SD Gundam Battle Alliance Blueprints Guide: Where to find every blueprint to unlock all playable Mobile Suits
SD Gundam Battle Alliance has a lot of playable Mobile Suits, but most of them have to be unlocked. This is done by finding the appropriate Blueprints for them in stages. They either have a chance to drop by defeating a specific enemy or acquired by completing the stage. Once all the appropriate blueprints for a Mobile Suit have been collected, they will be immediately unlocked and can be used.
Early on, the game will give you a handful of Mobile Suits with low blueprint requirements, so you unlock them instantaneously pretty much. As you progress, more and more Mobile Suits will have steeper blueprint requirements that will require going back and replaying earlier stages to farm their specific blueprint materials.
Several Mobile Suits require multiple types of blueprints, such as Blueprint I, II, III, and so forth. After you successfully complete a stage for the first time, the game will surface what kind of blueprints drop from that stage and which enemies drop them, if applicable. It is a bit of a pain to scroll through the in-game mission list to pinpoint which blueprints drop where though, so we have constructed a handy list that you can easily Ctrl+F through to find the specific blueprint you need to unlock and play your favorite giant robot.
Keep in mind that almost every stage has a Break Mission and True Mission attached to it. Both Break and True Missions have different enemies and blueprint drops. There are also new blueprints only obtainable in Chaos Missions.
What are Chaos Missions?

Chaos Missions unlock after a certain point in the main story. These new kinds of missions are identical to True Missions, even retaining the same layout and levels for its enemies and bosses. The only difference in Chaos Missions is that there are new high-level encounters at a specific optional area in the True Mission stage.
Players will know when they triggered this encounter when they venture into an open-ended optional part of the map that paints the whole screen in a bright orange-ish color for a second and Juno and/or Sakura will start talking about how a new type of enemy has appeared. Defeating the higher-leveled foe(s) in this new fight has a chance to drop new blueprints that are necessary to completing the development of a playable Mobile Suit.
Remember that Chaos Missions are special types of stages that are not always available to play. Typically, they require a certain number of Revision Key items to access them. There is usually at least one Chaos Mission up at any given time that will not require Revision Keys to play temporarily. These “free” Chaos Missions are only up for a limited amount of time and will be locked behind Revision Keys again.
Revision Keys can only be obtained by completing Chaos Missions, so players will have to farm “free” Chaos Missions, if they are saving up Revision Keys to access a specific Chaos Mission they want to play.
With all that said, here are where you can find all the Blueprints to unlock all the Mobile Suits in SD Gundam Battle Alliance.
Click a link down below to be taken to which Stages drop the appropriate Blueprint for that specific Mobile Suit. We have categorized them by their respective Gundam series.
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Beltorchika's Children
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
Mobile Suit Gundam F91
Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam
Turn A Gundam
Mobile Fighter G Gundam
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing
After War Gundam X
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED VS Astray
Mobile Suit Gundam 00
- 00 Raiser
- Cherudim Gundam
- Arios Gundam
- Seravee Gundam
- Gundam Exia Repair II
- Arche Gundam
- Reborns Gundam
- 0 Gundam (Type A.C.D.)
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie -Awakening of the Trailblazer-
Gundam Reconguista in G
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
- Gundam Barbatos (6th Form)
- Gundam Barbatos Lupus
- Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex
- Gundam Gusion Rebake Full City
- Gundam Bael
- Gundam Kimaris Vidar
- Reginlaze Julia (Final Battle)
Musha, Knight and Command: SD Gundam Scramble
SD Gundam Battle Alliance Originals
SD Gundam World Sangoku Soketsuden
SD Gundam G Generation Originals
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE
Mobile Suit Gundam NT
SD Gundam Battle Alliance Blueprints: Stages list blueprint drops
Below you'll find exactly which stage drops the specific blueprint you're looking for to unlock the Mobile Suit you want to play. We list which Directory it is found, whether it is a Break, True, or Chaos Mission, and how the blueprint is obtained - where it is from a drop or just by completing the stage. Note that some stages have two different Chaos Missions attached to them, so we will indicate whether it is specifically the first or second Chaos Mission where they can be found.
Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 1A - True Mission: Ramba Ral’s Attack!
Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Gouf (True)
Directory 2D - Irregular Mission: Trails to the Land
Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Plugin P
Directory 3C - True Mission: Big Zam’s Last Stand
Gundam Blueprint III - Drop from Big Zam (True)
[Automatically unlocked for those that received the Pre-Order Bonus]
Guncannon Blueprint Locations

