Brandish: The Dark Revenant - Latest Updates
Brandish: The Dark Revenant reviews and features

Brandish: The Dark Revenant Review
Solid fundamentals make this remake a worthwhile entry-level dungeon crawler.
review by Adam Vitale on 20 January, 2015
Latest Brandish: The Dark Revenant news and info

Brandish: The Dark Revenant releases next week in North America
XSEED is releasing a PSP game in 2015
news by Adam Vitale on 08 January, 2015

Brandish: The Dark Revenant - E3 Trailer
Take a look at this dungeon crawler / roguelike
news by Adam Vitale on 17 June, 2014

XSEED releasing Brandish: The Dark Revenant this year in North America
PSP title releasing digitally
news by Adam Vitale on 05 June, 2014

XSEED looking into releasing Brandish: The Dark Revenant?
A tease on Falcom fan forums
news by Adam Vitale on 07 May, 2014