Fate/Samurai Remnant Articles

Fate/Samurai Remnant takes advantage of a new, grounded setting, a fresh cast of characters, and a gripping narrative to serve as both an approachable gateway to Fate for newbies and a potent fan service vehicle for veterans.
review by Josh Tolentino on 28 September, 2023

Chatting about Grail Wars, popular Servants, and how cute Saber is.
interview by Josh Torres, Kite Stenbuck, and Josh Tolentino on 19 September, 2023

Servants and Swords clash in this Edo-period take on the classic Fate story.
preview by Josh Tolentino on 18 August, 2023

Omega Force's fresh take on the Fate franchise feels poised to set a new standard for the series' games
preview by James Galizio on 05 July, 2023