Genshin Impact version 4.1 will make it simpler for players to do their dailies
HoYoVerse unveiled some new changes that will go live alongside the next update to Genshin Impact, version 4.1. According to a post on the HoYoLab community site, the changes, titled "Adventure Encounters", will make it easier for players engaged with the game to complete their various daily tasks and redeem rewards.
The current daily play structure of Genshin Impact is centered around performing "Daily Commissions", semi-random tasks that include defeating groups of enemies, playing minigames, escorting cargo balloons, running obstacle courses. In exchange, players who play every day can earn a steady trickle of Primogems and other rewards. Unfortunately, the daily commissions can be rather repetitive for longtime players.
The motivation for the decision to revamp Genshin Impact's daily commissions comes as an acknowledgement of the game's increased scope. The HoYoLab post mentiones the release of new areas (like the recently released Fontaine section), and the growth in the amount of available content. Thus, HoYoVerse sees it as time to make adjustments to gameplay to optimize players' experiences.
Following the debut of Genshin Impact version 4.1, any players at Adventurer Rank 35 and up or who have completed Archon Quest Chapter II: Act III will earn "Encounter Points" every time they complete a quest, participate in an event, carry out exploration, and collect materials. These points can be exchanged for the same rewards as completing a Daily Commission under the old system. Players who don't have enough Encounter Points can simply do Daily Commissions as they always have for the same rewards. In other words, the Encounter Points system is a way for players to skip the Daily Commission portion of their session, instead spending their time on things like event tasks, story quests, and things they'd rather do.
Other planned improvements include visual reminders when players can advance their Adventure Rank, adjustments to the Adventurer Rank Ascension Challege Stages to make them easier, and an earlier unlocking of the Embattle" guidebook, which rewards players for completing trials and enhancing certain crafted weapons.
Genshin Impact is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile platforms. A special preview stream of the version 4.1 update content will air on Friday, September 15, 2023. It'll be available to watch live via Twitch and later via YouTube.