Directory 1B - Break Mission: A Future Reward
Guncannon Blueprint I - Acquire from first clear of A Future Reward
Guntank Blueprint Locations

Directory 1B - Break Mission: A Future Reward
Guntank Blueprint I - Acquire from first clear of A Future Reward
GM Blueprint Locations

Automatically unlocked at the start of the game.
Zaku II Type F Blueprint Locations

Automatically unlocked at the start of the game.
Dom Blueprint Locations

Directory 1A - True Mission: Ramba Ral’s Attack!
Dom Blueprint I - Drop from special containers (True)
Z'Gok (Char) Blueprint Locations

Directory 2A - Chaos Mission: The Descending Sword
Z’Gok (Char) Blueprint II - Drop from Z’Gok (Char) (Chaos)
Directory 4A - Break Mission: The Final Light
Z’Gok (Char) Blueprint I - Drop from Zeong (Break)
Directory 5D - Break Mission: Battle at Torrington
Z’Gok (Char) Blueprint I - Drop from Z’Gok (Char) (Break)
Gelgoog (Char) Blueprint Locations

Directory 4B - True Mission: Encounters in Space
Gelgoog (Char) Blueprint I - Acquire by clearing Encounters in Space
Directory 6C - Break Mission: A Descent into the Maelstrom
Gelgoog (Char) Blueprint II - Drop from Gelgoog (Char) (Break)
Gundam Ground Type Blueprint Locations

Directory 2A - Break Mission: Seen and Unseen
Gundam Ground Type Blueprint I - Drop from Apsaras III (Break)
Gundam Ez8 Blueprint Locations

Directory 1C - Chaos Mission 1: Zero VS Epyon
Gundam Ez8 Blueprint I - Drop from Gouf Custom (Chaos)
Directory 2B - True Mission: The Shuddering Mountain, Part II
Gundam Ez8 Blueprint I - Drop from Apsaras III (True)
Gouf Custom Blueprint Locations

Directory 1C - Chaos Mission 1: Zero VS Epyon
Gouf Custom Blueprint I - Drop from Gouf Custom (Chaos)
Directory 2B - Break Mission: The Shuddering Mountain, Part I
Gouf Custom Blueprint I - Drop from Gouf Custom (Break)
Gundam "Alex" Blueprint Locations

Directory 1B - Chaos Mission 1: Tekkadan
Alex Blueprint I - Drop from Zaku II Kai (Chaos)
Directory 3B - True Mission: Over the River and Through the Woods
Alex Blueprint I - Acquire from Alex (True)
GM Sniper II Blueprint Locations

Directory 1D - Irregular Mission: In the Name of G
GM Sniper II Blueprint I - Drop from Gundam Latreia
Directory 3A - Break Mission: Battle for Chryse
GM Sniper II Blueprint I - Drop from Gundam Latreia (Break)
Kampfer Blueprint Locations

Directory 1B - Chaos Mission 1: Tekkadan
Kampfer Blueprint I - Drop from Zaku II Kai (Chaos)
Directory 3B - True Mission: Over the River and Through the Woods
Kampfer Blueprint I - Drop from Kampfer (True)
Full Armor Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 3C - Break Mission: Battle of Solomon
Full Armor Gundam Blueprint I - Acquire from Full Armor Gundam (Break)
Directory 4B - Chaos Mission: Encounters in Space
Full Armor Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Psycho Zaku (Chaos)
Psycho Zaku Blueprint Locations

