Soul Hack: Double Slap (Circle Art), Scattered Healing (Skill)
- Note: Some Unique Monsters will come in pairs, triplets, or quadruplets. They will share a grave marker in these cases
Spartan Fennick
- Level 78
- In the poison area in the Lower Maktha Wildwood
- Soul Hack: Ministorm (Diamond Art)
Gorgeous Mandora
- Level 96
- In the Caves of Oblivion in Lower Maktha Wildwood
- Soul Hack: Life Plant (Circle Art)
Dreadwyrm Nizoont
- Level 105
- At the end of the Caves of Oblivion in Lower Maktha Wildwood
- Soul Hack: Hot Soul (Skill)
Immovable Gonzalez
- Level 88
- Near the Tirkin place in Upper Maktha Wildwood
- Soul Hack: Wild Wave (Circle Art)
Dimwitted Tirkin
- Level 45
- Near the Tirkin place in Upper Maktha Wildwood
- Soul Hack: Royal Aide (Skill)
Besieger Sheritt
- Level 48
- Behind the gate near Engardo Camp Pass at the end of Pentelas Region
- Soul Hack: Piercing Laser (Diamond Art)
Bushwhacker Farritt
- Level 48
- Further on behind the gate near Engardo Camp Pass at the end of Pentelas Region
- Soul Hack: Reserve Life (Skill)
Asgnian Assassins (Impregnable Sandhu & Godlike Krastor)
- Level 82
- Rope Slide area west of Ruins of Seebu
- Soul Hack: Fiery Morale (Skill), Large-Scale Shock (Skill)
Bloodsucking Elvis
- Level 52
- In the Colony 5 area in N Pentelas Region; requires Side Story: Eunie to access
- Soul Hack: Double Strike (Circle Art)
Keves Castle Region Unique Monsters List & Locations

Diabolical Rindolph
- Level 49
- On one of the very first islands you can rope slide to in the region
- Soul Hack: Spinning Bolt (Circle Art)
Craven Piggard
- Level 38
- On the hovering reef island West of Hovering Reef 2 Camp
- Soul Hack: Nimbleness Itself (Skill)
Blazing Karlos
- Level 40
- Past a Vine Climb area on the South-West most hovering island
- Soul Hack: Dino Storm (Circle Art)
Protector Revelta
- Lever 64
- On the final hovering island before Keves Castle, near the entrance
- Soul Hack: Heavy Armor (Skill)
Mobile Vespa
- Level 41
- Keves Castle 1st Floor
- Soul Hack: Spit Beam (Circle Art)
The Executioners (Vengeful Dominator & Forsaken Arbiter)
- Level 42
- Keves Castle 2nd Floor
- Soul Hack: Action Reaction (Skill), Neck Slice (Circle Art)
The Black Triad (Thunderclap Dalton, Turbelent Martinez, Determined Vatslav)
- Level 43
- Keves Castle 3rd Floor
- Soul Hack: Deflector Plate (Skill), Energy Efficiency (Skill), Supercharged (Skill)
Ambusher Tirion
- Level 39
- On the final hovering island before Keves Castle, where you entered a container in the story
- Soul Hack: Damage Share (Skill)
Hornbow Dante
- Level 55
- Near Ekdaso Verge landmark on the east side of Keves Castle region. You may need to attack the Balgas enemies in order for him to appear.
- Soul Hack: Dual-Horn Pressure (Skill)
Infiltator Garnach
- Level 64
- West of Ekdaso Verge lanmdark on the bridge
- Soul Hack: Super Explosion (Skill)
Cadensia Region Unique Monsters List & Locations

Spectral Remy
- Level 42
- Near Headwater Camp in the southern part of Cadensia
- Soul Hack: Toxis Gas (Circle Art)
Sundappled Floria
- Level 71
- In the pond before Swordmarch in the southern part of Cadensia
- Soul Hack: Electric Skin (Diamond Art)
Foolhardy Saide
- Level 58
- Basically get on the boat from the main dock, land left, go all the way in a loop near South Cadensia. It's near Cradle Convoy Shelter landmark.
- Soul Hack: Rhino Storm (Circle Art)
Littlefort Morley
- Level 46
- Far South side of Erythia Sea, on a small strip of land bordering the edge.
