Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Quest Guide and Walkthrough | All Quests, how to complete them, & rewards
Shin Megami Tensei V and Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance changes things up a bit from previous entries, taking in some trappings from open-world titles. Of course, that means that quests return to the series, and completing quests will offer various rewards for the player, including Talismans that unlock Magatsuhi skills, new demon fusions, consumable items, and more.
There are five major regions in SMT 5: Vengeance. Four of these are found in the original game, which is called Canon of Creation - Minato, Shinagawa, Chiyoda, and Taito. In Canon of Vengeance found only in the re-release, Chiyoda is replaced by Shinjuku. However, please note that for all regions, there are new quests only found in the Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance re-release. We will note these in the list below.
Also, new to Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance are some quests in Toyko. We'll put these in a separate section.
On this page, we list every single quest in SMT 5 (as well as the Vengeance re-release), plus offer you simple instructions on how to complete each and every one of them - plus what you can expect to get as a reward for completing each. It's comprehensive - all you'll need for clearing every quest handily. Pair this with some of our other SMT 5 guides on things like how to get the best ending, plus locations for Talismans for Magatsuhi Skills, Mitama locations and weaknesses, Miman locations, and Petrified demon locations.
Click the link below to jump to the proper section
- Minato Region Quests
- Shinagawa Region Quests
- Chiyoda Region Quests (Canon of Creation only)
- Shinjuku Reigon Quests (Canon of Vengeance only)
- Taito Region Quests
- Toyko Quests (Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only)
- End-game Empyrean Quests
- DLC Quests

Shin Megami Tensei V - Minato Region Quests
A Preta Predicament
- Location: Follow the west road near the very beginning of the game, past Tamachi Leyline.
- Strategy: You need to find Pretas that went out in search of food. You'll find one near Mita Leyline, who will point you in the direction of the next one, after the Abscess boss. It is marked on your map, Once you get here, the Preta will give you a key item. Return to the quest giver, and you'll have to fight six Pretas.
- Reward: Haunt Talisman
The Spirit of Love [mutually exclusive with The Water Nymph]
It doesn't seem to make much difference which quest you pick to support, and you can't support both.
However, generally speaking, it does seem each pair has one quest that is more Law-aligned and another that is more Chaos-aligned, broadly speaking. In this case, to me, it feels like 'The Spirit of Love' is Law-aligned, while its counterpart quest 'The Water Nymph' is more Chaos-aligned. So, pick which you want.
- Location: You’ll find Lady Apsaras east of the Shiba Leyline.
- Strategy: She wants you to find Leanan Sidhe and stop her. Fight Leanan Sidhe and Ippon-Datara.
- Reward: Health Incense x2, Apsaras joins party
- Note: You need to have accepted 'A Preta Predicament' to be able to speak with Apsaras.
No Stone Unturned
- Location: From Neko Shogun near the jumping platforms between Shiba and Hamamatsucho
- Strategy: He wants 5 Life Stones. You may already have these.
- Reward: Wargod Talisman
Bully Breaker
- Location: From Agathion on the way to Tower Tokyo, on the bridge
- Strategy: Take down three Daemons. These are in a cave near the Hamamatsucho Leyline.
- Reward: Agathion’s Essence
The Cursed Mermaids
- Location: From Mermaid under the bridge in the water area west of Hamamatsucho Leyline.
- Strategy: Visit the Mermaids south of Tokyo Tower. You'll fight a Pazuzu [Level 16, weak to Ice]
- Reward: Grimoire x3
Pollution Panic
- Location: From Mandrake as you head up the path to Tokyo Tower in the Hamamatsucho area.
- Strategy: Defeat 5 Azami
- Reward: Yoma Talisman
The Water Nymph [mutually exclusive with The Spirit of Love]
- Location: From Leanan Sidhe up the river in the Hamamatsucho area.
- Strategy: The opposite of The Spirit of Love, she wants you to stop Apsaras
- Reward: Stamina Increase x2, Leanan Sidhe joins party
The Ultimate Omelette
- Location: From Aitvaras on the bridge in Kamiyacho.
- Strategy: You need to head up the narrow path NW of the Kamiyacho area. You'll probably want to avoid Jatayu [Level 25, weak to Electricity]
- Reward: Drake Talisman
The Demon of the Spring
- Location: From the same mermaid who gave you 'The Cursed Mermaids', once you complete that quest
- Strategy: Later on, once you find Onarimon Leyline, head up the mountain trail, jump south over the gap and fight Anahita near a water source. To cross the gap, you need to jump from the cliff above. [Level 18, weak to Fire and Electricity]. She uses Ice and Light attacks.
- Reward: Femme Taliman, Anahita available for fusion
To Cure a Curse
- Location: From Andras near Onarimon Leyline.
- Strategy: Deliver 5 Bicorn Horns, obtained from Bicorns south of Kamiyacho area.
- Reward: Fallen Talisman, You can then repeatedly return 5x Bicorn Horns for Spirit Drain Gem x2.
The Gold Dragon’s Arrival
- Location: From Huang Long, west and up the mountain of Onarimon Leyline.
- Strategy: Slay the four cardinal gods. Due to their high levels at this point of the game, you won't be able to complete this quest right away.
- Xuanwu [Level 23, weak to Fire] - In Kamiyacho
- Baihu [Level 43, weak to Wind] - West of the Nagatacho Leyline
- Zhuque [Level 43, weak to Ice] - South of Tokyo Tower in the ruined Shiba area
- Qing Long [Level 45, weak to Electricity] - In the area East of Hamamatsucho Leyline
- Reward: Dragon Talisman, Cardinal Deity Periapt (Vengeance re-release only)
Talisman Hunt
- Location: From Shiki-Ouji, SE of Nagatacho Leyline
- Strategy: Find 3 Shikigami talismans. They’re marked on your map, so it’s easy. Then you fight him [Level 19, weak to Fire and Force, resists Physical]
- Reward: Brute Talisman
Movin’ on Up
- Location: From Oni in a cave far west of Nagatacho Leyline
- Strategy: See if the nearby demons want help. They don’t. Return to Oni, then follow him, then fight him [Level 17, weak to Electricity and Light, resists Phys]
- Reward: Phys Dampener x1, Raptor Talisman
The Benevolent One
- Location: From Huang Long after completing 'The Gold Dragon’s Arrival'
- Strategy: Fight Huang Long [you fight him immediately upon accepting the quest, level 70, weak to Dark, summons level 65 friends]
- Reward: 80,000 Macca, Huang Long available for fusion
- Note: As you can see by his level, you won't be able to complete this quest until near the end of the game.
