Fire Emblem: Three Houses Class Guide: Best Classes, Class Change Certification Requirements, Skills, Abilities and Class Mastery
Classes are a key part in any Fire Emblem game, and that's no different for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. However, while in previous games you could just use the appropriate Seal item at the appropriate level, the mechanics of Three Houses are a little different. In this guide, we explain some of the nuances to class changes, as well as detail the various components for each class in the game.
Most importantly, in order to have a character promote to a higher point on the class tree, or even to reach master class, they must first pass a Class Certification Exam - that's this game's method of doing a class change. But before we talk about Classes, you need to understand skills and abilities.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Skills, Abilities, and Combat Arts
What is the difference between Skills, Abilities, and Combat Arts? At a glance, those three words might seem interchangeable, but they refer to specifically different systems in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Here we describe what these are.
Skills in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Skills in Fire Emblem: Three Houses work somewhat similarly to the Weapon Skills in previous games in the series, but the system has been expanded. There are 11 Skills in the game:
- Sword
- Lance
- Axe
- Bow
- Brawl
- Reason (Black and Dark Magic)
- Faith (White Magic)
- Authority (Battalion abilities)
- Heavy Armor
- Riding
- Flying

Each Skill can rank from E to S+. These ranks can increase both by a character using the particular weapon type in combat, or by through Instruction from Byleth on Lecture days. Ranking up in a Skill opens up more Abilities or Combat Arts for the character to use, and they become more proficient in using that weapon. Certain Skill ranks are also needed to pass Class Certification Exams.
The Abilities and Combat Arts learned at different skill levels can vary from character to character which might directly effect which characters you target for recruitment. Some characters also have what's known as a Budding Talent or Hidden Talent that means they have a natural, hidden affinity to a particular skill if you want to train them in it.
Combat Arts

Combat Arts showed up in previous Fire Emblem games, like Shadows of Valentia, as Arts. Combat Arts are actions a unit can take during combat with special effects. These actions cost more durability than normal attacks. These abilities can be learned through Skill Levels, Class Mastery, and some other means.

Abilities are passive bonuses set on a character. Each character has a unique Personal Ability that is active at all times. Each class also has inherent abilities available to any unit of that class; for example, every Cavalier has the Canto ability, which allows them to move again after making an action. Then, five more abilities can be freely set by the player. These abilities can be learned through Skill Levels, Class Mastery, and some other means.
What are the Best Classes in Fire Emblem: Three Houses?
A lot of people have been asking us this question since it isn't exactly directly addressed in our sprawling Fire Emblem: Three Houses guide, but let us just put it out there: there is no single best class in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. There isn't a list of best classes either, unless you count the general list of Master Classes that you'll unlock and be able to use in the late game. Three Houses is an open-ended, strategic game - and it's balanced well enough that any class can be super powerful and very viable - it just depends on exactly how you want to play it.
Despite natural Hidden Talents (aka Budding Talents) each character has in certain skills and their starting stats giving them a solid start point for certain classes, any character can change class to any class if you fulfil the requirements. The natural stats will mean that there is a natural best class for each character, but the truth is that the stat difference is negligable - we suggest you ignore it and instead go with characters you like in roles that fit. Most importantly, you should work to have a well-balanced team, with mages, strong up-close melee fighters, some ranged characters and ideally a thief so you can steal key items.
Class Certification Exams: how to change class in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Each class has certain Skill requirements in order for a character to change class and become that class. For example, a Cavalier (an Intermediate class, so level 10 required) requires Lance Skill C and Riding Skill D. If your unit meets those requirements, they can take the exam and pass with 100% success. The Certification Requirements for each class can be found below. Aside from fulfilling the requirements, a class change will also require a seal, a special item used for class changes. Seals can be found as loot and purchased in a limited quantity, and come in different tiers that in turn unlock higher-end, better classes.
If you have a unit close to those Lance and Riding Skill ranks, but not quite there yet, you can still have them take the class certification exam. However, their chance of passing falls the further away the unit is from the requirements. A unit with a D+ in Lances might still have a good shot of passing.
It should also be noted the Class Certification exams cannot easily be abused by save scumming. If a unit fails an exam, you cannot keep resetting in the hopes of eventually passing. You can save yourself a wasted Seal item, though, if you save before a failed Cert Exam.
How to get Class Mastery Bonuses: when you should class change and promote units to higher classes?
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is fairly flexible in its class system. Once a character passes a Certification Exam for a class, they can become that class at any time afterward. If a unit passes Certification for both Cavalier and Pegasus Knight, they can change between the two classes whenever you choose (just not in the middle of a battle).

