Persona 3 Portable: Maiko (Hanged Man) social link choices guide
In Persona 3 Portable the Hanged Man Social Link is represented by a young girl called Maiko Oohashi - and she’s one of the more puzzling S-Links to get started thanks to her demands before she’ll befriend you.
Starting and ranking up the Maiko S-Link will help you with Hanged Man Arcana Persona fusion, and also reveal the unfolding storyline about this precocious young girl. This guide helps by giving you the right dialogue choices for both the male and female Persona 3 leads.
Maiko Oohashi S-Link Guide - Hanged Man

In truth, the Maiko S-Link in Persona 3 Portable is one of the more simple ones - but this guide will still help while staying as spoiler-free as we can. The hidden S-Link experience stat for each character rises naturally every time you hang out, but saying the right things grants bonus points that lead to quicker rank ups. This guide has all of those choices listed, even noting where dialogue differs for the male and female protagonists.
Housekeeping: the only choices listed here are ones that yield bonus points. If a dialogue isn’t listed, you’re safe to choose whatever option you like. If the bonus point values we list differ from what you get, make sure you’re getting the Arcana bonus point by having a Hanged Man Persona with you whenever spending time with Maiko.
- After the S-Link is unlocked, Maiko can be found at the Naganaki Shrine in the daytime on any day except a Sunday.
- Exclusively in Persona 3 Portable, Maiko will be one of the Missing Persons in Tartarus on 10/21. You must rescue her by 11/3 or this Social Link (and her life) will be lost.
How to Unlock & Start the Maiko S-Link - Something to Eat:
In order to kick off the Hanged Man S-Link with Maiko, you’ll need a couple of items to give her something to eat first:
- The earliest you can start the Maiko social Link is early May, 5/6 to be precise.
- Grab a Mad Bull from the vending machine on the second floor of the Dormitory building. They’re chump change, so no big deal.
- Also get a Weird Takoyaki from Octopia in Iwatodai Strip Ball, which is a little more expensive.
- With these items in hand, visit Naganaki Shrine on any daytime Monday-Saturday, and start the S-Link by sharing food.
Some other important notes about this S-Link:
- On Sundays, the shrine will be occupied by Sun Arcana S-Link Akinari - but only after you meet him during this S-Link.
- It’s worth noting that Maiko will end up lost inside Tartarus from 10/21. You must rescue her by 11/3, or this S-Link is lost forever.
- Once the Link starts, the Rank 1 choices aren’t relevant - you can choose whichever bit of the playground you like.
Rank 1 > 2:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male & Female Protagonist:
- Can we go to Wild-duck Burger?
- “Sure, let’s go.” +3
Rank 2 > 3:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male & Female Protagonist:
- Oh! Do you think he’ll come home for my birthday?
- “Don’t worry, he’ll be there.” +3
During this rank, you’ll meet Akinari, which is the first step towards starting the Sun Arcana S-Link, as detailed in our Persona 3 Portable Social Link guide.
Rank 3 > 4:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- They remembered!
- “I’m happy for you.” +3
- “Nobody could forget you.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- They remembered!
- “Good for you!” +3
- “Of course, they love you!” +3
Rank 4 > 5:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- I don’t know what to do…
- “That’s terrible.” +3
- I bet they wouldn’t care if I wasn’t even here at all!
- “That isn’t true.” +2
Female Protagonist:
- I don’t know what to do…
- “That’s mean!” +3
- I bet they wouldn’t care if I wasn’t even here at all!
- “That isn’t true.” +3
Rank 5 > 6:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- I made up my mind! I have to run away from home!
- “Calm down.” +2
- What about my health insurance card?
- “You don’t need that stuff.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- So I made up my mind! I have to run away from home!
- “Calm down, okay?” +3
- What about my health insurance card?
- “That’s good enough.” +3
Rank 6 > 7:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male & Female Protagonist:
- All choices at this Rank have no effect; answer however you like.
Rank 7 > 8:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- What do you feel like eating?
- “Hamburgers.” +2
- I was sad, but I listened to what they said. Did I do good?
- “Yeah, you did good.” +3
- You decide for me, okay?
- “Choose your dad.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- What do you feel like eating?
- “How about hamburgers?” +3
- I was sad, but I listened to what they said. Did I do good?
- “Good girl!” +3
- You decide for me, okay?
- “Your dad.” +3
Rank 8 > 9:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- We’ll still be friends though, right?
- “We’re friends forever.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- We’ll still be friends though, right?
- “We’re friends forever.” +3
- “We’re sisters forever.” +3
Rank 9 > 10:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Do you think I’ll have a family of my own one day?
- “I bet you will.” +3
- Can we be a mom and dad together?
- “Sure thing.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Forever and ever.
- “I won’t forget.” +3