Brawny Ambitions
- Location: North of the golem Oyamatsumi after riding a Magatsuhi Rail found by Amanozako / navigator demon
- Strategy: Bring a Zhu Tun She to the Hare of Inaba. You can find these in Minato, or fuse one
- Reward: Unwrit Order Periapt
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
She Who Rules the Night
- Location: From Tzitzimitl near Hamamatsucho Leyline
- Strategy: Find her 'children' by picking up glowing spots in the nearby area. You only need 4, but finding more can lead to more rewards.
- Reward: Soma Drops, Life Stone Chains, Unlocks Vile Tzitzmitl for fusion
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
- Note 2: This is a Moon Phase quest
Knocking on Death's Door
- Location: Use the Magatsuhi Rail near the Hamamatsucho Leyline to speak with a Nyami Nyami demon on the roof of a building to the south
- Strategy: Wants you to defeat Dormarth, which marked on your map
- Reward: Treacherous Chaos Periapt
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Beastly Battle of Wits
- Location: Nozuchi north of Kamiyacho, after a Magatsuhi Rail
- Strategy: First answer is "Empty Path". Second, the item he's looking for is SW of Shiba Leyline. Third, just attack him
- Reward: Virtuous Neutral Periapt
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Home Sweet Home
- Location: Halphas near Diet Building
- Strategy: Simply talk to the Oni from "Movin' on Up"
- Reward: Unwrit Chaos Periapt
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Shin Megami Tensei V - Shinagawa Region Quests
Chakra Drop Chomp
- Location: From Kodama right next to Tennozu Leyline
- Strategy: He just wants two Chakra Drops.
- Reward: Jirae Talisman. After the quest, you can continually trade 2x Chakra Drops for a Purge Charm (a Dekaja item).
Those Seeking Sanctuary [mutually exclusive with Holding the Line]
- Location: From Lilims in a cave west of Shinagawa Pier Leyline.
- Strategy: Defeat Principality east of Shinagawa Pier Leyline [Level 28, weak to Dark]
- Reward: Dark Sutra, Lilim joins the party
- Note: This quest seems like it may be Chaos-aligned.
Holding the Line [mutually exclusive with Those Seeking Sanctuary]
- Location: From Principality near shipping containers east of Shinagawa Pier Leyline
- Strategy: Defeat Lilims [Level 32(?), weak to Ice]
- Reward: Light Sutra, Principality joins party
- Note: This quest seems like it may be Law-aligned.
Magic from the East
- Location: From Baphomet in north building neat Container Yard Leyline.
- Strategy: Defeat 5 Inugamis
- Reward: Vile Talisman. Can trade 5x Inugami Heads for 4x Mirage Gems continually afterward.
A Wish for a Fish
- Location: From Nekomata in Container Yard, after beating Loup-garou boss.
- Strategy: You need to head to a warehouse with a King Frost in it. It’s marked on your map. You fight King Frost. [Level 28, weak to Fire and Dark]
- Reward: Beast Talisman, King Frost available for fusion
- Note: You will still get the fish even if you spare King Frost.
Can I Keep Them?
- Location: From a Lilim hiding behind the Girimehkala in Konan 3rd Block Leyline area.
- Strategy: Fight ten Mothman
- Reward: Lilim’s Essence
Iced Out
- Location: From Jack Frost next to Mitatebashi Leyline
- Strategy: Give him 3 Ice Gems
- Reward: Muscle Drink. Can repeat.
Kumbhanda’s Bottle
- Location: From Succubus next to Konan 2nd Block Leyline
- Strategy: Defeat the Kumbhanda in the nearby parking garage east of the quest-giver. [Level 34, weak to Electricity]
- Reward: Night Talisman
Birds of a Feather
- Location: This quest is accessed a bit differently than most. Talk to Cait Sith in Fairy Village, then the quest giver Koppa Tengu will appear near the Tennozu area (marked on your map).
- Strategy: Meet Thunderbird on the containers, marked on your map. [Level 35, weak to Force]
- Reward: Feng Huang’s Essence
The One I Love
- Location: From an Incubus NW of South Shinagawa Leyline
- Strategy: Talk to Silky in Fairy Village, then return. If you give Incubus 5000 Macca, you get a Magic Incense.
- Reward: Grimoire x3
The Root of the Problem
- Location: From Silky in Fairy Village after completing the ‘A Golden Opportunity' main quest
- Strategy: Defeat 8 Mandrakes in the forest area north of Fairy Village. Note that the more Mandrakes you kill, the more Narcissus enemies will appear alongside them.
- Reward: Fairy Talisman
A Goddess Stolen
- Location: From a Jack Frost along the Fairy Village river after completing the ‘A Golden Opportunity’ main quest
- Strategy: You need to head along the railroad tracks above the Jack Frost’s head. It’s marked on your map. You'll fight Loki.
- Reward: Small Glory Crystal x2, unlocks Megami Idun for fusion.
The Tyrant of Tennozu
- Location: From Demeter in Konan Second Block area after ‘A Golden Opportunity’
- Strategy: Defeat Belphegor in the Tennozu area [Level 38, weak to Fire and Light]
- Reward: 15000 Macca, unlocks Belphegor for fusion
Infiltrate the Demon Feast
- Location: Automatica after the Tennozu area in Shinagawa
- Strategy: Follow the dialogue (seems like there are multiple avenues to proceed, but it doesn't matter how to approach it) which leads to a boss.