Now to answer the question "when should I change class and promote?" the best answer might be: when your unit masters the class they currently are. Each class in the game has its own EXP meter completely separate from unit EXP. Whenever a unit takes an action as that class, that Class EXP meter fills slightly. When the Class EXP meter fills to full, that Unit earns the Class Mastery Bonus for that class, which can usually then be used freely by that character no matter what class they become down the line.
Sometimes the Class Mastery Bonus is an Ability, and sometimes it is a Combat Art. You can find these in the data below.
Below can be found the nuts & bolts information for each class available in the game. Here you can find what abilities are inherent to each class, what the class mastery abilities are, the certification requirements, as well as the skill experience bonuses (a boost to these skills when used by that class in combat.)
This guide is in progress. Note some class names may contain what you might regard as spoilers.
Unique Classes & Class Mastery Bonuses in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
These classes are obtained through unique means - either rarely as hidden classes, or they're unique starting classes for the various recruitable characters in the game.
Certification Requirements: Starting class
Class Mastery Bonus:
HP+5 [Ability] - Increases HP by 5.
Certification Requirements: Complete 'The White Heron Cup' quest in Month 12, the winning character unlocks the class.
Class Abilities
Dance - Use Dance to allow an ally to move again.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Special Dance [Ability] - When using the Dance ability, grant Dex/Spd/Lck+4 to target ally.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+2, Authority+2
Enlightened One
Certification Requirements: Byleth obtains automatically in Part 1 Chapter 11 (Month 2)
Class Abilities
Swordfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a sword.
Terrain Resistance - Nullifies damage from terrain.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Learn Sacred Power [Ability] - Adjacent allies deal extra damage and take 3 less damage during combat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+3, Brawl+2, Faith+3, Authority+3
Armored Lord
Certification Requirements: Edelgard obtains automatically at the start of Part 2 (Crimson Flower Route)
Class Abilities
Charm - Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage during combat.
Terrain Resistance - Nullifies damage from terrain.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Learn Pomp & Circumstance [Ability] - Grants Lck/Cha +4
Skill Experience Bonus: Axe+3, Authority+3, Heavy Armor+3
High Lord
Certification Requirements: Dimitri obtains automatically at the start of Part 2 (Azure Moon Route)
Class Abilities
Charm - Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage during combat.
Lancefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a Lance
Class Mastery Bonus:
Pomp & Circumstance [Ability] - Grants Lck/Cha +4
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+3, Lance+3, Authority+3
Wyvern Master
Certification Requirements: Claude obtains automatically at the start of Part 2 (Verdant Wind Route)
Class Abilities
Charm - Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage during combat.
Bowfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a Bow
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Pomp & Circumstance [Ability] - Grants Lck/Cha +4
Skill Experience Bonus: Bow+3, Authority+3, Flying+3
Certification Requirements: Edelgard obtains automatically in Part 2 Month 3 (Crimson Flower Route)
Class Abilities
Charm - Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage during combat.
Terrain Resistance - Nullifies damage from terrain.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Flickering Flower [Combat Art] - An attack that seals the enemy’s movement. Exclusive to the Emperor class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Axe+3, Authority+3, Heavy Armor+3
Great Lord
Certification Requirements: Dimitri obtains automatically in Part 2 Month 3 (Azure Moon Route)
Class Abilities
Charm - Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage during combat.
Lancefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a Lance
Class Mastery Bonus:
Paraselene [Combat Art] - After attacking, your unit moves back one space. Exclusive to the Great Lord class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+3, Lance+3, Authority+3
Certification Requirements: Claude obtains automatically in Part 2 Month 4 (Verdant Wind Route)
Class Abilities
Charm - Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage during combat.
Bowfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a Bow
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Wind God [Combat Art] - A bow attack with exceptional range. Exclusive to the Barbarossa class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+3, Authority+3, Flying+3
Death Knight
Certification Requirements: Obtained automatically in Crimson Flower Route
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Lancefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a Lance
Class Mastery Bonus:
Counterattack [Ability] - Allows unit to counterattack regardless of distance to attacker.
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+3, Faith+3, Riding+3
Beginner Classes & Class Mastery Bonuses
Beginner classes require a unit to reach Level 5 and a Beginner Seal item before you can take their Class Certification Exams. Once a character reaches the mastery of their starting class, they'll be more than ready to switch to one of these.
Certification Requirements: Sword D
Class Mastery Bonus:
Spd+2 [Ability] - Increases Spd by 2.
Swap [Combat Art] - Unit Swaps position with an adjacent ally.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+1
Certification Requirements: Lance D
Class Mastery Bonus:
Def+2 [Ability] - Increases Def by 2.
