Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer Characters and Classes guide
While there's plenty to say about Mass Effect: Andromeda's single-player campaign, there's also a lot of information contained in its extensive multiplayer mode.
Mass Effect 3, the last game in the Mass Effect series, was the first game in the franchise to have a multiplayer campaign. This mode had a team of four players dropped onto a map to face off hordes of Collectors, Reapers, Ceberus soldiers, or Geth. Despite the divisiveness regarding "Galactic Readiness" and how the multiplayer played a role in the ending you would get in the single-player campaign, the action-packed multiplayer was highly successful and engaging enough to enthrall many players to sink in countless hours into the mode.
Likely due to the success of the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, Mass Effect: Andromeda’s multiplayer is largely similar aside from the fact that it is not required in order to get a certain ending. You will enter a lobby, wait for three other people to fill in the remaining slots, and as a group of four, drop onto a map to face off waves of enemies.
There are currently 26 characters from 4 classes available in Mass Effect: Andromeda’s multiplayer. As we unlock more characters in the multiplayer, we’ll update this guide with their Apex HQ information and skills.
Want more Mass Effect: Andromeda help? Be sure to check out our hub - it's full of quest walkthroughs, tips, tricks, system explanations and more.
Common Class

Human Male Soldier
The Human Male Soldier is a weapon expert with heavy armor and a gun for all occasions who is effective at any range. He worked in the Alliance before joining the Initiative. He likes the idea of helping establish life in a new world, and he wants to do it in the way he thinks is noble and right.
- Turbocharge
Temporarily vents weapon heat via armor to improve thermal clip efficiency and boost weapon firing rates.
- Concussive Shot
Fires a target-seeking high-impact round that knocks down unarmored, unshielded, normal sized enemies and detonates combo primers.
- Frag Grenade
Tap button: Throw a grenade to deliver massive area damage on a two-second timer.
Hold button: Cook the grenade, shortening its timer. If held for too long, the grenade will explode in your hand.
- Munitions Training
Weapons-focused combat training.
- Combat fitness
Survival training for Initiative combat forces.

Human Female Soldier
The Human Female Soldier is a weapons expert with heavy armor and a gun for all occasions and is effective at any range. She worked private security in the Terminus System, but left to find adventure in the Andromeda galaxy. She likes getting to know her new APEX colleagues and working with them to get the job done well.
- Turbocharge
Temporarily vents weapon heat via armor to improve thermal clip efficiency and boost weapon firing rates.
- Concussive Shot
Fires a target-seeking high-impact round that knocks down unarmored, unshielded, normal sized enemies and detonates combo primers.
- Frag Grenade
Tap button: Throw a grenade to deliver massive area damage on a two-second timer.
Hold button: Cook the grenade, shortening its timer. If held for too long, the grenade will explode in your hand.
- Munitions Training
Weapons-focused combat training.
- Combat fitness
Survival training for Initiative combat forces.

Human Male Vanguard
The Human Male Vanguard is a biotic charger that can travel to enemies in the blink of an eye, then deal point-blank damage. He is a talented Alliance veteran who hopes to relive his glory days in Andromeda. He often gives advice to the younger members of the team and loves to say, “I told you so.”
- Charge
Alters the biotic’s mass, launching the user at an opponent. Restores some shield strength at the charge’s end. Charge detonates combo primers on targets.
- Nova
Channels energy into a point-blank, high-damage explosion around the user.
- Shockwave
Blasts enemies with a line of explosions that proceeds through walls and other solid objects. Shockwave detonates combo primers.
- Apex Training
Balanced offensive training available to combat-oriented APEX classes.
- Barrier
Uses biotic abilities to augment standard kinetic barriers.

