Previews by Mike Chittenden

Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria Preview
A tale of Norse gods, a possesed princess and the spirits of the dead, the second Valkyrie Profile looks pretty darn interesting.
preview by Mike Chittenden on 13 September, 2006

Dirge of Cerberus Preview
Miguel brings you up to date on the last chronological installment of the FFVII Compilation, starring Vincent Valentine in his own personal shooter.
preview by Mike Chittenden on 09 July, 2006

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Preview
As the next Legend of Zelda game, Twilight Princess, leaps onto the next generation, Miguel digs deep to deliver all the information you could want on Nintendo's huge RPG.
preview by Mike Chittenden on 03 June, 2006