Atlus releases 'Josef's Guide to Combat!' trailer for Unicorn Overlord

Atlus and Vanillaware have released the final installment of the Josef's Guide series for Unicorn Overlord. This follows the Josef's Guide to Exploration, Josef's Guide to Interaction, and Josef's Guide to Training series of videos for the tactical RPG.

Players in Unicorn Overlord will have to manage multiple squads of characters that they customize. They must program the actions each of those characters will take when an encounter with an enemy squad begins. Then, the battle will unfold automatically as they pit those tactics against one another. 

This Josef's Guide installment provides a general overview of the details shared in the Tactics, Priority, and Battle Stages details released a few weeks ago.

Unicorn Overlord launches on March 8 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. A demo is now available on those platforms that allows players to play through the first chapter of the game for several hours.

Every skilled commander knows how to lead their forces into combat!

Triumphantly dismantle the empire with these tips from Josef’s Unicorn Overlord Guide to Combat.