Human Female Vanguard
The Human Female Vanguard is a biotic charger that can travel to enemies in the blink of an eye, then deal point-blank damage. She was a respected leader within the Alliance, so Initiative leaders recruited her to organize and establish security organizations in Andromeda. APEX is more than the “segue to eventual retirement” she had anticipated, but she’s good at her job and respected by the team.
- Charge
Alters the biotic’s mass, launching the user at an opponent. Restores some shield strength at the charge’s end. Charge detonates combo primers on targets.
- Nova
Channels energy into a point-blank, high-damage explosion around the user.
- Shockwave
Blasts enemies with a line of explosions that proceeds through walls and other solid objects. Shockwave detonates combo primers.
- Apex Training
Balanced offensive training available to combat-oriented APEX classes.
- Barrier
Uses biotic abilities to augment standard kinetic barriers.

Human Female Engineer
The Human Female Engineer is a clever tech expert that distracts, limits, and locks down opponents on the battlefield. Exuberant and enthusiastic, the she loves using creative tech to blow things up. If it does the job and makes a spectacular explosion doing so, that’s the best of both worlds to her.
- Cryo Beam
Hold button: Directs a continuous stream of super-cooled particles that freezes targets, priming them for combo detonations. Freezing disables unarmored enemies and weakens enemy armor, but has no effect on shielded foes.
- Assault Turret
Deploys an automated assault turret that counts as a tech construct.
Tap button: Directs the turret to attack a particular target.
Hold button: Detonates the turret, damaging nearby enemies.
- Overload
Tap button: Unleashes an electrostatic discharge upon a target. High damage to shields and synthetic enemies. Detonates combo primers.
Hold button: Charges Overloard, causing it to “chain” to two additional targets.
- Offensive Tech
Technical training to maximize the omni-tool’s offensive capabilities.
- Support Systems
Self-defense and team support for tech power users.

Human Male Engineer
The Human Male Engineer is a clever tech expert that distracts, limits, and locks down opponents on the battlefield. He has always been good at science, but he knows he’s got what it takes to be a leader – leaders should be smart people, after all. He’ll be a Pathfinder some day, just you wait and see.
- Cryo Beam
Hold button: Directs a continuous stream of super-cooled particles that freezes targets, priming them for combo detonations. Freezing disables unarmored enemies and weakens enemy armor, but has no effect on shielded foes.
- Assault Turret
Deploys an automated assault turret that counts as a tech construct.
Tap button: Directs the turret to attack a particular target.
Hold button: Detonates the turret, damaging nearby enemies.
- Overload
Tap button: Unleashes an electrostatic discharge upon a target. High damage to shields and synthetic enemies. Detonates combo primers.
Hold button: Charges Overloard, causing it to “chain” to two additional targets.
- Offensive Tech
Technical training to maximize the omni-tool’s offensive capabilities.
- Support Systems
Self-defense and team support for tech power users.

Human Female Adept
The Human Female Adept is a powerful biotic with light armor who uses her powers to control crowds and cause widespread damage. She doesn’t care much for the romance of the idea of settling in a new galaxy. What she sees here is a power vacuum – and she’s going to fill it.
- Singularity
Tap button: Deploys a gravity well that lifts and damages unshielded and unarmored enemies. Primes enemies for combo detonations.
Tap again: End the effect early.
- Pull
Tap button: Lifts an unshielded, unarmored enemy helplessly in the air and primes the target for combo detonations.
Hold button: Drags the target enemy or object along with the user.
- Shockwave
Blasts enemies with a line of explosions that proceeds through walls and other solid objects. Shockwave detonates combo primers.
- Offensive Biotics
Training to maximize biotic damage to enemy targets.
- Barrier
Uses biotic abilities to augment standard kinetic barriers.

Human Male Adept
The Human Male Adept is a powerful biotic with light armor who uses his powers to control crowds and cause widespread damage. He doesn’t really talk about why he joined the Initiative; in fact, he doesn’t talk much at all. Given the quiet intensity with which he rips through enemies, none of his teammates are rushing to ask about his past.
- Singularity
Tap button: Deploys a gravity well that lifts and damages unshielded and unarmored enemies. Primes enemies for combo detonations.
Tap again: End the effect early.
- Pull
Tap button: Lifts an unshielded, unarmored enemy helplessly in the air and primes the target for combo detonations.
Hold button: Drags the target enemy or object along with the user.
- Shockwave
Blasts enemies with a line of explosions that proceeds through walls and other solid objects. Shockwave detonates combo primers.
- Offensive Biotics
Training to maximize biotic damage to enemy targets.
- Barrier
Uses biotic abilities to augment standard kinetic barriers.

