Reviews by RPG Site Staff

A well-paced and very fun experience for those interested in its throwback design.
review by RPG Site Staff on 19 September, 2015

The Vita may not have the highest enrollment rate right now, but can this expanded RPG port fill in some seats?
review by RPG Site Staff on 16 May, 2012

A terrifying tale of ghosts and gore in a haunted elementary school.
review by RPG Site Staff on 18 January, 2012

Kevin takes a peek at the long-awaited American release of Final Fantasy III.
review by RPG Site Staff on 21 November, 2006

Do quirky situations and a cheeky sense of humor make up for bland gameplay and a meandering narrative?
review by RPG Site Staff on 18 November, 2006

ArenaNet makes another smash hit with the follow-up to its wildly popular first MMORPG, Guild Wars.
review by RPG Site Staff on 06 August, 2006

Doing justice to the Secret of Mana series, one sprite at a time.
review by RPG Site Staff on 25 June, 2006

We take a look at how Chain of Memories fits into the Kingdom Hearts series.
review by RPG Site Staff on 17 June, 2006

On a system where RPGs don't flow like milk and honey, Activision fails to produce a worthwhile RPG for starving gamers.
review by RPG Site Staff on 10 June, 2006

Final Fantasy leaps on to the PS2 with Final Fantasy X - but does the tenth installment live up to the expectations of the previous ones?
review by RPG Site Staff on 03 June, 2006

Kevin shows you that LucasArts tries so very hard to compete in the MMORPG field with its own Star Wars-themed game. Unfortunately, they do so poorly.
review by RPG Site Staff on 01 June, 2006

ArenaNet stakes its claim in MMORPG territory with a beautiful game full of monsters, magic, and of course, synchronized dancing.
review by RPG Site Staff on 31 May, 2006

An MMORPG for the ages that immerses you into the wonderful landscapes, battles, and towns of the Warcraft series. Be prepared to sacrifice your time, life, and possibly significant other for this game.
review by RPG Site Staff on 31 May, 2006

You'd be hard-pressed to find a better RPG for the Gamecube.
review by RPG Site Staff on 25 May, 2006