GreedFall - Latest Updates
GreedFall reviews and features

Greedfall is a blemished but imaginative and choice-filled gem that harkens back to some of our favorite western RPGs.
review by Bryan Vitale on 09 September, 2019

More than a year since its announcement, we saw some demoed gameplay for the upcoming colonial RPG.
preview by Adam Vitale on 17 June, 2018
Latest GreedFall news and info

Owners of the PS4/XB1 versions can upgrade for free.
news by Adam Vitale on 25 June, 2021

Things are about to get dicey.
news by Adam Vitale on 26 November, 2020

You can also play on PlayStation Now.
news by Adam Vitale on 05 August, 2020

A narrated clip of gameplay for the upcoming RPG
news by Adam Vitale on 29 August, 2019

The colonial RPG from Spiders takes a page from Bioware.
news by Bryan Vitale on 19 August, 2019

The new spiders RPG shows off a vaguely RTWP combat system and dialogue choices.
news by Bryan Vitale on 07 August, 2019

This week's video looks at dialogue choice and skill customization.
news by Adam Vitale on 25 July, 2019

The independent developer finds a new home in growing Bigben publisher
news by Adam Vitale on 24 July, 2019

The first in a developer diary series showcasing the newest RPG from Spiders.
news by Adam Vitale on 18 July, 2019

Get a glimpse of storyline, dialogue, character customization, and combat in this RPG
news by Adam Vitale on 11 July, 2019