Skyrim's Instruction Manual leaked online

Some folks have managed to get their hands on the manual for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ahead of its November launch and have posted detailed images of its contents online for eager fans to pick apart.

Be warned, information from the manual follows this line.

The manual reveals information on all of the key systems that will be in play in Skyrim from leveling up to cooking.

Skills can be leveled up in one of three ways - by repeated use, paying another skilled character in the world of Skyrim to train you, or by finding and reading a Skill Book. Your actual character levels up by repeatedly leveling up individual skills - and when he or she does, you can then pick a new perk and give a one-time boost to your health, magicka or stamina.

The manual reveals that Fast Travel will work much as it does in Oblivion, allowing you to quickly teleport to places you have already visited before via use of the world map. Time will pass while fast travelling, and you still can't fast travel when you're inside a building or engaged in combat.

The manual also reveals more information on the game's dialogue system. Dialogue options that might appear when trying to drag information from another character might include Persuade, Bribe, Intimidate and Brawl - the last of which starts a fight.

There's a heck of a lot more besides, so we suggest you go and check the entire manual out if you're so inclined.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is out on the 11th November. If you haven't pre-ordered you can do so over on Amazon. If you're not yet convinced, be sure to check out the screenshots, videos and artwork of the game over in the Media Vault.

[GameInformer via VG247]