Reposition [Combat Art] - Unit moves an adjacent ally to an opposite adjacent space
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+1
Certification Requirements: Axe D / Bow D / Brawl D
Class Mastery Bonus:
Str+2 [Ability] - Increases Str by 2.
Shove [Combat Art] - Unit pushes an adjacent ally forward one space
Skill Experience Bonus: Axe+1, Bow+1, Brawl+1
Certification Requirements: Reason D / Faith D
Class Mastery Bonus:
Mag+2 [Ability] - Increases Mag by 2.
Draw Back [Combat Art] - Unit moves one space away from an adjacent ally and pulls the ally along.
Skill Experience Bonus: Reason+1, Faith+1
Intermediate Classes & Class Mastery Bonuses
Intermediate classes require a unit to reach Level 10 and an Intermediate Seal. The Dark Mage class is an exception and requires a Dark Seal instead.
Certification Requirements: Sword D+, Authority C [Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude Only]
Class Abilities
Charm - Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage during combat.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Res+2 [Ability] - Increases Res by 2.
Subdue [Combat Art] - An attack that leaves the enemy with 1 HP.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+2, Lance+1, Authority+2
Certification Requirements: Sword C
Class Mastery Bonus:
Learn Vantage [Ability] - When foe initiates combat, unit still attacks first if HP is < 50%.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+2, Axe+1
Certification Requirements: Sword C
Class Abilities
Steal - Allows unit to steal a non-weapon item from a foe with a lower Spd stat.
Locktouch - Allows unit to open doors and chests without keys.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Steal [Ability] - Allows unit to steal a non-weapon item from a foe with a lower Spd stat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+2, Bow+1
Armored Knight
Certification Requirements: Axe C, Heavy Armor D
Class Mastery Bonus:
Armored Blow [Ability] - If unit initiates combat, grants Def+6 during combat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+1, Axe+2, Heavy Armor+2
Certification Requirements: Lance C, Riding D
Class Skills
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Desperation [Ability] - If unit initiates combat with HP < 50%, units follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe's counterattack.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+1, Lance+2, Riding+2
Certification Requirements: Axe C
Class Mastery Ability:
Death Blow [Ability] - If unit initiates combat, grants Str+6 during combat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Axe+2, Brawl+1
Certification Requirements: Bow C
Class Abilities
Bowrange +1 - Increases bow range by 1.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Hit +20 [Ability] - Increases Hit by 20.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+1, Bow+2
Certification Requirements: Brawl C [Male Only]
Class Abilities
Unarmed Combat - Allows unit to fight without a weapon.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Unarmed Combat [Ability] - Allows unit to fight without a weapon.
Skill Experience Bonus: Axe+1, Brawl+2
Certification Requirements: Reason C
Class Abilities
Fire - Allows unit to cast Fire. If Fire is already available, then unit can cast it twice as often.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Fiendish Blow [Ability] - If unit initiates combat, grants Mag+6 during combat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Reason+2, Faith+1
Dark Mage
Certification Requirements: Reason C [Male Only, also requires Dark Seal]
Class Abilities
Miasma Delta - Allows unit to cast Miasma Delta. If Miasma Delta is already available, then unit can cast it twice as often.
Heartseeker - Adjacent foes suffer Avo-20 during combat.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Poison Strike [Ability] - If unit initiates combat and lands a hit, targeted foe loses up to 20% of max HP after combat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Reason+2, Faith+1
Certification Requirements: Faith C
Class Abilities
Heal - Allows unit to cast Heal. If Heal is already available, then unit can cast it twice as often.
White Magic Heal +5 - Heal 5 extra HP when using white magic.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Miracle [Ability] - Chance to survive lethal damage with 1HP, if HP is > 1. Trigger %= Lck stat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Reason+1, Faith+2
Pegasus Knight
Certification Requirements: Lance C, Flying D [Female Only]
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Avo +10 - Increases Avo by 10
Class Mastery Bonus:
Darting Blow [Ability] - If unit initiates combat, grants AS+6 (Attack Speed) during combat.
Triangle Attack [Combat Art] - Can be activated only when 3 allied fliers, including this unit, are adjacent to an enemy.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+1, Lance+2, Flying+2
Advanced Classes & Class Mastery Bonuses
Advanced classes require a unit to reach Level 20 and an Advanced Seal before you can tackle their class certification exams. The Dark Mage Bishop is an exception and requires a Dark Seal instead.
Certification Requirements: Sword B, Axe C [Male Only]
Class Abilities
Swordfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a sword.