Directory 4B - Chaos Mission: Encounters in Space
Psycho Zaku Blueprint I - Drop from Psycho Zaku (Chaos)
Directory 5B - Chaos Mission: Stella
Psycho Zaku Blueprint II - Drop from Psycho Gundam (Chaos)
Gundam GP03S Stamen Blueprint Locations

Directory 4B - True Mission: Encounters in Space
Gundam GP03S Stamen Blueprint I - Drop from Gelgoog (Gato) (True)
Directory 5C - True Mission: A Storm Raging Through
Gundam GP03S Stamen Blueprint II - Drop from Neue Ziel (True)
Directory 5D - Break Mission: Battle at Torrington
Gundam GP03S Stamen Blueprint II - Drop from Gelgoog (Gato) (Break)
Zeta Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 4B - Break Mission: Space Fortress: A Baoa Qu
Zeta Gundam Blueprint I - Acquire from Zeta Gundam (Break)
Directory 4C - True Mission: Forever Four
Zeta Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Psycho Gundam (True)
Zeta Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Psycho Gundam (True)
Hyaku Shiki Blueprint Locations

Directory 4C - Break Mission: Storm over Kilimanjaro
Hyaku Shiki Blueprint I - Acquire from Hyaku Shiki (Break)
Qubeley Blueprint Locations

Directory 6A - Break Mission: Takeoff into Confusion
Qubeley Blueprint I - Drop from Qubeley (Break)
Directory 6C - True Mission: Riders in the Skies
Qubeley Blueprint II - Drop from Qubeley (True)
The-O Blueprint Locations

Directory 6B - Break Mission: To a New World
The-O Blueprint I - Drop from The-O (Break)
Directory 6C - True Mission: Riders in the Skies
The-O Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing Riders in the Skies
ZZ Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 4A - Chaos Mission: To a Future that Never Ends
ZZ Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from ZZ Gundam (Chaos)
ZZ Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from ZZ Gundam (Chaos)
Full Armor ZZ Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 6A - Chaos Mission 2: The Final Victor
Full Armor ZZ Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Qubeley (Chaos)
Full Armor ZZ Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Qubeley (Chaos)
Nu Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 7A - True Mission: Beyond the Time
Nu Gundam Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing Beyond the Time
Directory 7D - Break Mission: To The World’s End
Nu Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Jagd Doga (Gyunei Guss) (Break)
Directory 7E - Break Mission: BEYOND
Nu Gundam Blueprint III - Drop from Rezin Schnyder’s Geara Doga (Break)
Sazabi Blueprint Locations

Directory 2A - Chaos Mission: The Descending Sword
Sazabi Blueprint III - Drop from Z’Gok (Char) (Chaos)
Directory 6C - Break Mission: A Descent into the Maelstrom
Sazabi Blueprint I - Drop from Sazabi (Break)
Directory 7A - True Mission: Beyond the Time
Sazabi Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing Beyond the Time
Hi-Nu Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 5D - Chaos Mission: At the Bottom of the Gravity Well
Hi-Nu Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Gouf (Chaos)
Hi-Nu Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Z’Gok (Char) (Chaos)
Hi-Nu Gundam Blueprint III - Drop from Gelgoog (Char) (Chaos)
Unicorn Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 5B - Break Mission: The Endless Night
Unicorn Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Sinanju (Break)
Directory 5D - True Mission: At the Bottom of the Gravity Well
Unicorn Gundam Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing At the Bottom of the Gravity Well
Full Armor Unicorn Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 7C - Break Mission: Earth’s S.O.S.: Rescue Gundam Federation
Full Armor Unicorn Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Sinanju (Break)
Directory 7D - Break Mission: To The World’s End
Full Armor Unicorn Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Zeong (Break)
Directory 7D - True Mission: Over the Rainbow
Full Armor Unicorn Gundam Blueprint III - Acquire by clearing Over the Rainbow
Banshee Blueprint Locations

Directory 2C - Chaos Mission: I Can Hear a Song
Banshee Blueprint I - Drop from Banshee (Chaos)
Banshee Blueprint II - Drop from Banshee (Chaos)
Banshee Norn Blueprint Locations

