Star Ocean The Second Story R - 100% Item Encyclopedia Database
This is a page for completionists. Here's a list of every item in Star Ocean The Second Story R, listed in the order as given in the game's Item Encyclopedia database.
Now, I won't list out where to get *every* item. Most you can find in shops, from battle, or Item Creation. I will point out some of the rarer items though, to help out, as well as some general tips. But make sure to clear the Maze of Tribulations, complete Fun City Arena matches, complete fishing rewards, Missions, etc.
Also, as you might expect, you'll need at least two playthroughs to collect every item, as some are exclusive to Claude's or Rena's route. Luckily with New Game+, you can keep your Item Database from playthrough to playthrough.

Healing Items
Many rares items can be found via Compounding Item Creation.
- Primavera
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Resurrection Elixir
- Resurrection Mist
- Holy Mist
- Mixed Syrup
- Fruit Syrup
- Hot Syrup
- Maple Syrup
- Sweet Syrup
- Refreshing Syrup
- Sour Syrup
- Herbal Potion
- Potion of Merlin
- Death of Socrates
- Angel Statuette
- Goddess Statuette
- Medical Rinse
- Aquaberries
- Antidote
- Paralysis Cure
- Stone Cure
- Medicine Bottle
- Wonder Drug
- Smelling Salts
- Strange Medicine
- Violent Pill
- Marionette Pill
- Hazardous Heal
- Potion of Nightmares
- Malodorous Potion
- Potion of Epiphany
- Sweet Potion
- Risky Resurrection
- Potion of Reversal
Almost all food in the game can be purchased or created with Item Creation, either through Cooking or Master Chef. In the remake, the game will clearly list if there are items that have not been made, so it's pretty easy to see if there's still an Item Creation food you are missing. Note that adult characters can create alcoholic food while minors cannot. Also, make sure to complete the Cooking Master minigame in Fun City.
Also make sure to get the 'failure foods' from Item Creation.
There is also one food item that seems to be only found by Pickpocket, unless I am mistaken. This is the Shrimp Dumplings, found in Salva.
- Fine Tuna Sashimi
- Tuna Sashimi
- Legendary Otoro
- Orange Gratin
- Macaroni Gratin
- Shrimp Gratin
- Luscious Gratin
- Shrimp Doria
- Deluxe Doria
- Rabbit Risotto
- Tearful Risotto
- Rice Omelet
- Salmon Omelet
- Plain Omelet
- Chicken Omelet
- Heavenly Doria
- Egg Fried Rice
- Miracle Stir-Fry
- Fried Rice with Meat
- Jamabalaya
- Gruel
- Shrimp Pilaf
- Soulful Rice Bowl
- Fruit Sandwich
- Egg Sandwich
- Sweet Toast
- Light Soup
- Mushroom Soup
- Seaweed Miso Soup
- Radish Miso Soup
- Rich Seafood Soup
- Supreme Seafood Soup
- Amoeba Soup
- Shark Fin Soup
- Swallow's Nest Soup
- Soup of the Demons
- Cream Stew
- Tasteless Stew
- Golden Stew
- Green Cream Soup
- Cream of Corn Soup
- Milky Potage
- Lord's Ozoni
- Shumai Dumplings
- Shrimp Dumplings
- Pickpocket only(?), Salva, left door, woman at stove
- Sole in Orange Sauce
- Sole in Wine Sauce
- Hearty Casserole
- Sashimi
- Rotting Sashimi
- Bean Paste Bun
- Steamed Bun
- Beef Croquette
- Rice Croquette
- Pumpkin Croquette
- Shark Fin Dumplings
- Gyoza Dumplings
- Grilled Tuna Belly
- Chicken Shish Kebab
- Hamburg Steak
- Steak
- Gelatin Steak
- Lamb Burger Steak
- Filet Mignon
- Luxury Tuna Steak
- Steak of the Demons
- Chicken Filet
- Ultimate Sirloin
- Amazing Tenderloin
- Mouthwatering Filet
- Peking Duck
- Pickled Vegetables
- Spring Roll
- Pumpkin Spring Roll
- Chawanmushi
- Pickled Plum
- Kasuzuke
- Rice-Bran Pickles
- Cabbage Roll
- Vegetable Stir-Fry
- Special Stir-Fry
- Wilted Salad
- Magical Salad
