Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch News

If Bandai Namco France is to be believed, it will be.
news by Zack Reese on 13 June, 2017

Ni No Kuni for £19.99/£17.99? Yes. We'll have some of that thanks Sony.
news by John-Paul Jones on 08 May, 2013

One final video of the Level-5 RPG.
news by David Kreinberg on 23 January, 2013

The good news is there's a free downloadable gift.
news by David Kreinberg on 09 January, 2013

Try out the Studio Ghibli/Level 5 collaboration.
news by David Kreinberg on 04 December, 2012

The North American branch of one of Japan's most rapidly growing studios teases something new.
news by Ron Taylor on 02 October, 2012

More from Level-5's upcoming JRPG.
news by Erren Van Duine on 17 August, 2012

Bonus content revealed for the North American version.
news by Erren Van Duine on 03 August, 2012

Includes the game, a hardcover spell book and more.
news by Erren Van Duine on 03 July, 2012

Check out Level 5's upcoming RPG in action.
news by Dan Arshad Khan on 06 June, 2012