Final Fantasy XVI Articles

The first of two DLC packs for the game lets players face off against Omega in a combat-focused side chapter of the story.
feature by Cullen Black on 12 December, 2023

We answer your burning questions about this rarest of things - a new numbed, main-line FF game!
feature by Alex Donaldson on 21 June, 2023

During the Final Fantasy XVI launch event we had the chance to sit down and discuss Final Fantasy, brotherly love, and the road to playing the main characters of the latest Final Fantasy.
interview by James Galizio on 21 June, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI is a confident game with amazing combat, an earnest narrative, and unbridled spectacle. Faults in pacing, RPG depth, quest design, and all those other nagging criticisms be damned - this game is special.
review by Cullen Black on 21 June, 2023

We sit down with FF16's Naoki Yoshida, Hiroshi Minagawa, and Michael-Christopher Koji Fox and talk finding new audiences, hopes, fears, and the identity of the hardest-working American on the planet.
interview by Alex Donaldson on 25 May, 2023

James and Alex sit down to discuss their thoughts, having played a hefty preview of Final Fantasy XVI
feature by Alex Donaldson and James Galizio on 23 May, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI is poised to be one of the most exciting releases of the year, and we had a chance to get our hands-on with it
preview by James Galizio on 22 May, 2023

FF16 is certainly different to everything that came before it. But to say it isn't Final Fantasy is just ludicrous.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 01 March, 2023

Thousands of you had your say - and now he's the best Final Fantasy games, ranked. And since you chose 'em, you can't complain.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 22 February, 2023

Who are the new characters you'll be getting to know in FF16? Let's meet them.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 09 December, 2022