- Yogurt Salad
- Fried Egg
- Egg on Bacon
- Treasured Gorgonzola
- Scrumptious Pizza
- Flan
- Custard of Life
- Gateau Marjolaine
- Chocolate Banana
- Chocolate Crepe
- Banana Crepe
- Apple Crepe
- Pear Compote
- Strawberry Bavarois
- Konjac Jelly
- Muscat Jelly
- Slimy Gelatin
- Strawberry Rice Cake
- Rice Cake
- Stinky Bean Cake
- Bean Cake
- Delectable Cheese
- Yogurt
- Vanilla Ice Cream
- Beautiful Ice Cream
- Carrot Ice Cream
- White Peach Sherbet
- Orange Sherbet
- Hotcake
- Shortcake
- Bitter Cake
- Carrot Juice
- Vegetable Juice
- Bitter Juice
- Orange Soda
- Coconut Milk
- Fruit Milk
- Soy Milk
- Old Milk
- Flat Soda
- Nectar
- Lime Cooler
- Rose de Mai
- Nectar of Ambrosia
- Luxury Grape Juice
- Cola
- Ooze Cocktail
- Juice of the Demons
- Sunset Island
- Crazy Cow
- Bloody Driver
- Fire in the Sky
- Mango Lassi
- Banana Frappe
- Awful Cider
- Umai-bo Snack 1
- Umai-bo Snack 2
- Umai-bo Snack 3
- Umai-bo Snack 4
- Umai-bo Snack 5
- Umai-bo Snack 6
- Umai-bo Snack 7
- Umai-bo Snack 8
- Umai-bo Snack 9
- Umai-bo Snack 10
- Umai-bo Snack 11
- Umai-bo Snack 12
- Umai-bo Snack 13
- Umai-bo Snack 14
- Ladyfingers
- Strawberry Jam
- Raspberry Jam
- Apple Jam
- Aloe Jam
For Weapons, make sure to clear the post-game, complete each character's Arena matches, as well as exhaust their Item Creation lists (Customization). Also, make sure to get each "failure" weapon from Item Creation. You can also get these from Goodie Boxes, if you have a character who will never fail at making their weapons.
- Dull Blade
- Longsword
- Sinclair
- Farcutter
- Stringy Sword
- Silver Fang
- Golden Fang
- Soulbreaker
- Deadly Cleaver
- Bastard Sword
- Broadsword
- Baselard
- Force Sword
- Aurora Blade
- Metalcrusher
- Whirlwind
- Godslayer
- Holy Sword Farewell
- Flame Sword
- Searing Sword
- Walloon Sword
- Guthgwine
- Veil Piercer
- Famer Sword Veinslay
- Blade of Ruin
- Blade of Minos
- Silvance
- Sword of Marvels
- Saad Blade
- Demon Sword Levantine
- Aeterna
- Soul Slayer
- Scumbag Slayer
- Swallowblade
- Deadly Edge
- Oriental Blade
- Murasame
- Bouro
- Hope of the Breeze
- Crimson Devil
- Chrome Nightmare
- Planeteer
- Hachimentei
- Rickety Knuckles
- Brass Knuckles
- Hard Knuckles
- Fellpool Nails
- Cat Fang
- Cestus
- Metal Fang
- Taloned Kunckles
- Death Fang
- Cestus of Poison
- Dragon Claw
- Grizzly Clasp
- Tiger Fang
- Eagle's Claw
- Serpent's Tooth
- Fists of Giant
- Hecaton's Punch
- Fists of Asura
- Fists of the Titan
- Blazing Knuckles
- Burst of Fire
- Kaiser Knuckles
- Magic Knuckles
- Knuckles of the Moon
- Sorcerer's Knuckles
- Fists of the Moon
- Platinum Nail
- Emprezia
- Knuckles of Hope
- Phantom Slayer
- Love Force
- Heart of Hearts
- Natural Vice
- Creaky Rod
- Crested Rod
- Rod of Jabbering
- Rod of Jewels
- Rod
- Thunderclap Rod
- Silver Rod
- Ruby Wand
- Ruby Rod
- Rod of Snakes
- Dragonstaff
- Mindsoother
- Holy Rod
- Chameleon Rod
- Silver Moon
- Mindhealer
- Volticry
- Wimpy Swords
- Twin Swords
- Swords of Deflection
- Twin Fury
- Twin Splicers
- Double Smashers
- Lotus Eaters
- Mephistofar
- Venomous Stingers
- Maidens Aria
- Luminous Slicers
- Shield Swords
- Twin Needles
- Devil's Horns
- Holy Cross
- Gemini
- Souen & Guren
- Robot Puncher
- Steel Puncher
- One-Two Puncher
- Drill Puncher
- Ice Puncher
- Thunder Puncher
- Spark Puncher
- Fire Puncher
- Burning Puncher
- Super Puncher
- Majestic Puncher
- Megawatt Puncher
- Atomic Puncher
- SD Puncher
- UGA Puncher
- SDUGA Puncher
- Miracle Puncher
- Roaring Burst Puncher
- Thick Book
- Reference Book
- Picture Encyclopedia
- Academic Book
- Shake Up Your Brain!
