Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Talisman locations: where to find all Talismans for Magatsuhi Skills
As you play through Shin Megami Tensei V and Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, one of the main rewards you'll get for clearing sidequests or collecting Miman are Talismans. These key items are what allow both the Nahobino and his demons to perform Magatsuhi skills in battle.
Magatsuhi Skills are performed somewhat separately from typical skills in combat. Instead of being tied to the Press Turn system, a Magatsuhi skill can be performed on any turn, as long as your red-colored Magatsuhi gauge is filled in battle. Early on in the game, this gauge only fills a little bit each turn, but as you gain more Glory, you'll be able to unlock Miracles that allow the gauge to fill more frequently in battle, such as every time you hit an enemies weakness.
Every race of demon has a Talisman to collect, which will unlock its Magatsuhi skill. Certain Magatsuhi skills are more useful than others - one quite useful one to note is Fairy Dance from Fairy-race demons. To be honest, even the default Omagatoki: Critical is quite useful throughout the game. Note that for the Nahobino to use Demon Magatsuhi skills, he first needs to unlock the Miracle 'Race Transcendence'.
Below is the location of all of the Talismans to be found in Shin Megami Tensei V and Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. There are 33 Talismans in the original game, and 8 new ones unique to the remaster, for a total of 41 Talismans.
If you find this guide handy, be sure to check out our walkthrough to every side quest, plus our location guides for Petrified Demons, Miman, and Mitama.

Shin Megami Tensei V - Talisman Locations
Haunt Talisman
- Location: 'A Preta Predicament' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Twilight Wave - Heavy Physical attack to all foes. Chane of inflicting Sleep.
Wargod Talisman
- Location: 'No Stone Unturned' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Freikugel EX - Severe Almighty attack based on level to 1 foe.
Yoma Talisman
- Location: 'Pollution Panic' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Potential - All potentials are maxed out for all allies for 1 turn.
Element Talisman
- Location: Reward from Gustave for finding 10 Miman
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Luck - EXP and Macca earned greatly increased if the battle ends on this turn.
Foul Talisman
- Location: Talk to a Slime NPC in the far SE dead-end from Hamamatsucho fount
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Potenial - All potentials are maxed out for all allies for 1 turn.
Avian Talisman
- Location: Reward from Gustave for finding 30 Miman
- Magatsuhi Skill: Accursed Poison - Chance of inflicting an ailment (stronger ailments prioritized) to all foes and lowers all stats by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Femme Talisman
- Location: 'The Demon of the Spring' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Free - All skills of all allies will cost 1 MP for 1 turn.
Drake Talisman
- Location: 'The Ultimate Omelette' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Big Bang - Severe Almighty attack based on level to all foes.
Fallen Talisman
- Location: 'To Cure a Curse' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Doubler - Buffs and debuffs are twice as effective for all allies for 1 turn.
Dragon Talisman
- Location: 'The Gold Dragon’s Arrival' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Dance - All multi-hit moves of all allies will deal the max amount of hits for 1 turn.
Brute Talisman
- Location: 'Talisman Hunt' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Expand: Critical Aura - Next Strength-based attack from all allies will be 100% accurate and guarantees Critical.
Raptor Talisman
- Location: 'Movin’ on Up' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Accursed Poison - Chance of inflicting an ailment (stronger ailments prioritized) to all foes and lowers all stats by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Jaki Talisman
- Location: Talk to a Rakshasa NPC on the Diet Building
- Magatsuhi Skill: Rasetsu Feast - Lowers all states to the minimum for all foes for 3 turns.
Avatar Talisman
- Location: Reward from Gustave for finding 45 Miman
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagataki: Hit - Accuracy and ailment efficacy of all allies is greatly raised for 1 turn.
Jirae Talisman
- Location: 'Chakra Drop Chomp' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Sincerity - Forgives up to 2 failures in a demon conversation for 1 turn.
Holy Talisman
- Location: Reward from Gustave for finding 55 Miman
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagataki: Hit - Accuracy and ailment efficacy of all allies is greatly raised for 1 turn.
Vile Talisman
- Location: 'Magic from the East' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Impaler's Glory - Greatly increases the damage of the next attack of self and adds Pierce effect.
Wilder Talisman
- Location: Speak to a Nue NPC in a warehouse in Container Yard. It’s the second as you head south from the Leyline, enter from the top.
- Magatsuhi Skill: Twilight Wave - Heavy Physical attack to all foes. Chane of inflicting Sleep.
