Transistor's Recursion Mode Detailed

Transistor launches next week on Steam and PlayStation Network, and RPGSite will have a review when the embargo lifts next Tuesday. Supergiant Games has stayed largely quiet about the game, only releasing a handful of screenshots and tidbits of information. Today they introduce Recursion Mode, which is a lot like a 'New Game Plus", which allows players to replay the game with the stats and abilities they gathered on the previous playthrough. You can read Creative Director Greg Kasavin's statement below, and there's more to see on his PlayStation Blog post.

Recursion mode is unlocked after you finish Transistor’s story. You’ll then have the option to recurse through the experience, retaining your progression data — notably, your User Level and all the Transistor functions you’ve unlocked. This immediately opens up a lot of new gameplay as you’ll be discovering new function combinations all the way through your initial play-through of the game. You’ll also find some new surprises (that word again) in the content itself the second time around. Most notably, the composition of enemy forces you’ll encounter will be different — and it’ll be different just about every time you play. This means you can really sink your teeth into the core gameplay if, as we hope, you’ve taken a liking to it by the end of the game.

The Process, the enemy forces you’ll be dealing with in Transistor, operate as a faction. The different varieties you’ll encounter have complementary roles. As we experimented with fighting against them in different combinations, and in different locations throughout the game, we found a ton of interesting variety. We hope you’ll enjoy it as we have. If you’re familiar with Bastion’s New Game Plus mode, we think Transistor’s Recursion mode pushes some of those ideas even further.


via PlayStation Blog