- Dictionary
- All About ESP
- Encyclopedia
- Theory of Symbology
- Symbology Dictionary
- Sacred Tome
- Tome of Wisdom
- Book of the Ancients
- How the Brain Works
- Book of Shadows
- Book of Confusion
- Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy
- Booster Clip
- Wave Clip
- X Clip
- Alpha Clip
- Beta Clip
- Gamma Clip
- Black Clip
- Burst Clip
- White Clip
- Seventh Ray
- Pulse Clip
- Magic Clip
- Energy Clip
- AAM Clip
- Limp Whip
- Leather Whip
- Heavy Whip
- Flare Whip
- Light Whip
- Splinter
- Rose Whip
- Cat o' Nine Tails
- Hi-Tech Whip
- Freeze Whip
- Spark Whip
- Twin Tails
- Invisible Whip
- Dark Whip
- Glorious Thorn
- 10V Stun Gun
- Stun Gun
- Spark Stunner
- Electric Stunner
- Megawatt Stunner
- Lightning Gun
- Shock Gun
- Freeze Gun
- Flame Gun
- Metallic Launcher
- Air Gun
- Electron Gun
- Gigawatt Stunner
- Psychic Gun
- Variable Volt
- Handy Stick
- Fuzzy Handy Stick
- Playful Handy Stick
- Tedious Handy Stick
- Annoying Handy Stick
- Final Handy Stick
- Tense Handy Stick
- Worrying Handy Stick
- Furious Handy Stick
- Stern Handy Stick
- Violent Handy Stick
- Gutsy Handy Stick
Some armors are found via Customization.
- Holey Armor
- Weird Armor
- Weird Clothing
- Robe
- Leather Armor
- Padded Armor
- Silk Robe
- Ring Mail
- Mithril Dress
- Brigandine
- Amber Robe
- Evening Gown
- Silver Robe
- Mithril Coat
- Plate Armor
- Magic Armor
- Chaos Mail
- Holy Cloak
- Blessed Plate Armor
- Bloody Armor
- Steel Armor
- Eagle's Shawl
- Armor of the Arc
- Soul Jacker
- Wizard's Armor
- Mithril Mesh
- Cloak of the Stars
- Robe of Deception
- Robe of Ishtar
- Sylvan Mail
- Reflecting Plate
- Dueling Suit
- Seraphic Garb
- Valkyrie's Grab
- Battle Suit
- Valiant Mail
- Weird Gauntlet
- Buckler
- Wooden Shield
- Round Shield
- Weird Shield
- Rune Buckler
- Knight's Shield
- Fine Shield
- Crested Shield
- Gauntlet of Air
- Shield of Athena
- Barrier Shield
- Hand of Kali
- Shield of the Arc
- Soul Shield
- Mithril Shield
- Star Guard
- Shield of Algol
- Valkyrie's Bracelet
- Valiant Shield
- Gold Crown
- Crown
- Dream Crown
- Moon Tiara
- Beret
- Froghead
- Weird Cap
- Leather Helmet
- Weird Helmet
- Padded Helmet
- Magical Helmet
- Open Helmet
- Iron Helmet
- Rune Cap
- Wizard's Cap
- Bloody Helmet
- Hermit's Cap
- Plate Helmet
- Tiara Isis
- Steel Helmet
- Sylvan Helmet
- Helmet of Odin
- Tiara of the Arc
- Mithril Helmet
- Soul Helmet
- Dueling Helmet
- Glass Slippers
- Sandals
- Weird Shoes
- Boots
- Boots of Happiness
- Weird Boots
- Pin Heels
- Leather Greaves
- Suede Boots
- High Heels
- Leather Boots
- Safety Shoes
- Bunny Shoes
- Iron Greaves
- Plate Greaves
- Rune Shoes
- Neo Greaves
- Laced Boots
- Silver Greaves
- Witch's Boots
- Mithril Greaves
- Sylvan Boots
- Star Greaves
- Valkyrie's Boots
- Valiant Boots
Many Accessories are made via Crafting. Make sure to check each character's Crafting list in Item Creation.
