Bethesda Softworks - Latest Updates
Latest Bethesda Softworks reviews and features

E3 2012: Elder Scrolls Online Impressions
It's not quite the game that you were hoping for, and that may be its biggest detriment.
preview by Zack Reese on 12 June, 2012
Latest Bethesda Softworks news and info

Microsoft to purchase Fallout and Elder Scrolls publisher Bethesda
One of the biggest role-playing houses is becoming part of the Xbox family.
news by Alex Donaldson on 21 September, 2020

Tetracast Extra: Pre-E3 2016 Discussion - Bethesda & EA
Zack, Andrea, Kyle and Josh discuss what Bethesda and EA might show at E3 2016, with plenty of Mass Effect discussion.
podcast by Alex Donaldson on 12 June, 2016