Wii U - Latest Updates
Latest Wii U reviews and features

Nintendo's fast-approaching closure of the Wii U and 3DS eShops offers a grim reminder of the industry's failures to preserve its history
feature by James Galizio on 20 March, 2023

Which armor should you choose? Well, it depends; let us explain how to pick the best armor in ME1, 2, & 3.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 03 July, 2021

Who should you take in your squad on each mission? Here's some ideas.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 20 June, 2021

What should you do with the Rachni Queen in ME3?
guide by Alex Donaldson on 29 May, 2021

Maximize those war assets, polish up that romance, and be prepared before this point.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 29 May, 2021

Help a Salarian to protect his family's eggs by finding the Heating Unit Schematics key item.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 28 May, 2021

Where to find the dog tags on Benning for Ambassador Osoba.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 28 May, 2021

Where to find the Kakliosaur Fossil key item for this fetch quest.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 May, 2021

How to win there war with a truck-load of war assets and a high Total Military Strength score.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 25 May, 2021

How to get all the endings, and how exactly they all differ. Yes, there's more than three. Sorta.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 24 May, 2021
Latest Wii U news and info

The wait for Link's adventure just got at least a few months longer.
news by Alex Donaldson on 29 March, 2022

The Mother series releases the first two games again in the West.
news by Andrea Kasparian on 09 February, 2022

Only some of the titles will include English presentations.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 27 September, 2021

A handful of small sales updates as we head into a new fiscal year.
news by Adam Vitale on 06 May, 2021

Relive Commander Shepard's beloved adventures... in a few months. Plus, a first look at what the remaster changes.
news by Alex Donaldson and Adam Vitale on 02 February, 2021

More discussion on Paper Mario: Color Splash and Xenoblade, as well as some Kingdoms of Amalur and Pokemon Sword and Shield.
podcast by Adam Vitale on 06 June, 2020

More discussion on Paper Mario: Color Splash and Xenoblade, as well as some Kingdoms of Amalur and Pokemon Sword and Shield.
podcast by Adam Vitale on 06 June, 2020

In this episode, we discuss our spoiler-free first impressions of Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, as well as touch on Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest - The Adventure of Dai, and more!
podcast by RPG Site Staff on 30 May, 2020

In this episode, we discuss our spoiler-free first impressions of Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, as well as touch on Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest - The Adventure of Dai, and more!
podcast by RPG Site Staff on 30 May, 2020

Some spoiler-free impressions about the early parts of Final Fantasy VII Remake, continuing discussion on Xenoblade Chronicles X, and more.
podcast by Adam Vitale on 11 April, 2020