Directory 6A - Break Mission: Takeoff into Confusion
Banshee Norn Blueprint I - Drop from Banshee Norn (Break)
Directory 7B - Break Mission: Scapegoat
Banshee Norn Blueprint II - Drop from Banshee Norn (Break)
Directory 7D - True Mission: Over the Rainbow
Banshee Norn Blueprint III - Acquire by clearing Over the Rainbow
Kshatriya Blueprint Locations

Directory 5B - Chaos Mission: Stella
Kshatriya Blueprint III - Drop from Psycho Gundam (Chaos)
Directory 7A - Break Mission: Beyond the Mobius Universe
Kshatriya Blueprint II - Drop from Neue Ziel (Break)
Directory 7B - Break Mission: Scapegoat
Kshatriya Blueprint I - Drop from Banshee Norn (Break)
Sinanju Blueprint Locations

Directory 5B - Break Mission: The Endless Night
Sinanju Blueprint I - Drop from Sinanju (Break)
Directory 5D - True Mission: At the Bottom of the Gravity Well
Sinanju Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing At the Bottom of the Gravity Well
Directory 7C - Break Mission: Earth’s S.O.S.: Rescue Gundam Federation
Sinanju Blueprint III - Drop from Sinanju (Break)
Gundam F91 Blueprint Locations

Directory 3B - Chaos Mission 1: Over the River and Through the Woods
Gundam F91 Blueprint I - Drop from Gundam F91 (Chaos)
Gundam F91 Blueprint II - Drop from Gundam F91 (Chaos)
Directory 4D - Irregular Mission: Wings to the Heavens
Gundam F91 Blueprint I - Drop from Plugin H
Crossbone Gundam X1 Blueprint Locations

Directory 6C - Chaos Mission: Riders in the Skies
Crossbone Gundam X1 Blueprint II - Drop from Crossbone Gundam X2 (Chaos)
Directory 6D - Irregular Mission: The Son Who Rules the Heavens
Crossbone Gundam X1 Blueprint I - Acquire by clearing The Son Who Rules the Heavens
Crossbone Gundam X2 Blueprint Locations

Directory 6C - Chaos Mission: Riders in the Skies
Crossbone Gundam X2 Blueprint II - Drop from Crossbone Gundam X2 (Chaos)
Directory 6D - Irregular Mission: The Son Who Rules the Heavens
Crossbone Gundam X2 Blueprint I - Acquire by clearing The Son Who Rules the Heavens
V2 Assault Buster Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 3B - Chaos Mission 2: Over the River and Through the Woods
V2 Assault Buster Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from V2 Assault Buster Gundam (Chaos)
V2 Assault Buster Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from V2 Assault Buster Gundam (Chaos)
Turn A Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 5A - Break Mission: The Final Battle Begins! Gathering of Gundam Fighters
Turn A Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Turn X (Break)
Directory 5A - Chaos Mission: Farewell Master: Master Asia’s Last Breath
Turn A Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Turn X (Chaos)
Turn X Blueprint Locations

Directory 5A - Break Mission: The Final Battle Begins! Gathering of Gundam Fighters
Turn X Blueprint I - Drop from Turn X (Break)
Directory 5A - Chaos Mission: Farewell Master: Master Asia’s Last Breath
Turn X Blueprint II - Drop from Turn X (Chaos)
Burning Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 5A - True Mission: Farewell Master: Master Asia’s Last Breath
Burning Gundam Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing Farewell Master: Master Asia’s Last Breath
Directory 6B - Break Mission: To a New World
Burning Gundam Blueprint I - Acquire from Burning Gundam (Break)
Master Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 5A - True Mission: Farewell Master: Master Asia’s Last Breath
Master Gundam Blueprint I - Acquire by clearing Farewell Master: Master Asia’s Last Breath
Directory 7C - True Mission: Burning Gundam’s Great Triumph: A Hopeful Future; Ready, Go!
Master Gundam Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing Burning Gundam’s Great Triumph: A Hopeful Future; Ready, Go!
Wing Gundam Zero Blueprint Locations