Human Female Sentinel
The Human Female Sentinel is a tactical defense expert with sturdy tech armor and a versatile power set. Excited to seek adventure, this is her first time testing her combat skills in a real-life situation. She’s very skilled, and what she lacks in experiences, she makes up for in enthusiasm.
- Throw
Hurls a gravity field projectile to throw unshielded and unarmored targets away and detonate combo primers.
- Barricade
Deploys a temporary energy barricade that will boost shield regeneration for everyone who takes cover behind it. Upgraded versions provide additional combat bonuses for allies. Activation requires one power cell from Barricade’s limited power cell supply.
- Energy Drain
Restores shields by sapping electromagnetic energy around a target. Causes bonus damage to shields and synthetic enemies, and detonates combo primers on all primed enemies.
- Weapon Training
Balanced offensive training available to combat-oriented APEX classes.
- Tech Armor
Project a suit of Omni-Tech armor around your body to absorb a portion of all damage received.

Human Male Sentinel
The Human Male Sentinel is a tactical defense expert with sturdy tech armor and a versatile power set. He is a seasoned professional; he’s been there and done that. Nothing surprises him, even in a brand new galaxy.
- Throw
Hurls a gravity field projectile to throw unshielded and unarmored targets away and detonate combo primers.
- Barricade
Deploys a temporary energy barricade that will boost shield regeneration for everyone who takes cover behind it. Upgraded versions provide additional combat bonuses for allies. Activation requires one power cell from Barricade’s limited power cell supply.
- Energy Drain
Restores shields by sapping electromagnetic energy around a target. Causes bonus damage to shields and synthetic enemies, and detonates combo primers on all primed enemies.
- Weapon Training
Balanced offensive training available to combat-oriented APEX classes.
- Tech Armor
Project a suit of Omni-Tech armor around your body to absorb a portion of all damage received.

Human Female Infiltrator
The Human Female Infiltrator is a stealth expert who moves unnoticed around the battlefield with tech powers, then picks off enemies with well-placed shots. After losing her husband and child in a botched robbery back in the Milky Way, she came to Andromeda for a fresh start. She joined the APEX to do some good and to work through some anger and sadness.
- Sticky Grenade
Tap button: This grenade will stick to an enemy or surface. It will explode on a two-second timer.
Hold button: Aim the grenade. This grenade will not explore in your hand.
- Tactical Cloak
Employs light-bending technology to render the user invisible at the cost of shield and health regeneration. Guns, powers, and melee attacks used from cloak gain a damage bonus but break the cloaking effect.
- Incinerate
Fires a plasma projectile that does bonus damage to armor and inflicts ongoing burning damage to unshielded foes. Burning enemies are primed for combo detonations.
- Munitions Training
Weapons-focused combat training.
- Combat Fitness
Survival training for Initiative combat forces.

Human Male Infiltrator
The Human Male Infiltrator is a stealth expert who moves unnoticed around the battlefield with tech powers, then picks off enemies with well-placed shots. He is one of the younger team members and more of a thrill-seeker than a hardened combatant. His natural abilities make him effective, and his reckless nature can work both for and against him.
- Sticky Grenade
Tap button: This grenade will stick to an enemy or surface. It will explode on a two-second timer.
Hold button: Aim the grenade. This grenade will not explore in your hand.
- Tactical Cloak
Employs light-bending technology to render the user invisible at the cost of shield and health regeneration. Guns, powers, and melee attacks used from cloak gain a damage bonus but break the cloaking effect.
- Incinerate
Fires a plasma projectile that does bonus damage to armor and inflicts ongoing burning damage to unshielded foes. Burning enemies are primed for combo detonations.
- Munitions Training
Weapons-focused combat training.
- Combat Fitness
Survival training for Initiative combat forces.
Uncommon Class