- Reward: Segata Game Console
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
- Note 2: Timed quest
Brawny Ambitions II
- Location: Hare of Inaba in Konan 3rd Block
- Strategy: Wants to meet Xiezhai with Puncture Punch
- Reward: UMA Talisman
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Tough Love
- Location: Konan 2nd Block in Shinagawa
- Strategy: You are tasked to kill Basilisks in the allotted time. You only need to kill two, but killing more will give more rewards.
- Reward: Virtuous Order Periapt, Chakra Drops / Chakra Pot
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
- Note 2: Moon Phase quest
Song of Nostalgia
- Location: Kinnamon in Fairy Vilalge
- Strategy: Go back to Tokyo and talk to NPCs on the new world map to learn the song, then return. The lyrics you need to remember when selecting choices are: The gajumaru trees, big parrotfish, sanshin's melody
- Reward: Enigma Talisman
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Pixie on the Case
- Location: Pixie south of Fairy Village
- Strategy: Follow through all the dialogue. Jack-o-Lantern is the culprit
- Reward: Unwrit Neutral Periapt
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Supply Run
- Location: Yuzuru along the main path in Shinagawa
- Strategy: Need 2 Life Stone Chains and 1 Chakra Drop
- Reward: 5 Force Gems
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only
Shin Megami Tensei V - Chiyoda Region Quests
Lighting the Way
- Location: Jack-O’-Lantern near Ginza Leyline
- Strategy: Give 2 Fire Gems.
- Reward: Chakra Drop. Repeatable.
Black Frost Strikes Back [mutually exclusive with A Sobering Standoff]
- Location: From Black Frost near Ginza Leyline
- Strategy: Defeat Dionysus [Level ??, weak to Ice]
- Reward: Health Balm x1, Black Frost joins
- Note: This quest seems Chaos-aligned
A Sobering Standoff [mutually exclusive with Black Frost Strikes Back]
- Location: From Dionysus near Sukiyabashi Leyline
- Strategy: Defeat Black Frost [Level 44, weak to Light]
- Reward: Stamina Balm x1, Dionysus joins
- Note: This quest seems Law-aligned
The Path to Myojin Forest
- Location: From Hua Po in West Ginza
- Strategy: She becomes your tag-along quest navigator for this area until you get to Myojin Forest, later in the zone.
- Reward: Silky’s Essence
Stones of Malice
- Location: A Zhen north of Sukiyabashi Leyline
- Strategy: Give 2 Poison Gems
- Reward: Dispel Charm. Repeatable
One Mokoi’s Trash...
- Location: From Mokoi after taking out the third Abscess in Chiyoda
- Strategy: Find Vintage Guitar in Kanda, Large Plastic Modeling Kit in Akihabara, TV with a built-in game system, also Akihabara. They are marked on your map.
- Reward: Kaiwan's Essence
The Falcon’s Head
- Location: This quest seems to appear once you have access to the Chiyoda region. To activate it, return to Fairy Village and talk to Isis.
- Strategy: Kill Horus above Sotokanda/Akihabara. To get to his perch, go to Akihabara Electric Town Leyline, climb up the climbing points to the NE, then head east. If you wait, you can see where the big arrow on the minimap perches for a moment [Level 46, weak to dark and wind]
- Reward: Lady Talisman
- Note: Canon of Creation only
An Unusual Forecast
- Location: Kelpie near Mansei Bridge Leyline
- Strategy: Kill Girimehkala, found SW of Konan 3rd Block Leyline [Level 46, immune to physical, weak to Light and Wind]
- Reward: Soma
- Note: If you already killed Girimehkala before accepting the quest, you'll have to return to where he was to pick up his head.
He of a Hundred Hands
- Location: Valkyrie near Akihabara Electric Town Leyline
- Strategy: Defeat Hecatoncheires, right under the first Akihabara Leyline. [Level 47, weak to Wind]
- Reward: 18000 Macca
A Power Beyond Control
- Location: From Angel near Awajicho Leyline after defeating Surt
- Strategy: You can finally go to that area east of Shinagawa: Konan 3rd Block Leyline. You fight Amanozako. Talk to her during a full moon. [Level 51, weak to Fire & Ice, she counters physicals]
- Reward: Small Glory Crystal x4. Amanazako Essence
The Search for Oyamatsumi
- Location: From Take-Minakata near Kanda-no-yashiro Leyline after defeating Surt.
- Strategy: Defeat Oyamatsumi near the Shiba Leyline [Level 48, weak to Fire]. It was the very first ‘big’ demon you ran into in Minato.
- Reward: Balm of Life x1, Oyamatsumi available for fusion
Clash with the Kunitsukami
- Location: From Okuninushi after ‘The Search for Oyamatsumi’
- Strategy: Fight all the Kunitsukami at once
- Reward: Kunitsu Talisman. Okuninushi available for fusion
The Horn of Plenty
- Location: From Demeter north of Otemachi Leyline, must have completed ‘The Tyrant of Tennozu’
- Strategy: Defeat Chimera running around Ginza [Level 50, weak to Wind]
- Reward: Megami Talisman
Roar of Hatred
- Location: From Demeter north of Otemachi Leyline, must have completed ‘The Horn of Plenty’
- Strategy: Defeat Moloch near Awajicho. [Level 51, weak to ice, accompanied by 2x Orabas and 1x Flauros]
- Reward: Phys Dampener x2, Moloch available for fusion
- Note: I did this quest after defeating Ishtar, may be available earlier.
The Angel of Destruction
- Location: From Power nearby right after beating Ishtar
- Strategy: Meet with Camael, near Ochanomizu. You fight him [Level 54, weak to Ice]
- Reward: Light Sutra x1. Camael unlocked for fusion.
Glitter in Ginza
- Location: From Queen Medb in Ginza after beating Ishtar
- Strategy: Collect 2 Diamonds, 3 Garnets, 3 Aquamarines. Use Decabaria to find.