Directory 5A - Break Mission: The Final Battle Begins! Gathering of Gundam Fighters
Wing Gundam Zero Blueprint I - Drop from Wing Gundam Zero (Break)
Gundam Epyon Blueprint Locations

Directory 6A - True Mission: The Final Victor
Gundam Epyon Blueprint I - Acquire by clearing The Final Victor
Gundam Epyon Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing The Final Victor
Directory 6C - Break Mission: A Descent into the Maelstrom
Gundam Epyon Blueprint I - Drop from Gundam Epyon (Break)
Gundam Double X Blueprint Locations

Directory 1C - Chaos Mission 2: Zero VS Epyon
Gundam Double X Blueprint I - Drop from Gundam Double X (Chaos)
Gundam Double X Blueprint II - Drop from Gundam Double X (Chaos)
Directory 5E - Irregular Mission: Planet-Shaking Spirit
Gundam Double X Blueprint I - Drop from Pneuma Bull
Freedom Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 2A - True Mission: The Descending Sword
Freedom Gundam Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing The Descending Sword
Directory 2C - Break Mission: Victory Song of the Resistance
Freedom Gundam Blueprint I - Acquire from Freedom Gundam (Break)
Justice Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 4A - True Mission: To a Future that Never Ends
Justice Gundam Blueprint I - Acquire from Justice Gundam (True)
Providence Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 4A - True Mission: To a Future that Never Ends
Providence Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Providence Gundam (True)
Directory 4B - Break Mission: Space Fortress: A Baoa Qu
Providence Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Providence Gundam (Break)
Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina Blueprint Locations

Directory 4C - Chaos Mission: Forever Four
Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina Blueprint I - Drop from Destroy Gundam (Chaos)
Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina Blueprint II - Drop from Destroy Gundam (Chaos)
Destiny Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 5C - Break Mission: Assault on the Point of No Return
Destiny Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Destroy Gundam (Break)
Directory 6B - True Mission: The Final Power
Destiny Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Destiny Gundam (True)
Strike Freedom Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 5B - True Mission: Stella
Strike Freedom Gundam Blueprint I - Acquire by clearing Stella
Directory 6C - Break Mission: A Descent into the Maelstrom
Strike Freedom Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Destiny Gundam (Break)
Infinite Justice Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 6A - Break Mission: Takeoff into Confusion
Infinite Justice Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Legend Gundam (Break)
Directory 6B - True Mission: The Final Power
Infinite Justice Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Destiny Gundam (True)
Legend Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 6A - Break Mission: Takeoff into Confusion
Legend Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Legend Gundam (Break)
Directory 6B - True Mission: The Final Power
Legend Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Legend Gundam (True)
Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai Blueprint Locations

Directory 5A - Break Mission: The Final Battle Begins! Gathering of Gundam Fighters
Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai Blueprint I - Drop from Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai (Break)
Directory 5C - Break Mission: Assault on the Point of No Return
Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai Blueprint II - Drop from Destroy Gundam (Break)
Directory 6B - Chaos Mission: The Final Power
Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai Blueprint III - Drop from Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai (Chaos)
Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second Revise Blueprint Locations

Directory 5A - Break Mission: The Final Battle Begins! Gathering of Gundam Fighters
Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second Revise Blueprint I - Drop from Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai (Break)
Directory 5B - True Mission: Stella
Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second Revise Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing Stella
Directory 6B - Chaos Mission: The Final Power
Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second Revise Blueprint III - Drop from Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second Revise (Chaos)
00 Raiser Blueprint Locations