- Anklet
- Silver Charm
- Amulet of Antivenin
- Amulet of Freedom
- Amulet of Flexibility
- Talisman
- Blue Talisman
- Lunar Talisman
- Foot Insignia
- Mist Insignia
- Moonlight
- Lunar Charm
- Golden Brooch
- Symbol of Divinity
- Symbol of Antiquity
- tri-Emblum
- tri-Emblem
- Hammer Charm
- Mallet Charm
- Ugly Accessory
- Angelic Headband
- Dragon's Ribbon
- Wyrm King's Ribbon
- Silver Barrette
- Intimidation Pendant
- Ruby Pendant
- Silver Pendant
- Leaf Pendant
- Velvet Tear
- Faerie Tear
- Tear of Israfel
- From the second Private Action with Philia, in Centropolis. This will remove Gabriel's limiter.
- Chain of Might
- Silver Amulet
- Necklace
- Star Necklace
- Mystic Amulet
- Purple Amulet
- Gold Cross
- Silver Cross
- Magic Cross
- Light Cross
- Shadow Cross
- Gold Idol
- Silver Idol
- Lavish Idol
- Sacrificial Doll
- Weird Doll
- Earring Magnetism
- Emerald Earring
- Gale Earring
- Gold Earring
- Shield Earring
- Silver Earring
- Star Earring
- Breeze Earring
- Lame Earring
- Hefty Earring
- Earring of Readiness
- Earring of the Winds
- Blood Earring
- Moon Earring
- Earring of Frenzy
- Ruby Earring
- Glittering Earring
- Onyx Earring
- Green Bracelet
- Gold Bracelet
- Dream Bracelet
- Ricochet Bracelet
- Bracelet of Gambling
- Aqua Ring
- Ring of Might
- Ring of Insanity
- Ring Infinity
- Water Ring
- Emerald Ring
- Gold Ring
- Thunder Ring
- Shield Ring
- Ring of the General
- In earlier versions of Star Ocean: The Second Story, this could only be obtained from a rare Private Action in Claude's route that takes place in Hilton *only* when Celine is NOT in the party. It was given from the prince of Krosse. But now you can just Pockpocket one from a dude in Armlock, on the street.
- Storm Ring
- Silver
- Stardust Ring
- Ring of Lightspeed
- Berserker Ring
- Weighty Ring
- Ring of the Accursed
- Ring of Healing
- Fire Ring
- Faerie Ring
- Prism Ring
- Princess Ring
- Flare Ring
- Ring of Absorption
- Ring of Trust
- Hefty Ring
- Holy Ring
- Mind Ring
- Meteor Ring
- Ring of Mental Power
- Regeneration Ring
- Ring of Fusion
- Ring of Lunacy
- Ring of Resistance
- Ring of Wisdom
- Heavy Ring
- Ring of Happiness
- In Rena's Route, you can get one talking to Allen in his mansion after the Salva Mines incident.
- Pickpocket - Centropolis Inn, woman at the counter.
- Ring of Sadness
- Ring of Avoidance
- Ring of the Deep King
- Archangel's Bracelet
- Winged Bracelet
- Sprite's Bracelet
- Pickpocket - Philia in Kurik, appears only during her Private Action.
- Pixie's Bracelet
- Fortune's Bracelet
- Santa's Boots
- Colorless Scarf
Materials are usually bought. Fishing is also found here. Some can only be found in Guild Missions. Also, make sure to do the Cooking Master minigame in Fun City.