- Reward: Grimoire x3. Afterwards, you can trade:
- Diamond x2 for Vitality Incense
- Garnet x3 for Agility Incense
- Aquamarine x3 for Luck Incense
- Emerald x3 for Strength Incense
- Amethyst x3 for Magic Incense
- Note: You find the gems through the quest navigator icons. I was lucky enough to have what I needed before the quest.
Liberate the Golden Stool [Mutually exclusive with Reclaim the Golden Stool]
- Location: Talk to Anansi in the area north of Ginza / Sukiyabashi, requires a Magatsuhi Rail
- Strategy: Defeat Onyankopon
- Reward: Stamina Balm x1, Anansi joins, and Onyankopon unlocked for fusion
- Note: This quest seems Chaos-aligned
- Note 2: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Reclaim the Golden Stool [Mutually exclusive with Liberate the Golden Stool]
- Location: Talk to Onyankopon near Awajicho Leyline
- Strategy: Defeat Anansi [Level 49; weak to Fire]
- Reward: Health Balm, Onyankpon joins, and Anansi unlocked for fusion.
- Note: This quest seems Law-aligned
- Note 2: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Netherworld Relay Racing
- Location: Orobas at the beginning of Chiyoda region, seems to appear after defeating Surt
- Strategy: Simply run to the target, in a generally clockwise fashion. You can use Magasutchi rails to make it easier.
- Reward: Agility Balm x3, Agility Incense.
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
- Note 2: Moon Phase quest
Will of the Samurai
- Location: Obtain a Yoshitsune and talk to him in your Demon Haunt (may require getting to Taito?)
- Strategy: Fight Atavaka east of Ginza, there's a rail in the canyon
- Reward: Battle Sutra
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Trial of the Seven Stars
- Location: Head to the rail east of Nihonbashi Leyline in Chiyoda. [Requires 'Will of the Samurai']
- Strategy: Talk to the Miman in the right order. If you mess up, you can just try again.
- Reward: Magic Mirror x3
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Guardian of Tokyo
- Location: A new Magatsuhi rail appears in Otemachi, which leads to Masakado [Requires 'Trial of the Seven Stars']
- Strategy: Fight Masakado. Before you can do this, you need to complete 'The Ancient Guardian' and defeat the Four Heavenly Kings in the 'Keeper' quests listed in the next section.
- More details can be found in our Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Masakado guide.
- Reward: 4 Lavish Demon Boxes, Masakado joins / unlocked for fusion
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
- Note 2: If you have the Kiou Sword from Canon of Vengeance, you are given the option to fight a more powerful version of Masakado. However, you get nothing tangible for beating the powered-up form over the normal form. You only get the satisfaction of doing so.
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Shinjuku Region Quests
Guide to the Lost
- Location: This quest is actually in Minato, but seems to appear after reaching Shinjuku. Talk to Armaiti near Onarimon Leyline, where Anahita is in 'The Demon of the Spring'
- Strategy: TBD
- Reward: Small Glory Crystals
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only
Heart of the Garnet
- Location: This quest is actually in Shinagawa, but seems to appear after reaching Shinjuku. Talk to a student in the Fairy Vilalge
- Strategy: Walk down the river to fight Vouivre
- Reward: Bead x2
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only
- Tao prefers the answer: "Finish her off."
- Yoko prefers the answer: "Let her go."
As God Wills
- Location: Throne near Shinjuku Gyoen leyline
- Strategy: Defeat Gogmagog
- Reward: 2x Attack Mirror
Lighting the Way
- Location: Jack-o-Lantern north of Shinjuku Gyoen leyline
- Strategy: Simply hand over two Fire Gems
- Reward: Chakra Drop. Can repeat.
A Self of My Own
- Location: Legion NWW of Shinjuku Gyoen leyline
- Strategy: Miman minigame. For me, the answers were left, rightmost, middle
- Reward: Soma Drop. Can do harder ones for 3x Soma Drop
Devotion of Order
- Location: From Armaiti in Sendagaya area (N of Jingu Naien Leyline), requires 'Guide to the Lost'
- Strategy: Defeat Mara (just to the east of here)
- Reward: 5x Critical Gems, Herald Armaiti unlocked for Fusion
Stones of Malice
- Location: A Zhen near Jingu Naien
- Strategy: Give 2 Poison Gems
- Reward: Dispel Charm. Repeatable
An Unusual Forecast
- Location: Kelpie near Shinjuku first block leyline
- Strategy: Kill Girimehkala, found SW of Konan 3rd Block Leyline [Level 46, immune to physical, weak to Light and Wind]
- Reward: Soma
- Note: If you already killed Girimehkala before accepting the quest, you'll have to return to where he was to pick up his head.
Part-Time Gasser
- Location: Mad Gasser near Shinjuku Gyoen leyline after some events in Shinjuku
- Strategy: Collect Buds. Defeating Zhens give you more. Luck Incense for first time. Luck Balm for 20+
- Reward: Amrita Showers
A Star is Born
- Location: Macabre near Shinjuku 3rd Block leyline
- Strategy: Get Amabie
- Reward: 10 Charm Gem, Amabie can be a navigator
The Disgraced Bird God
- Location: Senri near Kabukicho Leyline
- Strategy: Defeat Gurulu
- Reward: Force Sutra
The Horn of Plenty
- Location: From Demeter east of Kabukicho Leyline, must have completed ‘The Tyrant of Tennozu’
- Strategy: Defeat Chimera in far SE of Shinjuku area [Level 50, weak to Wind]
- Reward: Megami Talisman
- Tao prefers the answer: "Sacrifices are necessary."
