Skyrim Achievement details revealed

The Xbox 360 achievement list for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has gotten out onto the internet ahead of its November 11th release, giving fans a quick and vague glimpse at what to expect from the game. The most minor of spoilers follows.

There's a chunk of story achievements for completing the main quest line, each worth 15-20 points. Each is marked by completing a mission, and the achievement name is usually that of the quest you complete to get it. There's also achievements for hitting level 5, 10, 25 and 50 with your character.

There's a bunch of other progression achievements that ask you to Absorb 20 Dragon Souls, Learn 20 Shouts, Discover 100 Locations, Level a Skill to 100 Points, Obtain 100,000 Gold and more.

There's also achievements for more optional stuff including buying a house, smithing and completing sidequests.

The guys over at Xbox360Achievements have the complete list for your perusal. Not long to wait now...!