- Soul Hack: Cavalry (Circle Art)
Otherworldly Rodsin
- Level 60
- In South-Eastern Erythia Sea, past Cascade Crossroads area, near Welkin Falls landmark
- Soul Hack: Jet Stream (Diamond Art)
Covetous Gerondon
- Level 60
- Past a Vine Climb area in Welkin Falls Area in South-East Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Aquaball (Circle Art)
Talkative Dirakha
- Level 63
- In the water near Covetous Gerondon, past a Vine Climb area in Welkin Falls Area in SE Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Deeply Tactical (Skill)
Levialord Empireo
- Level 110
- Aegis Sea area in the South-Eastern most part of Erythia Sea. This area requires you to get out of the Boundary to explore
- Soul Hack: Power Pick-Me-Up (Skill)
Killhappy Brijaidor
- Level 79
- Right near Vinisof Holm Camp on the S-center island in Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Strength Support (Skill)
Whirlpool Triumvirate (Sharpscale Ragoon, Hardscale Gouran, Fairscale Marina)
- Level 66
- Oshia's Reef Ravine in the SE part of Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Aquatic Warrior (Skill), Dragon Decree (Diamond Art), Breath of an Era (Skill)
Demonic Krenolur
- Level 75
- SE side of Daedal Island
- Soul Hack: Hydra Gas (Diamond Art)
Ragemaw Tempeldo
- Level 78
- On a center perch in Daedal Island Center
- Soul Hack: Celestial Conqueror (Skill)
Slack-Jawed Zephal
- Level 80
- Right near Ragemaw Tempeldo, but it seems you need it to be raining
- Soul Hack: Emperor of Violence (Skill)
Virtuous Gulkin
- Level 52
- SW side of Daedal Island near Eternal Canopy landmark
- Soul Hack: Pointy Stick (Diamond Art)
Spiky Aurelia
- Level 63
- In a climb area on Corne Island on the west side of Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Queenly Pride (Skill)
Oceanic Lucera
- Level 73
- In a Vine Climb area in the Anu Shoals on the NE side of Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Bomberhead (Diamond Art)
Barbed Merod
- Level 51
- Small island in the North-Eastern Erythia Sea, near Anu Shoals
- Soul Hack: Needle Shell (Skill)
Widdershins Raddler
- Level 48
- Western Anu Shoals Island
- Soul Hack: Awakilling (Skill)
Taskmaster Imperion
- Level 48
- At the Erythia Relay Base in the center of Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Excessive Armor (Skill)
Navigator Helios
- Level 48
- At the Erythia Relay Base in the center of Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Reckless Attack (Skill)
Jealous Mizraile
- Level 72
- In the east-center area of Sandbar Island in North-East Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Creeping Predator (Skill)
Abysmal Rakshmi
- Level 64
- In the center underground area of Sandbar Island
- Soul Hack: Queen of Mercy (Skill)
Hardshelled Admory
- Level 57
- On a strip of land to the far South-East of Erythin Sea, Near Fourth Pillar Remnant landmark
- Soul Hack: Shell Guard (Diamond Art)
Naval Gyrus
- Level 75
- Very Far North-West of Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Trout Hop (Circle Art)
Intrusive Nevilla
- Level 49
- Outside of Colony Mu on the West side of Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Shark Shock (Diamond Art)
Ravenous Babayaga
- Level 84
- West side of North Erythia Sea
- Soul Hack: Attack Heal (Skill)
- Note: This area is only available once you begin the prison infiltration
Seadragoon Melchior
- Level 85
- Near a tiny island EN of Twinpalm Isle landmark in east-center Erythia Sea. You may need it to be storming.
- Soul Hack: Dual Attack (Circle Art)
Sharkblade Nedd
- Level 67
- Tiny island due west of Daedal Isle. You may need it to be storming.
- Soul Hack: Positional Attacker (Skill)
The King-Kings (Conquerer Deepwan & King Krawkin)
- Level 102
- In Demihuman Gutter past Searing Strand landmark in South-Eastern Erythia Sea.
- Soul Hack: King's Bash (Diamond Art) & Desperate Charge (Circle Art)
- Note: You do eventually get a field skill that lets you traverse over damaging terrain, to make exploring this area easier.
Obliterator Centaurio
- Level 91
- Levnis Workyard (N part of Erythia Sea)
- Soul Hack: Psychowave (Circle Art)
Seatiger Tridence
- Level 77
- Small Island in the very NE part of Erythia Sea; Must be nighttime
- Soul Hack: Ether Sphere (Diamond Art)
- Thanks to commenter jin521ika for helping me find this!