Directory 2B - Chaos Mission: The Shuddering Mountain, Part II
00 Raiser Blueprint I - Drop from Arche Gundam (Chaos)
Directory 6B - Break Mission: To a New World
00 Raiser Blueprint II - Drop from Arche Gundam (Break)
Cherudim Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 2B - Chaos Mission: The Shuddering Mountain, Part II
Cherudim Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Arche Gundam (Chaos)
Arios Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 2A - Break Mission: Seen and Unseen
Arios Gundam Blueprint I - Acquire from Arios Gundam (Break)
Directory 2C - True Mission: I Can Hear a Song
Arios Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Garazzo (Bring) (True)
Seravee Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 2B - Break Mission: The Shuddering Mountain, Part I
Seravee Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Garazzo (Bring) (Break)
Directory 2C - True Mission: I Can Hear a Song
Seravee Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Gadessa (Revive) (True)
Gundam Exia Repair II Blueprint Locations

Directory 2C - True Mission: I Can Hear a Song
Gundam Exia Repair II Blueprint I - Drop from Gadessa (Revive), Garazzo (Bring) (True)
Directory 2D - Irregular Mission: Trails to the Land
Gundam Exia Repair II Blueprint II - Drop from Plugin P
Arche Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 6A - Chaos Mission 1: The Final Victor
Arche Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Arche Gundam (Chaos)
Directory 7D - Break Mission: To The World’s End
Arche Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Arche Gundam (Break)
Reborns Gundam Blueprint Locations

Directory 6A - Chaos Mission 1: The Final Victor
Reborns Gundam Blueprint III - Drop from Arche Gundam (Chaos)
Directory 7A - Break Mission: Beyond the Mobius Universe
Reborns Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Reborns Gundam (Break)
Directory 7E - Break Mission: BEYOND
Reborns Gundam Blueprint II - Drop from Gadessa (Revive), Garazzo (Hiling) (Break)
0 Gundam (Type A.C.D.) Blueprint Locations

Directory 1B - Chaos Mission 2: Tekkadan
0 Gundam (Type A.C.D.) Blueprint II - Drop from 0 Gundam (Type A.C.D.) (Chaos)
Directory 7E - True Mission: Rebirth
0 Gundam (Type A.C.D.) Blueprint I - Acquire by clearing Rebirth
00 QAN[T] Blueprint Locations

Directory 1B - Chaos Mission 2: Tekkadan
00 QAN[T] Blueprint I - Drop from 0 Gundam (Type A.C.D.) (Chaos)
00 QAN[T] Blueprint II - Drop from 0 Gundam (Type A.C.D.) (Chaos)
G-Self (Perfect Pack) Blueprint Locations

Directory 5C - Chaos Mission: A Storm Raging Through
G-Self (Perfect Pack) Blueprint I - Drop from G-Self (Perfect Pack) (Chaos)
G-Self (Perfect Pack) Blueprint II - Drop from G-Self (Perfect Pack) (Chaos)
Gundam Barbatos (6th Form) Blueprint Locations

Directory 1B - True Mission: Tekkadan
Gundam Barbatos (6th Form) Blueprint I - Drop from Graze Ein (True)
Gundam Barbatos Lupus Blueprint Locations

Directory 3A - True Mission: Hunter of Angels
Gundam Barbatos Lupus Blueprint I - Drop from Hashmal (True)
Gundam Barbatos Lupus Blueprint II - Drop from Hashmal (True)
Directory 4B - Break Mission: Space Fortress: A Baoa Qu
Gundam Barbatos Lupus Blueprint I - Acquire from Gundam Barbatos Lupus (Break)
Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex Blueprint Locations

Directory 7A - Break Mission: Beyond the Mobius Universe
Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex Blueprint III - Drop from Reginlaze Julia (Break)
Directory 7B - True Mission: Their Place
Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing Their Place
Directory 7C - Break Mission: Earth’s S.O.S.: Rescue Gundam Federation
Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex Blueprint I - Drop from Hashmal (Break)
Gundam Gusion Rebake Full City Blueprint Locations

Directory 4C - Break Mission: Storm over Kilimanjaro
Gundam Gusion Rebake Full City Blueprint I - Acquire from Gundam Gusion Rebake Full City (Break)
Gundam Bael Blueprint Locations

Directory 7B - True Mission: Their Place
Gundam Bael Blueprint II - Acquire by clearing Their Place
Directory 7E - Break Mission: BEYOND
Gundam Bael Blueprint I - Drop from Gundam Kimaris Vidar (Break)
Gundam Kimaris Vidar Blueprint Locations