Krogan Vanguard
The Krogan Vanguard is a tough biotic warrior with point-blank damage who quickly travels to enemies. The shame and disappointment of getting drunk and missing his Rite of Passage on Tuchanka drove him to join up with the Initiative. He has a few anger management issues and likes to hit things. Hard.
- Charge
Alters the biotic’s mass, launching the user at an opponent. Restores some shield strength at the charge’s end. Charge detonates combo primers on targets.
- Nova
Channels energy into a point-blank, high-damage explosion around the user.
- Fortify
Improves Damage Resistance at the cost of restricted mobility. Damage Resistance reduces all incoming damage via a scaling formula. For instance, 100 Damage Resistance cuts your incoming damage in half.
- Apex Training
Balanced offensive training available to combat-oriented APEX classes.
- Blood Rage
Enter a blood rage after performing multiple melee kills within 30 seconds.

Asari Adept
The Asari Adept is a mighty biotic that compensates for light armor with crowd-control attacks and widespread damage. An Alliance veteran, the she has seen combat before and looks out for the younger members of the team. She enjoys crowd control and the sense of satisfaction when the team works well together.
- Throw
Hurls is a gravity field projectile to throw unshielded and unarmored targets away and detonate combo primers.
- Annihilation
Weaves rapidly shifting mass effect fields to slowly damage nearby enemies. Enemies caught are primed for combo detonations. Other powers activated while Annihilation is in use suffer reduced recharged speed.
- Lance
Devastates a small area with a swiftly thrown shaft of energy. Inflicts bonus damage against enemy weak points (such as heads) and detonates combo primers.
- Barrier
Uses biotic abilities to augment standard kinetic barriers.
- Offensive Biotics
Training to maximize biotic damage to enemy targets.

Turian Soldier
The Turian Soldier is a weapons expert with heavy shields and armor. To avoid a court-martial on Palaven for his role in a massacre, he went on the lam and worked as a mercenary until he was able to buy his way into the Initiative.
- Fortify
Improves Damage Resistance at the cost of restricted mobility. Damage Resistance reduces all incoming damage via a scaling formula. For instance, 100 Damage Resistance cuts your incoming damage in half.
- Turbocharge
Temporarily vents weapon heat via armor to improve thermal clip efficiency and boost weapon firing rates.
- Frag Grenade
Tap button: Throw a grenade to deliver massive area damage on a two-second timer.
Hold button: Cook the grenade, shortening its timer. If held for too long, the grenade will explode in your hand.
- Munitions Training
Weapons-focused combat training.
- Combat Fitness
Survival training for Initiative combat forces.

Krogan Engineer
The Krogan Engineer is an explosives technician with high survivability and area damage. All the science lessons she's taken have certainly come in handy. If only she could brag to her friends back home about her cool new team and how much fun it is to fight the kett.
- Overload
Tap button: Unleashes an electrostatic discharge upon a target. High damage to shields and synthetic enemies. Detonates combo primers.
Hold button: Charges Overloard, causing it to “chain” to two additional targets.
- Assault turret
Deploys an automated assault turret that counts as a tech construct.
Tap button: Directs the turret to attack a particular target.
Hold button: Detonates the turret, damaging nearby enemies.
- Incinerate
Fires a plasma projectile that does bonus damage to armor and inflicts ongoing burning damage to unshielded foes. Burning enemies are primed for combo detonations.
- Offensive Tech
Technical training to maximize the omni-tool’s offensive capabilities.
- Blood Rage
Enter a blood rage after performing multiple melee kills within 30 seconds.

Salarian Infiltrator
The Salarian Infiltrator is a stealth expert who uses a mix of weapons and tech. He is a former member of the salarian Special Task Group, but found the organization’s secrecy tiresome and dropped out to join the Initiative. He likes to make quiet entrances, but once the job’s done, he’s the first to start bragging.
- Sticky Grenade
Tap button: This grenade will stick to an enemy or surface. It will explode on a two-second timer.
Hold button: Aim the grenade. This grenade will not explore in your hand.
- Tactical Cloak
Employs light-bending technology to render the user invisible at the cost of shield and health regeneration. Guns, powers, and melee attacks used from cloak gain a damage bonus but break the cloaking effect.
- Energy Drain
Restores shields by sapping electromagnetic energy around a target. Causes bonus damage to shields and synthetic enemies, and detonates combo primers on all primed enemies.
- Offensive Tech
Technical training to maximize the omni-tool’s offensive capabilities.
- Support Systems
Self-defense and team support for tech power users.

