Persona 3 Portable: Kazushi (Chariot) social link choices guide
Physical Education is a natural part of the school curriculum, and so it’s no surprise that in Persona 3 Portable there’s a social link storyline connected to athletics classes - and for the male protagonist, that’s the Chariot S-Link with Kazushi Miyamoto.
The two core benefits of leveling up the Chariot S-Link with Kazushi are the same as any other - it’ll reveal more of this character’s unique storyline, and also grant bonus EXP for better results when fusing Chariot Arcana Persona. Ranking up fast is key to maximizing your use of the Persona 3 in-game calendar - and this game will help you to do that.
Kazushi Miyamoto S-Link Guide - Chariot

Completing at least a couple of ranks of the Persona 3 Portable Kazushi Miyamoto social link is important, as if nothing else it also leads to another S-Link storyline that you’ll likely want to engage with - one that leads to a romance. Both of these character S-Links are exclusive to the male protagonist, too.
Hanging out with Kazushi will gradually contribute towards raising your S-Link rank, but you can speed up the rank up progress by saying things that Kazushi likes. That’s what this social link guide does - helps you to make the right choices to maximize how quickly you rank up.
To be clear, dialogue choices not listed here have no bonus points, meaning you can pick whatever option you like. If the points we note aren’t the same as what you’re getting, please make sure you’re getting the Arcana bonus points before running to yell in the comments. To do that, make sure to have a Chariot Arcana Persona with you whenever spending time with Kazushi.
- Kazushi is available to spend time with on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday daytimes. He’s found in the 1F Classroom at Gekkoukan High School.
Unlock & Rank 1:
The Male Protagonist will be able to start this Arcana Social Link with Kazushi on 4/23, and it’ll occur naturally as part of the game’s progression, when you join either of the two athletics clubs you’re faced with. The female protagonist doesn’t get this S-Link, and instead has the Chariot Link with Rio Iwasaki, detailed elsewhere in this sprawling Persona 3 Portable Social Link guide.
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- This rank automatically progresses regardless of what choice you make - if you’ve seen him around or not doesn’t matter.
Rank 1 > 2:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- M-my side is killing me…
- “Toughen up.” +2
- You see Yuko…
- “Talk to her.” >> Leads to Strength S-Link
- Oh, Makoto-kun. What’s up?
- “Wanna walk home together?” >> Leads to Strength S-Link
Rank 2 > 3:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- My asthma’s just acting up…
- “Are you sure you’re okay?” +2
- Even if I put medicine on it, or massage it, the pain won’t go away.”
- “Will it heal?” +2
- You see Yuko…
- “Talk to her.” >> Leads to Strength S-Link
- Oh, Makoto-kun… What's up?
- “Wanna walk home together?” >> Leads to Strength S-Link
- Why don’t we stop somewhere along the way?
- “Sure.” >> Starts Strength S-Link with Yuko
Rank 3 > 4:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- She made the appointment without telling me, so there was nothing I could do!
- “That sucks.” +3
Rank 4 > 5:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Wh-what’s up…? You’re probably wondering where I’ve been…
- “The hospital again?” +2
- Dammit! I can’t…
- “Let him use your shoulder.” +3
- “Carry him.” +2
Rank 5 > 6:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Well, I just want to win…
- “Suck it up.” +2
- I promised to be the number one athlete in Japan.
- “Promised?” +2
- “Is it that important?” +2
- So, I have to win this meet to make it to nationals.
- “Do you think you can win?” +2
- “What about your knee?” +2
Rank 6 > 7:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- I’m not accusing you of telling him, but damn! What should I do? I think he knows…
- “How’s your knee?” +2
- Otherwise, I won’t be able to keep my promise to my nephew!
- “You need to toughen up.” +3
Rank 7 > 8:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- You must know something…
- “Lie.” +2
- “Look away.” +2
Rank 8 > 9:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- I’m sure you love lugging all this dead weight around, right?
- “I’m fine.” +3
- “I’m stronger than I look.” +2
Rank 9 > 10:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to have surgery to fix my knee…
- “What about the big meet?” +3
Phone Calls
- 6/7 - Any ideas?
- “A game.” +3
- “Clothes.” +2