Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Guides

Which dish to make for the Fire Dragon chef and where to find the ingredients.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 19 January, 2018

Character Affinity Charts explained, the best skills to buy early and how blade affinity works.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 13 January, 2018

Every single Field Skill in Xenoblade 2, plus how to get them, what they do and more.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 19 December, 2017

Tired of those generic Common Blades you're getting from Core Crystals? Find out how to get some of the best and strongest Rare Blades in the game.
guide by RPG Site Staff and Josh Torres on 18 December, 2017

Everything you need to know about the blade system in Xenoblade 2.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 16 December, 2017

Discover how to be a master at the cute little arcade minigame in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and power up Poppi, Tora's artificial Blade.
guide by RPG Site Staff and Josh Torres on 11 December, 2017

There are a lot (a whole lot) of layers to Xenoblade 2's intricate combat system. We're here to help sort it out.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 08 December, 2017

If the English translation grates for you in Xenoblade 2, here's how to get dual audio and Japanese voiceover.
guide by RPG Site Staff and Josh Torres on 03 December, 2017

Discover the job system and all the classes to form the perfect party in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
guide by RPG Site Staff and Josh Torres on 02 December, 2017

Xenoblade 2's Boosters are unique and vital items - but what they do isn't exactly clear.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 02 December, 2017

The Xenosaga character makes a cameo appearance as a Rare Blade in Monolith Soft's newest RPG on the Switch.
guide by Josh Torres on 01 December, 2017