Previews by Alex Donaldson - Page 3

E3: Final Fantasy XIV Hands-On
E3: Final Fantasy XIV Hands-On

We take a look at how Square Enix's MMO is shaping up at E3 2010.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 20 June, 2010

E3: Phantasy Star Portable 2 Hands-On
E3: Phantasy Star Portable 2 Hands-On

We check out Sega's new, improved Phantasy Star on the E3 show floor.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 19 June, 2010

E3: Knights in the Nightmare PSP Hands-On
E3: Knights in the Nightmare PSP Hands-On

We check out the PSP version of Atlus' bullet hell shooter/Strategy RPG cross-over.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 19 June, 2010

E3: Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Hands-On
E3: Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Hands-On

We go hands on with the latest Disney/Square mash-up.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 17 June, 2010

E3: Valkyria Chronicles 2 Hands-On
E3: Valkyria Chronicles 2 Hands-On

We go hands on with Sega's portable RPG sequel.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 16 June, 2010

Nier Preview
Nier Preview

We take a look at Square Enix's latest Action-RPG Nier in the run-up to the final release of the game.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 13 April, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 Version Hands-On Impressions
Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 Version Hands-On Impressions

We look specifically at just how the Xbox 360 version of the game compares the only way we know how: by playing it!

preview by Alex Donaldson on 12 February, 2010

Resonance of Fate Import Impressions
Resonance of Fate Import Impressions

Our first impressions of the Japanese release of Resonance of Fate, the latest RPG from the studio behind Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 07 February, 2010

The Crystal Bearers Import Impressions
The Crystal Bearers Import Impressions

We go hands on with the import version of the last notable RPG release of 2009, the first single player driven Final Fantasy game for Wii.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 25 November, 2009

Final Fantasy XIII TGS Impressions
Final Fantasy XIII TGS Impressions

We go hands on with the TGS build of FF13 and pass verdict on the gameplay and storyline as well as those much-debated graphics changes.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 28 September, 2009

The Crystal Bearers TGS Impressions
The Crystal Bearers TGS Impressions

We go hands on with the Wii's first 'proper' Final Fantasy title and see if the change in direction is a good thing for the Crystal Chronicles series.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 25 September, 2009

Valkyria Chronicles 2 Impressions
Valkyria Chronicles 2 Impressions

We take a look at the TGS build of the slimmed-down, portable sequel to the PS3 sleeper hit.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 25 September, 2009

Final Fantasy Versus XIII TGS Impressions
Final Fantasy Versus XIII TGS Impressions

We give our impressions on the tiny glimpse of Versus Square Enix were offering at TGS.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 25 September, 2009

Final Fantasy XIV Preview
Final Fantasy XIV Preview

We get a brief hands-on with Final Fantasy XIV to see how the new Square Enix MMO is shaping up.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 21 August, 2009

Dissidia: Final Fantasy Preview
Dissidia: Final Fantasy Preview

With a Western release finally on the cards, Dissidia is the birthday party Final Fantasy fans have been waiting for - 22 famous FF characters facing off against each other. We take a look at the English version.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 15 June, 2009

Dragon Age: Origins Preview
Dragon Age: Origins Preview

Dragon Age: Origins has been living in the shadow of Bioware's other big titles lately, but at E3 EA thrust it into the spotlight so we could see what it's all about.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 14 June, 2009

Mass Effect 2 Preview
Mass Effect 2 Preview

As the sequel to one of the most popular and successful RPGs of this generation so far, Mass Effect 2 has a lot of high expectations to live up to. We take a look at the E3 build.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 14 June, 2009

Star Wars: The Old Republic Preview
Star Wars: The Old Republic Preview

We take a look at the massively multiplayer successor to the classic Knights of the Old Republic titles and see how Bioware are working to bring the game into the online arena.

preview by Alex Donaldson on 07 June, 2009

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