- Iron
- Silver
- Gold
- Sapphire
- Ruby
- Green Beryl
- Crystal
- Diamond
- Star Ruby
- Damascus
- Rune Metal
- Orichalcum
- Rainbow Diamond
- Moonstone
- Philosopher's Stone
- Meteorite
- Mithril
- Seafood
- Top-Quality Tuna
- Marenne Oysters
- Fruit
- Sweet Fruit
- Grains
- Magic Rice
- Meat
- Sirlon
- Vegetables
- Organic Vegetables
- Eggs and Dairy
- Creamy Cheese
- Gelantinous Slime
- Wobbly Slime
- Ingredients of Yarma
- Lavender
- Wolfsbane
- Mandrake
- Rose Hip
- Artemis Leaf
- Athelas
- Conductor Baton
- Magic Canvas
- Magic Clay
- Fountain Pen
- Spectacles
- Mechanic's Toolbox
- Magic Film
- Premium Paper
- Feather Pen
- Pet Food
- Smith's Hammer
- Factor Energy
- Re-Creation Gem
- Smooth Crystal
- This is found in a chest at the end of Eluria Tower, only available after you beat the final boss. It is for Welch's secret accessory.
- Flawed Orb
- Green Upgrade Kit
- Megalauncher Kit
- Berserker Ring Kit
- Amulet of Flexibility Kit
- Silver Earring Kit
- Blue Talisman Kit
- Sacrificial Doll Kit
- Storm Ring Kit
- Emerald Ring Kit
- Moonlight Kit
- Mallet Charm Kit
- Star Guard Kit
- Shield of Athena Kit
- Dueling Kit
- Magic Armor Kit
- Witch's Boots Kit
- X Clip Kit
- Veda Idol Kit
- Angel Statuette Kit
- Experience Card Kit
- Starry Night Kit
- Shrimp
- Crest Shrimp
- Coach Shrimp
- Black Carla
- Castle Gate Carp
- Krosse Carp
- Otiph Carp
- Swift Trout
- Traveling Salmon
- Harbor Amago
- Wandering Salmon
- Clear Sky Trout
- Mountain Amago
- Divine Char
- Angel Trout
- Whelp Mouth Bass
- Ogre Mouth Bass
- Blue Ghoul
- Rabbit Sunfish
- Star Ruby Eye
- Amber Perch
- Glass Lotus
- Black Lotus
- White Lotus
- Sapphire Lotus
- Pearl Shark
- Dragonfish
- Pixie Mackerel
- Imp Mackerel
- Jailor Mackerel
- Elurian Urchin
- North Nedian Urchin
- Two-Star Sardine
- Seven-Star Sardine
- Hoffman Sardine
- Puny Goby
- Bunny Goby
- Rabbit Goby
- White Knight Tellowtail
- Lord Amberjack
- Paladin Seiola
- Mercenary Saba
- Magician Saba
- Witch Saba
- Quiver Amago
- Krosse Eel
- White Sands Viper
- Gross Eel
- Desert Dab
- Black Knight Dab
- King Dab
- Jotnar Fin
- Spring Child
- Picnic Bream
- Banquet Bream
- Lacuer Marlin
- Harley Marlin
- Hilton Marlin
- Junior Tuna
- Color Tuna
- Silverpatch Tuna
- Hoffman Shark
- Snow Gator
- Giant Black Tuna
- Tokuirokkaku
- Father of the Deep Sea
Almost all of these are made from Item Creation, like Art or Writing.
- Portrait A
- Portrait B
- Portrait C
- Portrait D
- Portrait E
- Portrait F
- Portrait G
- Portrait H
- Portrait I
- Portrait J
- Portrait K
- Portrait L
- Portrait M
- Goodie Box
- Jack-in-the-Box
- Benefaction Card
- Drawing Poses
- Dish of the Day
- Musicology
- Operation Manual
- Engineer's Handbook
- Choosing Ingredients
- Food for the Soul
- The Bestiary
- Walls of the Soul
- Life in Nature
- Secrets of the Earth
- Pocket Encyclopedia
- Metallurgy
- The World's a Stage
- The Perfect Rhythm
- Hermetic Philosophy
- Friends of the Woods
- All About Herbs
- Scroll of Power
- Death of Originality
- Fanfic!?
- Fanfic?
- Fanfic
- Fanfic!
- Fanfic!!!
- Fanfic ;)
- Fanfic ;O
- Fanfic X
- Planet of the Wind
- Eyes Only for You
- The World is Mine
- Advanced Symbology
- The Blood-Paved Road
- Alien Cultures
- S.O. Confidential
- Men Who Can't Say No
- Buy This Book!
- The Animal Touch
- All the Mayor's Mean
- Countdown
- Creating a Coup
- The Great Star Ocean
- Romantic Love
- You Go, Girl!
