Stranger of Sword City Articles

A dual pack with a beginner-friendly but sadly boring RPG, along with a much more interesting but less friendly re-release.
review by Adam Vitale on 01 April, 2021

A solid dungeon crawler with fantastic art and music, but a few poorly implemented ideas prevent it from being a truly great experience. The PC port is simple but performs well enough for the genre, and the addition portrait uploads is a fun bonus.
review by Adam Vitale on 05 June, 2016

A solid dungeon crawler with fantastic art and music, but a few poorly implemented ideas prevent it from being a truly great experience.
review by Adam Vitale on 09 April, 2016

Sword City may encounter the ocassional stumble, but the experience is unlike any other for a console starved of its genre, and certainly not one to be overlooked.
review by Andrea Kasparian on 08 April, 2016