Asari Sentinel
The Asari Sentinel is a defense expert with tech armor nd a versatile power set. Previously an Asari commando, she joined APEX to escape some of the less pleasant things she experienced while serving in her commando unit.
- Backlash
Generates a frontal biotic aegis barrier that reflects most projectiles and reduces the damage of other enemy attacks.
- Throw
Hurls a gravity field projectile to throw unshielded and unarmored targets away and detonate combo primers.
- Energy Drain
Restores shields by sapping electromagnetic energy around a target. Causes bonus damage to shields and synthetic enemies, and detonates combo primers on all primed enemies.
- Offensive Biotics
Training to maximize biotic damage to enemy targets.
- Tech Armor
Project a suit of Omni-Tech armor around your body to absorb a portion of all damage received.
Rare Class

Asari Huntress
The Asari Huntress is a mobile fighter with biotic powers who can cloak allies. In the Milky Way, she was a well-regarded bounty hunter until she took the wrong job and found herself on the most-wanted list. She joined the Andromeda Initiative to escape her enemies and begin the hunt anew.
- Stealth Grid
Cloaks you and all allies within a radius. Grants everyone affected a brief damage bonus when they break cloaking to attack.
- Lance
Devastates a small area with a swiftly thrown shaft of energy. Inflicts bonus damage against enemy weak points (such as heads) and detonates combo primers.
- Throw
Hurls a gravity field projectile to throw unshielded and unarmored targets away and detonate combo primers.
- Offensive Biotics
Training to maximize biotic damage to enemy targets.
- Barrier
Uses biotic abilities to augment standard kinetic barriers.

Angara Insurgent
The Angara Insurgent is a master of holding one location with traps and localized support. Kett invaders need to back off of his territory. Seriously. The new aliens fighting with him might be useful, but someone needs to show them how things work in this galaxy.
- Shield Boost
Reinforces the shields of all nearby allies, providing a large initial boost followed by several seconds of ongoing shield regeneration.
- Assault Turret
Deploys an automated assault turret that counts as a tech construct.
Tap button: Directs the turret to attack a particular target.
Hold button: Detonates the turret, damaging nearby enemies.
- Trip Mine
Deploys an explosive mine that triggers when an enemy comes within proximity of or crosses a sensor laser. Enemies suffer more damage the closer they are to the mine. Activation requires one power cell from Trip Mine’s limited power cell supply. The maximum number of active mines equals the current number of maximum power cells.
- Offensive Tech
Technical training to maximize the omni-tool’s offensive capabilities.
- Bioelectric Defense
Angaran Resistance training, includes use of natural bioelectric ability for defense.

Krogan Mercenary
The Krogan Mercenary is a slow-moving tank with all the heavy weapons and armor a fighter could want. Can he kill it? Will it be glorious? Excellent. He’ll buy the first round of ryncol once the battle is done.
- Flamethrower
Releases a short-range jet of flame that causes bonus damage to armor plus ongoing burn damage. Unshielded enemies held in the jet catch fire, priming them for combo detonations.
- Fortify
Improves Damage Resistance at the cost of restricted mobility. Damage Resistance reduces all incoming damage via a scaling formula. For instance, 100 Damage Resistance cuts your incoming damage in half.
- Flak Cannon
Fires krogan-designed shells that burst into shrapnel upon impact. Shrapnel damage is reduced against armored enemies. Activation requires a power cell from Flak Cannon’s limited power cell supply.
- Munitions Training
Weapons-focused combat training.
- Blood Rage
Enter a blood rage after performing multiple melee kills within 30 seconds.