Directory 7C - Break Mission: Earth’s S.O.S.: Rescue Gundam Federation
Gundam Kimaris Vidar Blueprint II - Drop from Hashmal (Break)
Directory 7E - Break Mission: BEYOND
Gundam Kimaris Vidar Blueprint I - Drop from Gundam Kimaris Vidar (Break)
Reginlaze Julia (Final Battle) Blueprint Locations

Directory 3B - Break Mission: Say it Ain’t So, Bernie!
Reginlaze Julia Blueprint I - Drop from Graze Ein (Break)
Musha Gundam

Directory 3C - Chaos Mission: Big Zam’s Last Stand
Musha Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Musha Gundam (Chaos)
[Automatically unlocked for those that received the Pre-Order Bonus]
Knight Gundam

Directory 3C - Chaos Mission: Big Zam’s Last Stand
Knight Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Knight Gundam (Chaos)
[Automatically unlocked for those that received the Pre-Order Bonus]
Command Gundam

Directory 3C - Chaos Mission: Big Zam’s Last Stand
Command Gundam Blueprint I - Drop from Command Gundam (Chaos)
[Automatically unlocked for those that purchased the Deluxe Edition]
Gundam Latreia

Directory 7F - Irregular Mission: The G Trinity
Gundam Latreia Blueprint I - Acquire by clearing The G Trinity
[Hard Difficulty Only] Directory 5E - Irregular Mission: Planet-Shaking Spirit
Gundam Latreia Blueprint II - Drop from Pneuma Bull (Hard)
[Hard Difficulty Only] Directory 6D - Irregular Mission: The Son Who Rules the Heavens
Gundam Latreia Blueprint III - Acquire by clearing The Son Who Rules the Heavens (Hard)
[Hard Difficulty Only] Directory 7F - Irregular Mission: The G Trinity
Gundam Latreia Blueprint IV - Acquire by clearing The G Trinity (Hard)
GM (Gatheroad)

[Hard Difficulty Only] Directory 1D - Irregular Mission: In the Name of G
GM (Gatheroad) Blueprint II - Drop from Gundam Latreia (Hard)
[Hard Difficulty Only] Directory 3A - Break Mission: Battle for Chryse
GM (Gatheroad) Blueprint III - Drop from Gundam Latreia (Hard)
[Hard Difficulty Only] Directory 4C - Break Mission: Storm over Kilimanjaro
GM (Gatheroad) Blueprint IV - Drop from Gundam Latreia (Hard)
[Hard Difficulty Only] Directory 7F - Irregular Mission: The G Trinity
GM (Gatheroad) Blueprint I - Acquire from first clear of The G Trinity (Hard)
Liu Bei Unicorn Gundam

[Unlocked through the SD Gundam World Sangoku Soketsuden Pack that was included only for pre-orders at this time]
Cao Cao Wing Gundam

[Unlocked through the SD Gundam World Sangoku Soketsuden Pack that was included only for pre-orders at this time]
Sun Jian Gundam Astray

[Unlocked through the SD Gundam World Sangoku Soketsuden Pack that was included only for pre-orders at this time]
Phoenix Gundam

[Unlocked automatically in a free title update]
Gundam AGE-FX

[Part of the Unit & Scenario Pack 1 paid DLC that is included for Season Pass owners]
Directory DLC 1A - Break Mission: The Cursed Treasure
Gundam AGE-FX Blueprint I - Drop from Vagan Gear Sid (Break)
Gundam AGE-FX Blueprint II - Drop from Vagan Gear Sid (Break)
Narrative Gundam C-Packs

[Part of the Unit & Scenario Pack 1 paid DLC that is included for Season Pass owners]
Directory DLC 1B - Break Mission: Destination of the Legend
Narrative Gundam C-Packs Blueprint I - Drop from II Neo Zeong (Break)
Narrative Gundam C-Packs Blueprint II - Drop from II Neo Zeong (Break)