Monster Hunter World Deviljho Guide: everything you need to know about the Deviljho update and how to hunt him
Earlier this week, Capcom released the first major "Title Update" to Monster Hunter World, including the addition of the game's first DLC Monster - Deviljho.
Update: Deviljho was added to the PC version of Monster Hunter World on September 6.
Players can now download and play this new update, but what exactly does Deviljho bring to the table for both newcomers and veterans alike? We took the time to figure out how he fits into the existing Monster Hunter: World experience.

What Has Been Added
Deviljho's launch includes a significant amount of new content, directly tied to finding and hunting the World Eater itself. Deviljho includes his own Turf Wars (including one with the now infamous Bazelgeuse), new weapons, and of course two new armor sets for both the male and female hunter. Overall, however, this is the new content players should expect with this update:
- New, Deviljho weapons for each of the game's 14 weapon classes. Complete with new stats, new models, and of course new materials dropped from the beast itself that are required to craft and upgrade these tools.
- New armor sets for both the male and female hunter. Much like the other High Rank armor sets, the Deviljho set includes an Alpha and Beta set, that both look different as well as offer slightly differing stats and armor skills.
- Deviljho includes his own specific side quest, which must be unlocked by first finding enough evidence of the beast while out exploring in either High Rank missions or Expeditions. Deviljho can now be found in any non-8* High Rank quest, as well as any High Rank expedition. The criteria to run into him is very similar to Bazelgeuse's, and they can even be found on the same hunt if you're especially lucky! (unlucky?)
How to Find Deviljho
Deviljho is now available to anyone hunting in High Rank, although his Special Assignment will require a certain degree of effort to unlock. To re-iterate on the last point, here is where players can find Deviljho:
- Any High Rank 6 or 7* optional quests
- Every High Rank locale during Expeditions
- Deviljho's exclusive "Special Assignment"
Once you first log on to Monster Hunter World following the update, a notice will pop up telling you about recent Deviljho sightings, and from then on you have the chance to find Deviljho tracks in almost any High Rank hunt. The quickest way to find the beast itself, however, is by checking your High Rank expeditions.
If you have already identified every other monster in the game, any Expeditions with a listed unknown monster will include Deviljho, allowing you the oppurtunity to hunt the beast as soon as possible. Not every expedition will include him, but he should be common enough that if you don't find him the first time - entering and leaving a hunt a few times should be enough to find him relatively quickly.

How to Unlock Deviljho's Special Assignment
Deviljho itself brings a new class of Assignment to the table - Special Assignments! These quests aren't related to the game's main story, but instead can be viewed as side-stories, for now only related to Monsters that Capcom have added post-launch. The first of these Special Assignments is Deviljho's, with the aptly titled "The Food Chain Dominator". Special Assignments may sometimes offer special rewards, so how exactly do we go about unlocking Deviljho's? It's fairly simple:
- Players must be Hunter Rank 13 to initiate the Deviljho Special Assignment!
- Once you have found your first evidence of Deviljho, you can find a group of Wyvernian Scholars huddled together, with a blue exclamation mark above their heads, back in Astera.
- Talking to them will initiate a small event between you, the scholars, and the Commander. You'll be charged with finding evidence of the Deviljho - either tracks, or the beast itself.
- This plays out similarly to the Pink Rathian Special Investigation earlier in High Rank. However, any research that you have accomplished towards Deviljho prior to speaking to scholars will count towards this meter - I killed a Deviljho out in an Expedition before speaking to them, and unlocked the Special Assignment immediately.
Once the meter has been filled, talk to the scholars again and you'll be assigned the hunt. Good luck!
A Note About Deviljho
Deviljho has been added, more or less seamlessly, into the existing Monster Hunter World High Rank experience. What that means is that if you've already begun to hunt Tempered Monsters, or have been hunting Tempered Elder Dragons, he won't necessarily be as tough as the monsters that you have already acclimated to fighting.
This means that the main reason that you'd want to hunt him would be for his gear. Deviljho is one of only a few monsters that has weapons for every weapon type in the game, all of which appear to be strong for their class.
On the flipside, if you are new to Monster Hunter World or have not yet reached High Rank - watch out! You'll be dealing with him from the moment you reach High Rank, much like in previous games in the series.
While he might not be a huge threat to those already at the endgame, those that are still early in High Rank should be wary of tackling the beast until they feel confident in their gear. Happy hunting!