Flyswatter Kamado
- Level 77
- On Daedal Isle, you need to climb up the vines on the SE side of the island - you'll head through a small cave in the water to get there.
- Soul Hack: Spider Web (Circle Art)
- Thanks to commenter jin521ika for helping me find this!
Galloping Ghuldan
- Level 56
- Near Lost Colony; requires Side Story: Taion in Chapter 6
- Soul Hack: Apothecary's Wisdom (Skill)
4 Blades in the Dark (Darkening Asha, Fleeting Shikino, Miraging Yuri, Ghosting Lulika)
- Level 65
- Found in the former Colony 15 area in Chapter 6 onwards
- Soul Hack: Debuff Counter (Skill), Battle Fever (Skill), One with the Land (Skill), Terran Warrior (Skill)
Upper Aetia and Cavity Unique Monsters List & Locations

Fineblade Faltaar
- Level 47
- On the upper bridge in Swordmarch area
- Soul Hack: Dino Flash (Circle Art)
Spiralhorn Baccro
- Level 56
- In Captocorn Peak area
- Soul Hack: Grace of the Land (Skill)
Perilwing Ryuho
- Level 100
- In Cooley Lake area
- Soul Hack: Eagle Rush (Skill)
- Note: This is technically in the regular Aetia region, not Upper Aetia, but you have to access it through Upper Aetia, so I'm putting it in this category in the list.
Stonehoof Torphan
- Level 57
- West side of Captocorn Peak
- Soul Hack: Sense of Danger (Skill)
Timbercorn Cthinos
- Level 61
- Near end of Captocorn Peak
- Soul Hack: Healing Rest (Diamond Art)
Keen Chicky-Chicky
- Level 59
- Where Colony 0 used to be
- Soul Hack: Burrowing Rocket (Diamond Art)
- Note: This is only available after some events in the Segiri hero quest line
Heavenrazor Egreet
- Level 90
- The Cavity in Swordmarch.
- Soul Hack: Gatling Peck
Seraphic Ceratinia
- Level 120
- The Cavity in Swordmarch.
- Soul Hack: Transient Bond (Diamond Art)
- Note: This Unique is the game's strongest superboss, and requires beating Kilocorn Grandeps, Perilwing Ryuho, Dreadwyrm Nizoont, and Levialord Empireo
Origin Unique Monsters List & Locations

Armbenders (Cruelfist Rojou, Trickfist Tuano, Ghostfist Roisin)
- Level 66
- In Origin near Amplifier Control Room
- Soul Hack: Recharge Cheer (Skill), Mano a Mano Evasion (Skill), Murder Knuckle (Circle Art)
Creeping Hameel
- Level 67
- Partway through Origin in Amplifier No. 2
- Soul Hack: Attack Mastery (Skill)
Reaping Anteel
- Level 72
- East side of Ferronis Arsenal No. 2
- Soul Hack: Healing Mastery (Skill)
Defiled Ishtar
- Level 65
- West side of Ferronis Arsenal No. 3
- Soul Hack: Vampire Bat (Diamond Art)
Hollow Ones (Artifical Optho, Vapid Roger, Dishonest Karom, Phony Temnos)
- Level 69
- Origin Hangar
- Soul Hack: Magic Transmutation (Skill), Berserker Mindset (Skill), Evasive Posture (Diamond Art), Exoshell (Skill)
Pressing Rafeel
- Level 69
- Origin Hangar
- Soul Hack: Defense Mastery (Skill)
Desired Oruria
- Level 86
- Origin Hangar
- Soul Hack: Wild Tendencies (Skill)
Clinging Azreel
- Level 69
- Origin Central Defense
- Soul Hack: Elimination Beam (Diamond Art)
Thaumawolf Bajeek
- Level 71
- Origin Central Defense
- Soul Hack: Wold Spirit (Skill)
Wicked Wolf Aranqui
- Level 70
- This Unique is in Aetia, but only accessible after entering Origin for the first time. It is accessed through the Vine Climb area in east Aetia.
- Soul Hack: Thunderclap (Circle Art)
Heroic Gulkin
- Level 76
- This Unique is in Cadensia, but only accessible after entering Origin for the first time. It is on the NE side of Sandbar island.
- Soul Hack: Royal Charisma (Skill)