- Yoko prefers the answer: "Sacrifices should be avoided"
Roar of Hatred
- Location: From Demeter east of Kabukicho Leyline, must have completed ‘The Horn of Plenty’
- Strategy: Defeat Moloch in West Shinjuku (after Agrat section). [Level 51, weak to ice, accompanied by 2x Orabas and 1x Flauros]
- Reward: Phys Dampener x2, Moloch available for fusion
Liberate the Golden Stool [Mutually exclusive with Reclaim the Golden Stool]
- Location: Talk to Anansi
- Strategy: Defeat Onyankopon near Shinjuku First Block
- Reward: Stamina Balm x1, Anansi joins, and Onyankopon unlocked for fusion
- Note: This quest seems Chaos-aligned
- Note 2: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Reclaim the Golden Stool [Mutually exclusive with Liberate the Golden Stool]
- Location: Talk to Onyankopon
- Strategy: Defeat Anansi [Level 49; weak to Fire]
- Reward: Health Balm, Onyankpon joins, and Anansi unlocked for fusion.
- Note: This quest seems Law-aligned
- Note 2: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Alice's Wonderland
- Location: Alice N of Kabukicho leyline
- Strategy: Control Alice and see the events
- Reward: Dark Sutra, Alice available as navigator
Shinjuku Jewel Hunt
- Location: NE of Kabukicho leyline
- Strategy: Wants 2 Diamonds, 3 Emeralds, 3 Amethysts (use Alice as a navigator)
- Reward: 3x Grimoire
The Vampire in Black [Mutually exclusive with The Hunter in White]
- Location: Kresnik in West Shinjuku
- Strategy: Defeat Kudlak in Kabukicho leyline
- Reward: Magic Incense x6, Yoko+
The Hunter in White [Mutually exclusive with The Vampire in Black]
- Location: Kudlak in Kabukicho leyline
- Strategy: Defeat Kresnik in West Shinjuku
- Reward: Strength Incense x6, Tao+
A Power Beyond Control
- Location: From Angel near Awajicho Leyline after defeating Surt (Or, Angel nearby after defeating Agrat)
- Strategy: You can finally go to that area east of Shinagawa: Konan 3rd Block Leyline. You fight Amanozako. Talk to her during a full moon. [Level 51, weak to Fire & Ice, she counters physicals]
- Reward: Small Glory Crystal x4. Amanazako Essence
The Angel of Destruction
- Location: From Power nearby after meeting Mastema again after fusing with Tsukuyomi
- Strategy: Meet with Camael, near Ochanomizu. You fight him [Level 54, weak to Ice]
- Reward: Light Sutra x1. Camael unlocked for fusion.
Heroes of Heaven and Earth
- Location: From Amatsukami near Jingu Naien
- Strategy: Defeat Yamata-no-Orochi in West Shinjuku
- Reward: Soul-Return
Shin Megami Tensei V - Taito Region Quests
A Princess in a Pickle
- Location: From Kaya-no-Hime north of Ueno Leyline
- Strategy: Give two Beads
- Reward: Chakra Pot, can be repeated
The Egyptians’ Fate
- Location: From Dominion far straight South of Ueno Leyline
- Strategy: Investigate Khonsu over in a new area in Minato. (The Odaiba Leyline is now available). You fight him once you get to him [Level 64, weak to ice].
- Reward: Small Glory Crystal x5, unlock Khonsu for fusion.
- Note: We highly suggest NOT killing Khonsu when given the choice after the battle, as you'll end the questline early. The questline may also be required for the game's hidden ending.
- Note 2: Canon of Creation only
On Bended Knees
- Location: From Yatagarasu NW of Ueno Leyline
- Strategy: GIve three Ambrosia
- Reward: Yatagarasu’s Essence. Yatagarasu can be your navigator.
In Defense of Tokyo [mutually exclusive with The Raid on Tokyo]
- Location: From Futsunushi in area S of Ueno Park Leyline (where Sui-ki appear)
- Strategy: Help Futsunushi protect Tokyo by eliminating Adramelech [Level 71, weak to Ice]
- Reward: Strength Balm x2
- Note: This quest seems Law-aligned
The Raid on Tokyo [mutually exclusive with In Defense of Tokyo]
- Location: From Adramelech in SW section, west of the big block puzzle area. Near Umayabashi Leyline.
- Strategy: Help Adramelech take over Tokyo by eliminating Futsunushi [Level 69, weak to Dark]
- Reward: Stamina Balm x2
- Note: This quest seems Chaos-aligned
Abaddon’s Assault
- Location: From Kurama Tengu in far NW section of Ueno. In the Shinobazo Pond area.
- Strategy: Fight Abaddon north of Ueno Park [Level 61, weak to Electricity]
- Reward: Grimoire x3
The Bull God’s Lineage
- Location: From Demeter in Taito, on the far West (slightly south) side, must have completed ‘Roar of Hatred’
- Strategy: Defeat Baal in Tennozu [Level 69, weak to Ice]
- Reward: Gospel x1, Baal available for fusion
The Winged Sun
- Location: Talk to Amon hanging out in Ueno after beating Khonsu in ‘The Egyptian’s Fate’ (can still take the quest no matter if you killed/spared Khonsu, but you’ll be locked out of the next one if he's dead)
- Strategy: Beat Mithras [71, weak to Ice] and Asura [Level 71, weak to Ice]. Then you return to Amon and return the crest to him (nothing happens if you choose to keep the crest). Any choice leads to a battle. [Level 73, weak to Ice, resists physical/light, absorbs fire]
- Reward: Tyrant Talisman, Mitras/Asura/Amon all available for fusion
- Note: If you spared Khonsu in 'The Egyptian’s Fate', he should make an appearance after defeating Amon. (Canon of Creation only)
- Note 2: If you are on Canon of Creation, the demons are near Tokyo Station in Chiyoda. If you are on Canon of Vengeance, the demons appear in Kabukicho area of Shinjuku.
An Incentive for Incense
- Location: From Loa on the Eastern side of Taito, in the Asakusa circular area
- Strategy: Trade him 2x Balm of Life
- Reward: Bead Chain. Can repeat.
