The Ys Tabletop RPG - Ys: Age of Heroes - releases October 1
Announced on the Digital Eemals X/Twitter account today, Promethium Books' Ys tabletop RPG book, Ys: Age of Heroes, will be released on October 1, 2024! Initially announced a year ago, alongside the upcoming Legend of Heroes: Trails of Destiny TTRPG, Age of Heroes will release both in hardcover and digital formats, with pre-orders opening on September 10 on

Currently, Promethium Books has a few books planned to start players off with. The first two are the Player and Game Master books that will send players on their way with stats for nearly 100 creatures to contend with in the bestiary. The last of the initial offerings, coming later, is an Adventure book containing a premade story that will take a party of characters from level 1 up to 15 and possibly beyond. The team hopes that this is just the beginning and that they will be able to release additional books and supplements in the future, but only time will tell.
While details are still sparse on the specific systems, I spoke with the developers and got some info that should help wet interested players' whistles. Age of Heroes takes place 50 years after the last sighting—and assumed adventure—of Adol, and players and their unique characters will have to take up the mantle of adventurers to solve the new mysteries of the world.
Characters you create will have a lot of flexibility in how they grow, even though Age of Heroes has a class system, split between Core Classes and Elite Classes such as the Holy Knight or Alchemist, that you will need to unlock, but this is described simply as where you start, but not something you are stuck into. Every time you level up, you will gain skill points that you can invest in unlocking new special attacks and other goodies. It is even possible to master every class and every skill since there is no level limit, meaning there is room for epic-level campaigns with superpowered characters, which is always fun and exciting.
One thing that is apparent from talking with the folks from Promethium is that Ys: Age of Heroes is, first and foremost, a love letter to fans of the Ys franchise. The team has been working closely with Nihon Falcom during the game's year and a half of development, ensuring Nihon Falcom approves their lore, world information, and more. They even granted access to official documentation from Falcom about the extended world, including places that haven't been explored in the video games yet.
It won't be long before you will be able to explore the continent of Eresia in a whole new way, so if you're at all interested in filling in for Adol, then hop over to Promethium Books to pre-order a copy for yourself before the books release on October 1.