Vantage: When foe initiates combat, unit still attacks first if HP is < 50%.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Defiant Str [Ability] - Grants Str+8 when HP is < 25%
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+3, Axe+2
Certification Requirements: Sword A
Class Abilities
Swordfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a sword.
Sword Crit +10 - Grants Crit+10 when using a sword.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Astra [Combat Art] - An attack that strikes 5 times at 30% Mt. Exclusive to the Swordmaster class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+3
Certification Requirements: Sword B, Bow C
Class Abilities
Swordfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a sword.
Locktouch - Allows unit to open doors and chests without keys.
Stealth - Makes it more difficult for foes to target unit.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Lethality [Ability] - Chance to instantly kill a foe when dealing damage. Trigger %= 0.25xDex
Assassinate [Combat Art] - An attack that can kill enemies instantly. Exclusive to the Assassin class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+3, Bow+2
Fortress Knight
Certification Requirements: Axe B, Heavy Armor B
Class Abilities
Axefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using an axe.
Weight -5: Reduces total equipment weight by 5.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Pavise [Ability] - Chance to reduce sword/lance/axe/brawling damage by half. Trigger %= Dex stat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+2, Axe+3, Heavy Armor+3
Certification Requirements: Lance B, Riding B
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Lancefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a lance.
Terrain Resistance - Nullifies damage from terrain.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Aegis [Ability] - Chance to reduce bow/magic damage by half. Trigger %= Dex stat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+2, Lance+3, Riding+3
Wyvern Rider
Certification Requirements: Axe B, Flying C
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Axefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using an axe.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Seal Defense [Ability] - If unit damages for during combat, for suffers Def-6 for 1 turn after combat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+2, Axe+3, Flying+3
Certification Requirements: Axe A
Class Abilities
Axefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using an axe.
Axe Crit +10 - Grants Crit+10 when using an axe.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Wrath [Ability] - If foe initiates combat while unit’s HP is < 50%, grants Crit+50
Skill Experience Bonus: Axe+3
Certification Requirements: Bow A
Class Abilities
Bowfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a bow.
Bowrange +1 - Increases bow attack range by 1
Class Mastery Bonus:
Hunter’s Volley [Combat Art] - An attack that strikes twice. Exclusive to the Sniper class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Bow+3
Certification Requirements: Brawl A [Male Only]
Class Abilities
Fistfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using brawling.
Unarmed Combat - Allows unit to fight without a weapon.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Tomebreaker [Ability] - Grants Hit/Avo+20 when brawling against magic users.
Fierce Iron Fist [Combat Art] - An attack that strikes 3 times. Exclusive to the Grappler class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Fist+3
Certification Requirements: Reason A
Class Abilities
Black Tomefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using black magic.
Black Magic Uses x2 - Doubles the number of uses for black magic.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Bowbreaker [Ability] - Grants Hit/Avo +20 when using magic against bow users.
Skill Experience Bonus: Reason+3, Faith+2
Dark Bishop
Certification Requirements: Reason A [Male Only, certified Dark Mage, requires Dark Seal]
Class Abilities
Miasma Delta - Allows unit to cast Miasma Delta. If Miasma Delta is already available, then unit can cast it twice as often.
Fiendish Blow - If unit initiates combat, grants Mag+6 during combat.
Heartseeker - Adjacent foes suffer Avo-20 during combat.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Lifetaker [Ability] - Unit recovers HP equal to 50% of damage dealt after defeating a foe.
Skill Experience Bonus: Reason+3, Faith+2
Certification Requirements: Faith A
Class Abilities
White Magic Uses x2 - Doubles the number of uses for white magic.
White Magic Heal +10 - Heal 10 extra HP when using white magic.
Terrain Resistance: Nullifies damage from terrain.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Renewal [Ability] - Unit recovers up to 20% of max HP at the start of each turn.
Skill Experience Bonus: Reason+2, Faith+3
Special Classes & Class Mastery Bonuses (Requires Level 20, Abyssian Exam Pass, Expansion Pass only)
Certification Requirements: Sword B, Faith B, Thief Certification
Class Abilities
Locktouch - Allows unit to open doors and chests without keys
Stealth - Makes it more difficult for foes to target unit
Lucky Seven - Each turn, grants +5 to one of the following stats: Str, Mag, Spd, Def, Res, Hit, or Avo.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Duelist's Blow [Ability] - If unit initiates combat, grants Avo +20 during combat
Foul Play [Combat Art] - Unit swaps position with an ally in range (1-5). Exclusive to the Trickster class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+3, Reason+1, Faith+2
War Monk/Cleric
Certification Requirements: Brawl B+, Faith C+
Class Abilities
Fistfaire - Grants Atk +5 when brawling
Unarmed Combat - Allows unit to fight without a weapon
Heal - Allows unit to cast Heal. If Heal is already available, then unit can cast it twice as often
Class Mastery Bonus:
Brawl Avo +20 [Ability] - Grants Avo +20 when brawling.