- Expert Symbology
- To Live
- Our Wise Forefathers
- The Violet Dahlia
- I Won't Look Back
- A Girl's Secrets
- Nature's Will
- Assassin's Handbook
- The Lost Tabernacle
- Uninstall
- Potion of Trust
- Aphrodisiac
- Music Box
- Plasma Generator
- Megalauncher
- White Upgrade
- Black Upgrade
- Green Upgrade
- Symbol of the Gods
- This is created from the Smooth Crystal, found in Eluria Tower in post-game, and only craftable by Welch.
- Forged Bill
- Forged Check
- Forged Document
- Secret Account
- Stock Certificate
- Counterfeit Medal
- Seizure Warrant
- Item Order
- Contract
- Scarlet Medal
- Counterfeit Seal Case
- Doodles
- Weird Shape
- Paper Scrap
- Pebbles
- Blurry Photo
- Scrap Iron
- Bounced Check
- Cinderella Glass
- Jewel of the Frog
- Fishy Fragrance
- Relax Perfume
- Pick Again
- Orb of Fire
Battle Items
- Faerie Elixir
- Faerie Mist
- Experience Card
- Wealth Card
- Treasure Card
- Faerie Card
- Revival Card
- Victory Card
- Critical Card
- Silence Card
- Hexagram Card
- The Scream
- Starry Night
- Deadly Poison Bomb
- Daze Bomb
- Mind Bomb
- Flare Bomb
- 4-way Bomb
- Assault Bomb
- Defense Bomb
- Megabomb
- Nuclear Bomb
- Compress of Veda
- Ointment of Veda
- Veda Idol
- Illusion Doll
- Faerie Statuette
- Warrior Idol
- Mirror of Knowledge
- Mental Potion
- Strength Bottle
- Potion of the Winders
- Potion of Might
- Immunity Pill
- Shock Oil
- Smoke Oil
- Smoke Mist
- Oil of Paralysis
- Paralysis Mist
- Mist of Madness
- Stink Gel
- Bubble Lotion
- Melt Potion
- Bitter Lotion
- Temper Tablet
- Potion of Lilith
- Sacrifice Pill
- Elven Powder
- Witch Powder
- Faeire Cologne
- Succubus Perfume
- Pixie Perfume
- Magic Gumdrop
Key Items
- Communicator
- Rena's Pendant
- Rena's Hairpin
- Treasure Map
- Ancient Text
- Travel Permit
- Mud Shoes
- House Key
- King's Tears
- Silver Chalice
- Metorx
- This is from Ashton's private action with Eleanor in Harley, available only on Rena's Route
- Armory Contest Badge
- Clarisage
- Dillwhip
- Combo Link
- Energy Stone
- ID Card
- Key Card
- Phase Unit
- Chisato's Card
- Rune Code
- Orb of Wisdom
- Orb of Might
- Orb of Courage
- Orb of Love
- Idol of the Warrior
- Pandora's Box
- Minae Cave Key Card
- LEA Metal
- N.P.I.D.
- Void Matter
- Piano
- Cembalo
- Mystical Shamisen
- Silver Trumpet
- Harmonica
- Lyre
- Violin
- Pipe Organ
- Lezard's Flask
- Thief's Glove
- Magician's Glove
- Magic Camera
- Element Analyzer
- Graphic Tool
- Music Editor
- Triangle Flask
- Magical Rasp
- Soldering Iron
- Survival Kit
- Word Processor
- Sterile Glove
- Keen Kitchen Knife
- Masterwork Rod
- Formation Manual "Defense"
- Formation Manual "Training"
- Formation Manual "Aid"
- Formation Manual "Support"
- Formation Manual "Alert"
- Formation Manual "Offense"
- Formation Manual "Flee"
- Formation Manual "Wealth"
- Formation Manual "Wisdom"
- Formation Manual "Healing"
- Formation Manual "Rage"
- Formation Manual "Unyielding"
- Secret Manual "Break"
- Secret Manual "Weight"
- Secret Manual "Preserve"
- Secret Manual "Pierce"
- Secret Manual "Augment"
- Angler's Plaque - Red
- Angler's Plaque - Blue
- Angler's Plaque - White
- Treasure Detector
- Break Booster
- AA Device
- Roddick Jewel
- Fayt Jewel
- Edge Jewel
- Fidel Jewel
- Raymond Jewel
- Laeticia Jewel
- Locket
- Errand Gold
- This is from A Private Action in Lacuer City with a woman who needs help with shopping.