Genshin Impact: Cor Lapis farming locations and tips for fast gathering
Even just having one character in Genshin Impact can be fairly resource-demanding as a laid-back player, but Cor Lapis is one material with quite a bit of use. You’ll need plenty of the orange stones to keep characters like Chongyun, Keqing, and Zhongli ascended - and account for extra if you use more than one of these three on a regular basis.
Farming Cor Lapis itself doesn’t require making too much progression into the world of Teyvat. It’s a special material native to Liyue, so as long as you’ve made a little progress, you’re ready to farm. To stock up, we’ll cover below where to find Cor Lapis and our advice for collecting materials quickly.

Genshin Impact | Tips for Mining Cor Lapis
Farming any material can become a bit of a drag after too long, but there are small tweaks you can make to your party to speed up the process. To break Cor Lapis nodes, you’ll need to hit the stones with Blunt Damage, so think of characters like Diluc with a Claymorer, Klee with her bombs, or Zhongli’s elemental skill. Decide on who you’ll take to do the actual farming, and then review our tips:
Venti is by far the best character for exploring the open world. If you have him, he should be in your party for farming. Even if you haven’t invested anything in him, take Venti for his ability to hoist you up onto Anemo Swirls and quickly scale mountains.
Take any two Anemo characters for their Elemental Resonance. If you’re using Venti, you only need one more. Since you’re just worried about farming, there’s no need to have a powerful party - one character should do the trick. You can select two weak Anemo characters and trigger the Impetuous Winds resonance for 10% additional movement speed, 15% reduction in stamina use, and an additional 5% CDR on skills.
Yanfei and Qiqi reveal Cor Lapis (and other Liyue specialities) on the mini-map. They can’t specifically denote Cor Lapis and will show you all nearby Liyue materials, but having the map indicator is helpful when navigating around the confusing verticals of cliffs or caves. Bringing Qiqi or Yanfei in your party may help you pinpoint a piece of Cor Lapis tucked away somewhere.
If you need a few extra Primogems to pull on the above characters or work on resources for them, also refer to our Genshin Impact Code List updated for 2022.
Genshin Materials | Where to Farm Cor Lapis Fast
Genshin Impact’s post-launch patches have sped up material respawn timers. A node of Cor Lapis takes about two days to respawn now. If you’re trying to scoop up enough for multiple uses, make sure you’re keeping up with their timers.
To farm Cor Lapis, we recommend using a few of these paths. Some routes are faster and yield bigger returns than others, so try to prioritize the biggest bounties if you’re limited on time. There are 142 pieces of the Liyue speciality to find, so here’s our recommendations on hitting up the biggest stashes:

Mount Hulao, Cuijue Slope, and the Jueyun Karst Area
If you can only visit one location for Cor Lapis, it should be Mount Hulao. There are 18 pieces of Cor Lapis along the mountain alone you can quickly pick up. The area in the red circle yields the highest amount, so prioritize the Mt. Aocang Waypoint next, then Jueyun Karst. You can also pick up Cor Lorpis running along the flatter areas near Cuijue Slope. The area in the map above holds around 60 Cor Lapis.

Qingxu Pool, Lisha, and Lingju Pass
This area holds around 20-24 Cor Lapis, depending on how thorough you want to be. Try teleporting to the highest locations to make quick work of the route, so use the Qingxu Pool Waypoint, and head north to sweep up a few nodes there. Then use the South Lisha Waypoint, Lisha Waypoint, Lingju Pass Waypoint, and finally, the Statue of the Seven all the way to the north just over the Dunyu Ruins.
Other Locations for Cor Lapis
Cor Lapis also exists in small numbers from the Guyun Stone Forest Waypoint, out on the island - you can get six there. The Wuwang Hill Waypoint is the next, most central location with around 15 in that area, and five border Dragonspine at the Mingyun Waypoint.
For a map resource that ties to your own Genshin Impact, we recommend using the official Genshin Impact Teyvat Interactive Map from MiHoYo. It’s an incredibly helpful resource for tracking your own personal pins and creating routes, but if you don’t have the time - the above paths are perfect for quick Cor Lapis farming.
If our Cor Lapis article was helpful, try our other Genshin Impact guides:
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