Divine Talisman
- Location: Speak with the Angel nearby after defeating the werewolf boss in the Container Yard
- Magatsuhi Skill: Sea of Stars - Moderate MP recovery to all allies.
Beast Talisman
- Location: 'A Wish for a Fish' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Adversity - The lower the HP of all allies, the more damage and HP recovered through skills for 1 turn.
Fiend Talisman
- Location: Reward from Gustave for finding 70 Miman
- Magatsuhi Skill: Freikugel EX - Severe Almighty attack based on level to 1 foe.
Night Talisman
- Location: 'Kumbhanda’s Bottle' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Soul Drain - Heavy level-based Almighty HP/MP drain attack to 1 doe.
Kishin Talisman
- Location: Reward from Gustave for finding 90 Miman
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagataki: Pierce - All attacks from all allies will pierce for 1 turn.
Fairy Talisman
- Location: 'The Root of the Problem' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Fairy Banquet - Raises all states of all allies to the max for 3 turns.
Genma Talisman
- Location: Reward from Gustave for finding 100 Miman
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagataki: Luck - EXP and Macca earned greatly increased if the battle ends on this turn.
Lady Talisman
- Location: 'The Falcon’s Head' quest (Canon of Creation) or as part of main questline in Shinjuku in Canon of Vengeance
- Magatsuhi Skill: Waters of Youth - Full HP/MP recovery to self.
Snake Talisman
- Location: From Awajichi Leyline in Chiyoda, go to the SW, go to the tunnel underneath the Mishaguji, and after going through the longer tunnel, find Yurlunger nearby and speak with him.
- On Canon of Vengeance, you'll find him in Shinjuku
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Dance - All multi-hit moves of all allies will deal the max amount of hits for 1 turn.
Kunitsu Talisman
- Location: 'Clash with the Kunitsukami' quest (Canon of Creation) or 'Special Training: The Kunitsukami' quest (Canon of Vengeance)
- Magatsuhi Skill: Dekajaon - Negates all buff effects on all foes.
Herald Talisman
- Location: 'The Holy Ring' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Shield of God - Greatly decreased damage to all allies until the next turn.
Megami Talisman
- Location: 'The Horn of Plenty' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Eternal Prayer - Full HP recovery, ailment and/or death recovery for all allies (stock included).
Deity Talisman
- Location: 'The Bull God’s Lineage' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Charge - All charge effects will remain for all allies until the next turn.
Tyrant Talisman
- Location: 'The Winged Sun' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Savage - All skills of all allies will cost twice the MP but deal double the damage for 1 turn.
Fury Talisman
- Location: 'The Destined Leader' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Expand: Impaler's Animus (sometimes called Expand: Piercing Aura) - Increases the damage of all following attacks of all allies and adds Pierce effect.
Talismans new to Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Enigma Talisman
- Location: 'Song of Nostalgia' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Waters of Youth - Full HP and MP recovery to self.
UMA Talisman
- Location: 'Brawny Ambitions II' quest
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Adversity - The lower the HP of all allies, the more damage and HP recovered through skills for 1 turn.
Panagia Talisman
- Location: Obtained automatically once you reach Taito
- Magatsuhi Skill: Eternal Prayer - Full HP recovery, and recovery from ailments and incapacitation for all allies (stock included).
Chaos Talisman
- Location: Defeat Demi-Fiend in 'Return of the True Demon'
- Magatsuhi Skill: Big Bang - Severe level-based Almighty attack to all foes.
Qadistu Talisman
- Location: On the ground in Shinjuku just before the Shakan dungeon (Canon of Vengeance)
- Magatsuhi Skill: Soul Drain - Heavy level-based Almighty HP/MP drain attack to 1 foe.
Primal Talisman
- Location: Defeat Satan (Canon of Vengeance after a Canon of Creation True Neutral playthrough)
- Check out our Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Godborn Mode guide for more details.
- Magatsuhi Skill: Impaler's Glory - Greatly increased the damage of the next attack of self and adds Pierce effect.
Tsukuyomi Talisman
- Location: After Shinjuku events in Canon of Vengeance
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omnipotent Succession - Causes the next attack of self to be performed 4 times consecutively
Devil Talisman
- Location: Unlock Lucifer on a Godborn playthrough
- Magatsuhi Skill: Omagatoki: Savage -All skills of all allies will cost twice the MP but deal double the damage for 1 turn.