The Sleeping Sands
- Location: Sandman quest NPC in the block puzzle area in the south part of Taito
- Strategy: Give him 2 Sleep Gems
- Reward: Amrita Shower. Can repeat
Fionn’s Resolve
- Location: From Fionn mac Cumhaill east of the center Abscess (the level 99 abscess) in Taito. You need to have completed Fairy Village quests (like ‘Root of the Problem’ and ‘An Unusual Forecast’).
- Strategy: Fight Fionn (you fight immediately after accepting, Level 66, weak to Electricity)
- Reward: Battle Sutra. Fionn joins your party and unlocks for fusion
A Need for Nectar
- Location: From Sarasvati in the center of Shinobazo Pond
- Strategy: Give 2x Amrita Shower
- Reward: Balm of Life. Repeatable
Downtown Rock ‘n Roll
- Location: From Ippon-Datara on roof west of train tracks west of Ueno
- Strategy: Get 10x Dragon Scales by killing ten Fafnirs or Yamata-no-Orochis
- Reward: 3x Critical Gems, Fafnir’s Essence
The Ancient Guardian
After completing this quest, you will unlock four more quests, one for each of the Four Heavenly Kings (Bishamonten/Koumokuten/Zouchouten/Jikokuten), which we will also place in this section of the guide. If you've already beaten these enemies as normal encounters in their locations, you'll still need to fight them again, and they have been strengthened to level 65 for the quests.
One last note, technically you don't have to complete (have turned in) the 'The Ancient Guardian' to unlock the four Keeper quests, you just need the sword from Arahabaki.
- Location: From Okuninushi in Kanda-no-Yashiro. Available as soon as you enter Taito.
- Strategy: Defeat Arahabaki in Fairy Village [Level 62, weak to Fire/Ice/Electricity/Force, blocks Physical]
- Reward: Lord’s Sword key item
- Note: This key item allows you to fight the 4 Heavenly Kings (Bishamonten/Koumokuten/Zouchouten/Jikokuten), one in each of the four main zones
- Note 2: Canon of Creation only
Keeper of the North
- Location: From Bishamonten near Ueno Park after completing ‘The Ancient Guardian’
- Strategy: You fight him [Level 65, weak to Ice]
- Reward: Large Glory Crystal, Bishamonten Essence, Heavenly Kings Periapt (Vengeance only)
Keeper of the West
- Location: From Koumokuten in Komiyacho after completing ‘The Ancient Guardian’
- Strategy: You fight him [level 65, weak to Electric]
- Reward: Large Glory Crystal, Koumokuten Essence
Keeper of the South
- Location: From Zouchouten south of North Shinagawa Leyline after completing ‘The Ancient Guardian’
- Strategy: You fight him [level 65, weak to Force]
- Reward: Large Glory Crystal, Zouchouten Essence
Keeper of the East
- Location: From Jikokuten in Akihabara after completing ‘The Ancient Guardian’
- Strategy: You fight him [level 65, weak to Fire]
- Reward: Large Glory Crystal, Jikokuten Essence
The Succession of Ra
- Location: Speak to Isis in the Odaiba area [Must have finished ‘The Falcon’s Head’, ‘The Egyptians’ Fate’ without killing Khonsu, and ‘The Winged Sun’. You also seem to have to exhaust some of Miyazu’s dialogue in the Fairy Village if you haven't]
- Strategy: Go to the Fairy Village and fight Khonsu Ra [Level 82, weak to Ice]
- Reward: Large Glory Crystal x2, Ra unlocked for fusion
- Note: It seems like the choice made at the end of the quest here doesn't matter much, but we decided to spare Khonsu again.
- Note 2: Canon of Creation only
Rite of Resurrection
- Location: Talk to Khonsu in Bethel Egypt after 'The Winged Sun'
- Strategy: Fight Khonsu Ra
- Reward: 2 Large Glory Crystals, Khonsu/Ra unlocked for fusion
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only.
God of Old, Devourer of Kin
- Location: Saturnus in Ueno Park
- Strategy: Defeat Zeus (he's with Odin as part of the story). Then fight Saturnus
- Reward: Fire Sutra, Vile Saturnus unlocked for fusion
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only
The Heartbroken
- Location: Incubus in Asakusa Main Street Leyline. [Requires 'The One I Love'.]
- Strategy: Get him 4x Balms of Life
- Reward: 2 Lavish Box
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only
The Destined Leader
- Location: From Kurama Tengo to the south of Umayabashi Leyline after getting the three keys in the main quest [must have completed ‘A Power Beyond Control’]
- Strategy: Meet with Kurama Tengu at Tokyo Tower. Find Amanozako at Nagatacho and return. You fight Zaou-Gongen [Level 75, weak to Electricity]
- Reward: Destruction Sutra, Fury Talisman, Zhao-Gongen unlocked for fusion, Amanozako joins/unlocked
The Holy Ring
- Location: From Melchizedek to the south after getting the three keys
- Strategy: Defeat the three seraphim angels (Level 74 - Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael).
- Reward: Herald Talisman
A Universe in Peril [Superboss quest]
- Location: Take the warp near where Vasuki was and you’ll meet Shiva. You seem to be able to take the warp around level 80.
- Strategy: Fight him [Level 96, weak to ice, absorbs fire and lighting and resists physical, summons level 92 allies].
- Reward: 3x Gospel. Shiva unlocked for fusion
- Note: Shiva is the hardest boss in the game (including the final boss), acting as the 'superboss' for Shin Megami Tensei V.
The One I (Still) Love
- Location: Incubus in Asakusa Main Street Leyline [Requires 'The One I Love'.]
- Strategy: Get him 4x Balms of Life
- Reward: 2 Soma
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Brawny Ambitions III
- Location: Hare of Inaba in Ueno Park in Taito
- Strategy: Bring Okuninushi
- Reward: Curative Cattail
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Wannabee-ho Nehobino
- Location: Taito, far SW of Shinobazu pond
- Strategy: Just talk to all the demons. Some are preoccupied and some will leave.