Turian Havoc Trooper
The Turian Havoc Trooper is a propulsion expert that specializes in aerial combat. She is a bit more...boisterous than the average turian soldier. She's very good at what she does, and enjoys it just a little too much to be cold and professional about it.
- Incinerate
Fires a plasma projectile that does bonus damage to armor and inflicts ongoing burning damage to unshielded foes. Burning enemies are primed for combo detonations.
- Turbocharge
Temporarily vents weapon heat via armor to improve thermal clip efficiency and boost weapon firing rates.
- Flak Cannon
Fires krogan-designed shells that burst into shrapnel upon impact. Shrapnel damage is reduced against armored enemies. Activation requires a power cell from Flak Cannon’s limited power cell supply.
- Munitions Training
Weapons-fucsed combat training.
- Aerial Assault
Turian 26th Armiger Legion training, specializing in jetpack maneuvers for defense.
Ultra Rare Class

Salarian Operator
The Salarian Operator is a support expert that repairs shields and hacks enemy hardsuit defenses. Badgered into volunteering for the Initiative by his father, he isn't sure why the APEX people believe he can actually help them. He would rather work on tech at an outpost site. But if he's here, he's going to try to make the best of it.
- Invasion
Infects opponents with an invasive VI-controlled machine swarm that weakens defenses and spreads itself to nearby enemies.
- Shield Boost
Reinforces the shades of all nearby allies, providing a large initial boost followed by several seconds of ongoing shield regeneration.
- Overload
Tap button: Unleashes an electrostatic discharge upon a target. High damage to shields and synethetic enemies.
- Offensive Tech
Technical training to maximize the omni-tool’s offensive capabilities.
- Support Systems
Self-defense and team support for tech power users.

Asari Duelist
The Asari Duelist is a biotic warrior with a sword, high mobility, and both damage and defense powers. She's is a former justicar who keeps her distance from the other team members, and harbors doubts about whether she made the right choice in coming to a new galaxy.
- Charge
Alters the biotic’s mass, launching the user at an opponent. Restores some shield strength at the charge’s end. Charge detonates combo primers on targets.
- Backlash
Generates a frontal biotic aegis barrier that reflects most projectiles and reduces the damage of other enemy attacks.
- Lance
Devastates a small area with a swiftly thrown shaft of energy. Inflicts bonus damage against enemy weak points (such as heads) and detonates combo primers.
- Offensive Biotics
Training to maximize biotic damage to enemy targets.
- Barrier
Uses biotic abilities to augment standard kinetic barriers.

Angara Avenger
The Angara Avenger is a close-combat escape artist with a great stealth ability for evasion and melee attacks. She lost her mother to the kett at a young age and since then, she has vowed to bring every kett to justice. She hopes to one day ultimately face off against the Archon himself.
- Sticky Grenade
Tap button: This grenade will stick to an enemy or surface. It will explode on a two-second timer.
Hold button: Aim the grenade. This grenade will not explore in your hand.
- Stealth Grid
Cloaks you and all allies within a radius. Grants everyone affected a brief damage bonus when they break cloaking to attack.
- Avenger Strike
Cloak before swiftly repositioning for a deadly strike from behind. This power is considered a melee attack.
- Weapon Training
Balanced offensive training available to combat-oriented APEX classes.
- Bioelectric Defense
Angaran Resistance training, includes use of natural bioelectric ability for defense.

Human Kineticist
The Human Kineticist is a biotic warrior who deals serious damage with telekinesis and the ability to enter a powered-up state. However, she has weak defenses. A scientist through and through, the Human Kineticist can’t wait to test her theories in real-life settings. She gets a bit annoyed if something disrupts her experiments.
- Pull
Tap button: Lifts an unshielded, unarmored enemy helplessly in the air and primes the target for combo detonations.
Hold button: Drags the target enemy or object along with the user.
- Throw
Hurls a gravity field projectile to throw unshielded and unarmored targets away and detonate combo primers.
- Lance
Devastates a small area with a swiftly thrown shaft of energy. Inflicts bonus damage against enemy weak points and detonates combo primers.
- Biotic Ascension
Accumulate charges by killing enemies and then activates Ascension. While ascended, all powers consume shields but have no recharge times. Ascension ends when shields drop.
- Barrier
Uses biotic abilities to augment standard kinetic barriers.
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