Mass Effect 3 Articles

Kyle Campbell takes a look back on Mass Effect 3 and argues for why it is a fitting finale to the original Mass Effect trilogy.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 30 July, 2016

Shepard's five year journey ends with heartwarming affirmation.
feature by Johnny Cullen on 27 March, 2013

Is Aria's mission worth taking on now the war is won?
review by Alex Donaldson on 30 November, 2012

Does Bioware's first single player DLC for ME3 sink or swim?
review by Alex Donaldson on 29 August, 2012

The ending, the press, our review score, and you. Spoilers within.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 22 March, 2012

We take a look at how Mass Effect 3's Kinect-based features stack up.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 09 March, 2012

As the Mass Effect trilogy comes to a close, we complete our trilogy of interviews with the male Commander Shepard, Mark Meer.

Shepard's got some new moves. But how do they handle?
preview by Alex Donaldson on 02 September, 2011

We take a look at Shepard's latest (and greatest?) adventure.
preview by Alex Donaldson on 18 June, 2011