- Reward: Nahobeeho unlocked for fusion, Miracle Ice
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Goddesses of Fate
- Location: From any of the Moirae sisters (Clotho/Atropos/Lachesis) in your Demon Haunt after taking out Zeus
- Strategy: Put the three Moirae Sisters in your battle party and head to the marker in Taito
- Reward: Spyscope
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Heroes of the Celts
- Location: Talk to Fionn mac Cumhaill in your Haunt [Requires 'Fionn’s Resolve']
- Strategy: Talk to Cu Chulainn on the map, then collect Clovers. Heading south is the easiest
- Reward: Eye of Balor, Simple Demon Box
- Note: Moon Phase quest
- Note 2: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Maker of Myth
- Location: Talk to Siegfried south of Asakusa Main Street
- Strategy: Kill Garuda
- Reward: Blessed Fan
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Rascal of the Norse
- Location: Idun in Demon Haunt after completing "A Goddess Stolen"
- Strategy: Bring Idun and Loki to the Pond in Taito. Fight Thor (level 61, weak to wind)
- Reward: Asgardian Kin Periapt, Bead Chain
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Tokyo Quests
Prince of Her Dreams
- Location: Talk to Miyazu in the hallway
- Strategy: Talk to the student at the north end of 2F after class
- Reward: 3x Can of jelly
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
- Note 2: Timed quest, probably has to be done before leaving the school for the first time.
Training: Minato
- Location: Tokyo Diet Building - Transporter Room
- Strategy: Just some revisited boss giths
- Reward: Virtuous Chaos Periapt
In Pursuit of Knowledge
- Location: Tokyo World Map
- Strategy: A quick quiz. The answers are: Human corpse, Cacodaemon, Light a candle
- Reward: Treacherous Order Periapt
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Picture-Perfect Debut
- Location: From Amabie at Jozoji Temple
- Strategy: Can give the item to either Ichiro or Yuzuru at the school gates, or to a unnamed student at the dorm rooftop. The outcome is the same.
- Reward: Healing Sutra, Amabie's Essence
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Essential Research
- Location: Researcher at Bethel Tokyo
- Strategy: Teach the protagonist Mahama (I used a Mazami Essence to do this).
- Reward: Treacherous Neutral Periapt
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Supersonic Racing
- Location: Tokyo World Map after reaching Shinagawa
- Strategy: Run into Turbo Granny a few times and then fight her.
- Reward: Foul Turbo Granny unlocked for fusion, 4 Agility Incense
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Miracle Research
- Location: Tokyo HQ after Shinagawa events
- Strategy: You need the 'Passivation' Miracle, which is obtained by one of the Abcesses in the Chiyoda or Shinjuku Region.
- Reward: Chakra Elixir x1
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
To New Horizons
- Location: Tokyo world map after Shinagawa events
- Strategy: Talk to Muu Shuwuu in Minato, do the linear event, then fight a battle and get the Designer Shoes.
- Reward: Lavish Demon Box x2
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Classified Courier
- Location: Tokyo HQ after defeating Ishtar
- Strategy: Simply talk to an NPC in the Diet Building and return.
- Reward: New Testament Tablet x1
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Special Training: The Kunitsukami
- Location: Tokyo Diet Building (Appears after Shakan?)
- Strategy: Defeat the Kunitsukami of Kanda-no-yashiro battle in the simulator
- Reward: Kunitsu Talisman
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only
Special Training: Army of Chaos
- Location: Tokyo Diet Building (Appears after Shakan?)
- Strategy: Defeat the Army of Chaos Battles in the simulator
- Reward: Balm of Life x3
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only
Shin Megami Tensei V - End-Game / Empyrean Quests
There are three routes that lead to three different possible Empyreans. We'll label these routes by the key NPC attached to them. Spoiler warning.
-Abdiel/Ichiro Route
-Koshimizu/Yuzuru Route
One final note. The way in which Shin Megami Tensei V's endings are handled is a little bit different than previous SMT games. No matter which choices you made throughout the game, you can pick any of these three routes. However, if you pick a route that doesn't actually quite align with the choices you made throughout the game, you may be penalized slightly.
For example, the 'The Red Dragon’s Invitation' and 'The Seraph’s Return' quest below may charge you 666,000 Macca to accept if you pick a route that doesn't align with your choices, because the NPC quest giver does not trust you. If you *are* on the route the fits your choices, then they will not charge you Macca to accept the quest.
For more details on the ending choices, check out our Ending Guide. Again, spoiler warning.
A Plot Revealed [available on all Ending Routes]
- Location: Speak with Demeter in Empyrean [have to have completed ‘The Bull God’s Lineage’]
- Strategy: Defeat Zeus (level 86, Weak to wind, you can accept without going to the fight right after]
- Reward: Demeter joins/unlocked, Zeus unlocked for fusion, Siblings of Olympus Periapt (Vengeance only)
The Red Dragon’s Invitation [Koshimizu/Yuzuru (CoC) route only]
- Location: From Belial in the Demon’s King Castle [Must have completed ‘The Holy Ring’, talk to an NPC Nebiros in Empyrean]
- Strategy: Fight Michael in the Temple of Eternity, just past where Metatron was. [Level 80, weak to Force]
- Reward: Belial joins party, unlocked for fusion, and you obtain his essence. Macabre Family Periapt (Vengeance only)
- Note: The Nebiros NPC may charge you 666,000 Macca to accept the quest if your choices made throughout the game do not actually align with the Koshimizu/Yuzuru route.
The Seraph’s Return [Abdiel/Ichiro (CoC) route only]
- Location: From Michael in the Temple of Eternity [Abdiel route only, must have completed ‘The Holy Ring’, talk to an NPC Melchizedek in Empyrean]
- Strategy: Fight Belial in the Demon’s King Castle. [Level 80, weak to Ice]
- Reward: Michael joins party, unlocked for fusion, and you obtain his essence. Exalted Seraphim Periapt (Vengeance only)
- Note: The Melchizedek NPC may charge you 666,000 Macca to accept the quest if your choices made throughout the game do not actually align with the Abdiel/Ichiro route.