Pneuma Gale [Combat Art] - Magic attack. Can attack from long range (1-2). Exclusive to the War Monk class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Axe+1, Brawl+3, Faith+1
Dark Flier
Certification Requirements: Reason B+, Flying C [Female only]
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining
Black Tomefaire - Grants Atk +5 when using black magic
Transmute - If unit is hit with a magic attack curing enemy phase, grants +3 to all stats until next player phase ends
Class Mastery Bonus:
Transmute [Ability] - If unit is hit with a magic attack curing enemy phase, grants +3 to all stats until next player phase ends
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+2. Reason+3, Flying+3
Certification Requirements: Reason B, Riding B [Female only]
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Black Magic Range +1 - Increases black magic range by 1.
Dark Magic Range +1 - Increases dark magic range by 1.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Uncanny Blow [Ability] - If unit initiates combat, grants Hit +20 during combat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Reason+3, Faith+1, Riding+3
Fire Emblem Three Houses Master Classes (Requires Level 30, Master Seal)
Master classes are the ultimate power level in class terms in Fire Emblem Three Houses - they're the end of the class tree, where a character can reach their true, full potential. To unlock Master Classes, a unit must reach level 30, and to change to one you'll need a Master Seal item.
Falcon Knight
Certification Requirements: Sword C, Lance A, Flying A [Female Only]
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Lancefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a lance.
Avo +10 - Increases Avo by 10
Class Mastery Bonus:
Defiant Avo [Ability] - Grants Avo+30 when HP is < 25%
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+3, Lance+3, Flying+3
Wyvern Lord
Certification Requirements: Lance C, Axe A, Flying A
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Axefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using an axe.
Avo +10 - Increases Avo by 10
Class Mastery Bonus:
Defiant Crit [Ability] - Grants Crit+50 when HP is < 25%
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+3, Axe+3, Flying+3
Mortal Savant
Certification Requirements: Sword A, Reason B+
Class Abilities
Swordfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a sword.
Black Tomefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using black magic.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Warding Blow [Ability] - If unit initiates combat, grants Res+6 during combat
Skill Experience Bonus: Sword+3, Reason+3
Great Knight
Certification Requirements: Axe B+, Heavy Armor A, Riding B+
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Lancefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a lance.
Axefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using an axe.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Defiant Def [Ability] - Grants Def+8 when HP is < 25%
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+3, Axe+3, Heavy Armor+3
Bow Knight
Certification Requirements: Lance C, Bow A, Riding A
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Bowfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using a bow.
BowRange +2 - Increases bow range by 2.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Defiant Speed [Ability] - Grants Spd+8 when HP is < 25%
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+3, Bow+3, Riding+3
Dark Knight
Certification Requirements: Lance C, Reason B+, Riding A
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Black Tomefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using black magic.
Dark Tomefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using dark magic.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Seal Resistance [Ability] - If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Res-6 for 1 turn after combat.
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+3, Reason+3, Riding+3
Holy Knight
Certification Requirements: Lance C, Faith B+, Riding A
Class Abilities
Canto - Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
White Tomefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using white magic.
Terrain Resistance - Nullifies damage from terrain.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Defiant Res [Ability] - Grants Res+8 when HP is < 25%
Skill Experience Bonus: Lance+3, Faith+3, Riding+3
War Master
Certification Requirements: Axe A, Brawl A [Male Only]
Class Abilities
Fistfaire - Grants Atk+5 when using brawling.
Axefaire - Grants Atk+5 when using an axe.
Crit +20 - Increases Crit by 20.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Quick Riposte [Ability] - If foe initiates combat while unit’s HP is > 50% unit makes guaranteed follow-up attack.
War Master’s Strike [Combat Art] - An attack with high Hit that is effective against all enemies. Exclusive to the War Master Class.
Skill Experience Bonus: Axe+3, Brawl+3
Certification Requirements: Reason A, Faith A [Female Only]
Class Abilities
Black Magic Uses x2 - Doubles the number of uses for black magic.
Dark Magic Uses x2 - Doubles the number of uses for dark magic.
White Magic Uses x2 - Doubles the number of uses for white magic.
Class Mastery Bonus:
Defiant Mag [Ability] - Grants Mag+8 when HP is < 25%
Skill Experience Bonus: Reason+3, Faith+3