Phantasy Star Portable 2 - Latest Updates
Phantasy Star Portable 2 reviews and features

We check out Sega's new, improved Phantasy Star on the E3 show floor.
preview by Alex Donaldson on 19 June, 2010
Latest Phantasy Star Portable 2 news and info

PSV... Phantasy Star Victory?
news by Erren Van Duine on 07 July, 2011

Check out the E3 trailer for this handheld MMO spin-off sequel.
news by Alex Donaldson on 20 June, 2010

Check out Phantasy Star Portable 2 in English.
news by Alex Donaldson on 19 June, 2010

A first glimpse at the English version of Phantasy Star Portable 2.
news by Alex Donaldson on 21 May, 2010

Sega continues cross-series promotion in the latest Phantasy Star title, this time with Resonance of Fate.
news by Alex Donaldson on 03 February, 2010

Sega are to release a demo of the upcoming Phantasy Star sequel for the PSP in Japan this November.
news by Alex Donaldson on 16 October, 2009

The sci-fi RPG gets a surprisingly non sci-fi bit of product placement.
news by Alex Donaldson on 18 September, 2009