The Wrathful Queen [Koshimizu/Yuzuru (CoC) or Yoko (CoV) routes only]
- Location: Speak with Maria in Empreayen if you have the Seed of Life key item [Sophia will give this to you at 75% Compendium completion]
- Strategy: Fight Inanna [Level 81, weak to Physical and Dark]
- Reward: 150,000 Macca. Inanna unlocked.
The Compassionate Queen [Abdiel/Ichiro (CoC) or Tao (CoV) routes only]
- Location: Speak with Maria in Empreayen if you have the Seed of Life key item [Sophia will give this to you at 75% Compendium completion]
- Strategy: Fight Maria [Level 81, weak to Electricity]
- Reward: 150,000 Macca. Maria unlocked.
The Noble Queen [Nuwa/Yakumo (CoC) route only]
- Location: Speak with Maria in Empreayen if you have the Seed of Life key item [Sophia will give this to you at 75% Compendium completion]
- Strategy: Fight Dana [Level 81, weak to Dark]
- Reward: 150,000 Macca. Danu unlocked.
The Serpent King
- Location: Mastema near Shinjuku 1st Block Leyline. This quest only appears after stepping foot into the Empyrean, so we've placed it here in the guide.
- Strategy: Fight Samael at the Government building
- Reward: Samael unlocked for fusion. 3x Calamity Sutra
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only
The Great Adversary
- Location: Mastema near Shinjuku 1st Block Leyline after 'The Serpent King', only if you got the normal "True Neutral" ending on a Canon of Creation playthrough beforehand.
- Check out our Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Godborn Mode guide for more details.
- Strategy: Fight Satan. This is basically the new superboss for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
- Reward: Primal Talisman, Godborn Path, Satan Unlocked for Fusion, Moral Transcendence Miracle (unlocks level cap to 150). You'll also unlock Lucifer in a Godborn playthrough, I believe.
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Canon of Vengeance only
Shin Megami Tensei V - DLC Quests
Note 2: Some of these quests are included in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, but two new DLC quests are added. All quests that were DLC at one point in time are in this section.
A Goddess In Training
- Location: Tokyo Diet Building
- Strategy: After talking to the Bethel researchers at the Tokyo Diet Building, meet with Artemis at Tokyo Tower. She'll want you to look for Quetzalcoatl near the Diet Building, and you fight him [Level 34, weak to Electricity]. Return to Artemis and you be given the option to fight her. [Level 37, weak to Fire]
- Reward: Artemis joins party/unlocked for fusion. Vitality Balm x5
The Doctor's Last Wish
- Location: Tokyo Diet Building
- Strategy: After talking to the Bethel researchers at the Tokyo Diet Building, go to Kamiyacho in Minato. You'll fight Mephisto immediately [Level 79, weak to Light, null Physical]
- Reward: Health Balm x3. Mephisto won't join or unlock right away, but you can talk to the lead researcher to add/unlock him after the quest.
The Rage of a Queen
- Location: Tokyo Diet Building
- Strategy: Head to the Mita Leyline in Minato and head to the bus nearby. You'll fight Cleopatra immediately. [Level 61, weak to Dark]
- Reward: Cleopatra joins, unlocked for fusion (possibly only if you stop her). Stamina Balm x3
Return of the True Demon
- Location: Sophia in World of Shadows
- Strategy: Talk with Sophia at the World of Shadows, and she'll give you the Menorah of Knowledge. You will fight the Fiends one-by-one. Each Fiend can also drop Glory items, Balms, Sutras, and the Fiend will also be unlocked for fusion.
- Go to Tamachi Leyline to fight Matador [Level 24, weak to Electricity]
- Go to Tennozu Leyline to fight Daisoujou [Level 30, weak to Fire]
- Go east of Mitatebashi Leyline to fight Hell Biker [Level 36, weak to Ice]
- Talk with Sophia, then go NW of Awajicho Leyline to see a scene with the four riders. (In Canon of Vengeance, go to Shinjuku)
- Go to Ginza to fight White Rider [Level 43, weak to Electricity] (In Canon of Vengeance, go west of Shinjuku Gyoen leyline)
- Go to Akihabara, turn and work your way to the south to fight Red Rider [Level 47, weak to Ice] (In Canon of Vengeance, near Yoyogi area)
- Go to Akihabara Electric Town, head up onto the rooftops to fight Black Rider [Level 52, weak to Force] (In Canon of Vengeance, near Shinjuku 3rd Block)
- Go South of Tokyo Station to fight Pale Rider [Level 57, weak to Fire] (In Canon of Vengeance, near West Shinjuku)
- Talk with Sophia.
- Go SE of Ueno Park to fight Mother Harlot [Level 64, weak to Force, repels Phys]
- Go north and then west of Umayabashi to fight Trumpeter [Level 73, no weaknesses, resists all elements, nulls Light/Dark]
- Talk with Sophia and she will unlock the way to the Hall of Chaos. [Level 99, resists all, accompanied by many demons]. He is very hard even with level 99 demons.
- Reward: 666,666 Macca, Demi-fiend Essence.
Sakura Cinders of the East
- Location: Tokyo Diet Building
- Strategy: Talk to Konohana Sakuya near Onarimon Leyline. Fight Oyamatsumi (the golem) near Shiba Leyline [Level 48; Weak to Fire]. Return to Sakuya and fight her [Level 50; weak to Elec]
- Reward: Kunitsu Konohana Sakuya unlocked for fusion. 5x Magic Balm. Mountain Gods Periapt.
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only
Holy Will and Profane Dissent
- Location: Tokyo Diet Building
- Strategy: Talk to Danu near Shiba, then fight Dagda [Level 80; weak to light, resits all elements] near Nagatacho, both marked on your maps.
- Reward: 7x Strength Balm, Seeds of Dana Periapt, Dagda unlocked/recruited (talk to the researcher if you killed him, otherwise he joins right away)
- Note: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance only